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Ashley Statt 4444 W. Camino Acequia Phoenix, Arizona 85555 October 28th, 2013 W. P.

Carey School of Business Graduate Programs Arizona State University To Ms. Fields: I am delighted to be able to apply for the position of Student Engagement Staff within W. P. Carey. I have worked at several different positions within W. P. Carey and I have loved all of them. Being apart of the business community has been amazing and I want to continue my role as a student leader within our business college while attending graduate school. I exhibit great communication, organization, and creativity skills that I have acquired from being an involved student on ASUs campus. I acquired the position of being a Peer Advisor at W. P. Carey, which allowed me to run freshmen orientations and help each student choose their schedule. I would give presentations to students and parents along with assisting the undergraduate staff with whatever tasks they needed. I am a Peer Programmer, which allows me to plan events for freshmen residents to attend and also to work closely with the Community Assistants in the dorms. Living in the business residential community as a student leader is one of the most amazing jobs. In addition, I am an active leader in the American Business Womens Association and I attend many W. P. Carey events on campus, such as career fairs and lectures. Community is something that is so important to me and I will always be the one to support our ASU students. I wanted to show how involved I am at W. P. Carey so you could understand how much respect I have for this school. I love being a business student and I love helping out my business community. I want to spend my time in W. P. Carey because I know that this is a community that I cherish. I want to promote and enhance a positive image for our college and I will be a dedicated employee. I look forward to using my experiences and involvement to build new relationships within the business school while working towards my masters degree. I am interested in meeting with you to discuss about this amazing opportunity. If you have any questions or are interested in any further details, do not hesitate to call me at (602)-803-7728 or by email at I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you so much for your consideration. Sincerely,

Ashley Statt
Ashley Statt

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