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Omnibus III B Week 9

Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2013 Classwork Topics

Mrs. Moore Homework America: A Narrative History (A) O Pioneers!(O)

HF-End of book discussion Monday

Huckleberry Finn Paper due Wed.,Oct. 30.

Discuss: On the Meaning of Progress, W.E.B. Du Bois. Discuss A New England Nun, NAAL, pgs. 444-452. Compare student answers: What do the main characters want? What stands in their way? Do each of them get what they want? In your opinion, what is the big question the author is dealing with in this story?
Jackson TurnerClosing of the Frontier Wednesday Andrew Carnegie Read excerpt from Andrew Carnegie, The Gospel of Wealth. Be prepared for a brief reading quiz with the following questions: What does Carnegie see as the problem of our age? Does Carnegie see the great irregularity of fabulous homes for some and cottages for others as a good thing or a bad thing? According to Carnegie, is the law of competition a good thing or a bad thing for the progress of the human race? To what Scriptural principle does Carnegie link survival of the fittest? Why does Carnegie say communism is not the answer? What is the duty of the man of wealth? What about charity, according to Carnegie, does more harm than good?

Andrew Carnegie continued Friday

GoldNotes, Big Business and Organized Labor. Complete as directed. Due on test day.

Read NA pgs. 485-494, A Sweat-Shop Romance. Please write answers for: Who is the main character? What does he want? What gets in his way? Would you have written a different ending? Why or why not? Notes:
Unless otherwise noted, assignments are due following the class meeting assigned.

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