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Section Prologue

Points 5 pts.

Description Tells the reader how to read the paper. May be brief (~ page) A thoughtful and thorough collection of no fewer than three genres responding to a single topic and perhaps considering the topic from several vantage points. This section should be impressive in the quality of work, the effort, and the final product. There must be structure connecting the whole piece making sure you are

3 different Types of MultiGenres

30 pts.


5 pts.

sticking to the theme you choose. Grammar and Spelling 5pts You will have plenty of time to create and revise this multi-genre paper, and I really expect strong final products. One point will be deducted for each grammar/spelling error. Reflective in nature, it describes the inspiration for each of the pieces in the project. This is also an ideal place to document specific notes from sources. Should also provide explanation of what is fact and what has been created or assumed


5 pts

about the situation. Works Cited Checking that you attempted this section if you choose not to do this you will lose 5 pts off project. Provide a Works Cited page in MLA format that shows where you took quotes from the text

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