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2013/2014 CUP TRIP SCOREBOARD : Q3 MTD 10.29.

2013 TEAM NAME LEGEND on 2nd page (sorry can't fit them in the space below) BASESHOP
FNA PREMIUM Ownership - 3017 Fanatics - 2158 Darlene - 2116 Sandi - 2116 Destiny - 1500 LOAN SECURITES Fanatics - 75,508 Vision - 31,428 Destiny - 19,506 Cindy - 18,009 Tammy B - 16,692 RECRUITS CSF PTS 2 3 1

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Fanatics - 9 Destiny - 8 Mike D - 8 Maddie - 5 Visionaries - 4

Fanatics - 1 Fanatics - 18,447 Visionaries - 1 Mike D - 12,611 Tawnya - 1 Visionaries-4392 Marci - 2765 Dean - 2291

FNA PREMIUM Nathan - 3017 Carly - 1500 Scottie - 1091 Andrew - 731 Vanessa - 653 LOAN SECURITES Scottie - 114,558 James - 70,001 Lubo - 45,586 Wolston - 29,670 Vanessa - 28,536 RECRUITS Vanessa - 1 Wolston - 1 CSF Lubo - 23,812 Scottie - 6997 James - 2110 Wolston - 2089 Anne M - 1863 CASH James - 6080 Scottie - 4697 Anne W - 3940 Wolston - 3422 Robert - 3109 P 3 2 1

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Dave - 6 Vanessa - 4 Scottie - 2 Adam - 2 Anne W - 2

FNA PREMIUM Sandi - 2116 Phillip - 1500 Mike D - 1427 LOAN SECURITES Cindy - 18,009 Donald - 15,825 Mike D - 12,461 Ben - 2625 Shandra - 2187 RECRUITS Tawnya - 1 CSF Mike D - 12,461 Shandra - 2187 Dean - 1616 Susan - 1050 Anna - 1000 CASH Sandi - 746 Cindy - 449 Mike D - 337 Ben - 138 Dean - 99 P 3 2 1

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Mike D - 8 Maddie - 5 Sandi - 3 Tanya - 3 Tawnya - 2

TEAM NAME LEGEND Destiny = Team Destiny - Dave and Terra McKinnon Fanatics = Team Freedom Fanatics - Wolston and Karen Ayoung Fighters = Team Freedom Fighters - Lubo and Maureen Invincible = Team Invincible - Anne Mendenhall LLB = Team Legacy Builders - Scottie and Bob Leduc Ownership = Team Ownership - Nathan and Kina Martin T Builders = Team Builders - Ben and Savannah McLaren Warriors = Team Debt Warriors - Joanne Hamill Vision = The Visionaries - Vanessa and Jay Nent Harmony = Team Harmony - Sibylle Rose Avengers = The Avengers - Adam and Sheryll Martin

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