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Name: Karla Arevalo Newscast Self-Evaluation Form You can X where appropriate and write a comment if you want

to clarify your choice. Objective/Criteria Articulation: Every word is clear and distinct Pronunciation: Names, etc. pronounced correctly Needs Improvement Meets Expectations X- Words are clear. X- Sounds as if I said Cummunist Party instead of Communist Party. Other than that pronunciation is good. X- Rate was good. But some pauses were too long. X- Authoritative, strong and serious style. Exceptional

Rate appropriate

News Style:
authoritativ e Strong, Phrasing: Complete thoughts make sense X- Thoughts make sense but shorter sentences would have been easier to say for me and for the listener easier to follow.

Emphasis: Important words or ideas are stressed Sense of Communication: Direct to Listener as opposed to read Evidence that the copy has been practiced and perfected

X- Important words were clearly emphasized. X- Most of the newscast sounds natural. A few things sound as if I was reading. X- The newscast was
practice several times, which resulted in more energy and perfect timing.

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