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County facts
Some known archeological sites in the county was damaged by vandals and looters. information here include Paul Bunions Polly bears Ears Mexican hats and angel arch.

San Juan


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Tel: 555 555 5555

Main Inside Heading

County facts
Some residents lived along the San Juan river before 1879 in that year, Mormon scouts who were exploring a rout began the famous hole in the rock expedition began the full scale settlement of san Juan county. 180 pioneers who left Escalante in fall that year arrived at the present site of Bluff on April 6, 1880 after harrowing months on what may have been the roughest emigrant trail in the west.

What the land is like The Colorado and San Juan rivers as well as smaller streams have
carved deep canyons and unusual erosional forms in the colorful sedimentary rock. Many people find this area spectacularly beautiful on a grand scale.

It got its name from the San Juan river. Named by Dominguez Escalante party. Economy livestock, mining. Area 7,725 square miles . Recreation rainbow bridge, Lake Powell, natural bridges, Navajo Indian reservation.

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Primary Business Address Address Line 2 Address Line 3 Address Line 4

Phone: 555-555-5555 Fax: 555-555-5555 E-mail:

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