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Cosmos Caf/ Night Club

Actors/Artifacts According to the text authors connect actors, artifacts, and figured worlds together because they are all essential in creating a system. Without one of the components the figured world would be lacking purpose or uniqueness. Actors are people who dont abide by the social norm but rather produce important artifacts (any object related to or given purpose for that specific figured world) which can refigure the cultural world and eventually transform habits. Bartlett and Holland describe literacy practice as working through several different contexts such as historical or political. Literacy is a persons capability to read/write and their association with others. Literary Practices: Communication through media- people were texting or exchanging numbers Reading- Signs for directions and menus Actors Dancers- those who perform a talented art. Salsa is the main genre that consists of a 4 count basic step. Interact with others and use the music as a base which to go by. Instructors- Talented dancers who are experienced in teaching. At the beginning of each night they show the basic steps used to help the newbies. Bartenders- Entertainers/Host for the night. Provide the of age people with various beverages. DJ- Very important part of the night. Sets the mood for the night. If the DJ is good the club makes profit, brings in more people, and creates a fun environment for the whole night. Without a DJ in this figured world there would be no dancing therefore it would not exist. Door/ ID checkers

Comment [K1]: Professor feedback: Great work! Your descriptions of the Bartlett and Holland concepts, detailed observations, and included YouTube videos worked well to create a clear picture of what transpired during your observation work. In revision, I want you to work on the following things: Add some pictures of these dance practices/events that you have observed. You describe them quite well throughout, but I still think having some sort of visual would be helpful to me as a reader. You may consider taking multiple pictures and creating a slideshow with captions--this I think would be the best method. Discuss your role as an actor in this figured world. How does your role impact your observations? Your assessment of the service? etc. Create a map of the location in Microsoft Word using shapes and a map key to note specific artifacts, actors, discourse communities, literacy practices etc. This would be particularly helpful for readers to visualize the place you have observed. Comment [K2]: Instead use title of article Comment [K3]: Be more descriptive

Comment [K4]: Reword

Artifacts: <- website to view this figured world Clothing-Dancing shoes are very important because it makes or breaks your night. If you have good shoes you dance better and your feet feel fine. If you wear the wrong shoes you may not be able to carry out a certain move, be at risk of an injury, or have sore feet at the end. Comfort and

sophistication is the style for dance. Women wear flowy clothing in order to look better and also to feel great. Dance floor- set apart from the sitting area. Used as the place where actors perform and interact in their figured world. It is significant because its a huge open area used primarily for the purpose of a lot of movement or dance. Tables/ Seating: Used for dining, placing food on, resting spot Menu: provides customers with options so that they can buy the product. Layout is important so the food advertised looks mouth-watering and the descriptions are intriguing. Discourse Communities: The talented: people who were experienced showed off their moves and were entertaining to the rest of us. Wallflowers:

Comment [K5]: Use different wording

Comment [K6]: Added by help of group; need to explain


Comment [K7]: Observations were descriptive and well written; Still elaborate a little more though.

1. Start time: 8/30/13 2p.m. As I walked in the place looked classy and well kept. There were many designs and pictures to bring peoples attention to. There were various seating choices all of which had a beautiful view of some sort. 2:05- Waiter comes to my table and asks about beverages, I got water and it was brought to me not much later 2:15- I decided the food of my choice. I ordered a black bean burger. It was well prepared with an enticing display so I enjoyed it very much. 2:45-finsihed with food. The only problem I had was with the pricing, I paid $13(tip included). 2:46- waiter was professional, nicely dressed, and was great at his job. 2. Start time: 9/5/13 10:46p.m. (checked the dresscode for admission; without the proper clothing you cant get in) Trying to find parking was hectic this time because of the traffic. It costs $5 to park without an event going on. We had to walk a little less than a block but there were cops everywhere so my friends and I felt safe. 10:48- I.D. checked Xs in permanent marker were put on my hands to symbolize I was under drinking age. This makes it easier for the bartender at night to know what to serve to who.

10:50-no cover fee for girls (females are more welcome) The night scene was much livelier. Strobe lights in the dark made it feel fun. 10:52-My friends and I scoped out a place to sit. There were many chairs to choose from and we felt safe to leave our bags at the table while we went to go dance. 11:00-We went to dance on the dance stage. It was located across from our table, up just a few stairs. The stage was a little small but it fit everyone. 11:10- went through basic dance moves with instructor for that night with other beginners. We all did well. Most of the people looked Latino and to be young adults. 11:22- It got hot quick, there was not enough air ventilation. We sat down to cool off after getting ice water from the bar tender. He was quick and looked enthused to be there. A lot of people were at the bar in the beginning. 11:45- The place got more packed. I tried to go in the bathroom and the stalls were full. There was a lady right beside the sink who was there to service the guests with paper towels and toiletries to freshen up. It is courteous when using their products to tip. 12:15- music style changes to slower more romantic; mood is set; some people sit back down mostly due to exhaustion. I found dancing to be an intense workout. People came in and out a lot at this time 12:34-Our group decided to leave at this time. A lot of business was going on still this late. It didnt end until 2 and Im pretty sure a lot of people stayed until that time.

3. Start time: 9/12/13 10:45pm There was a long wait line with a bunch of hyped stylish young people. 10:50- I.D. check again and Xs 10:55-Same type of environment as it were a few weeks ago but it seemed as if there was another crowd than that before. The good dancer wasnt there yet. We arrived a little early to get in free so there wasnt a lot of people yet 11:15-We began to dance. The style was bachata which is kind of romantic so the age limit restriction seems fair. The DJ was very involved with the crowd and people seemed to love him 11:45- the bartender has served a lot of people. There was only one and the bar started to look a little messy. 11:48- People were dancing in various ways. Some were classy and conservative while others were way too explicit. 11:59-A lot of social interaction took place during this time. People utilized the whole club for space to dance and didnt limit themselves to the dance floor. 12:30-Sweat was everywhere as if it were a gym. We sat down to rest before we left. A few older people showed up but they didnt really dance they just sat there. 12:37-We left because we all had class the next day but still had energy to keep dancing more.

We learned a lot and improved our dancing each time.

Summary The figured world I plan to observe is going to be a club in downtown Charlotte called Cosmos. I have chosen this community because I enjoy dancing myself and it is always lively so this project will be less difficult. Cosmos night club is a place of business where big crowds of people who want to go out, socialize, and Latin dance. The club also provides a restaurant during the day which I will also observe as well. By choosing this environment I feel like I will get a better experience with all the different forms of literacy. The people who go are heavily Hispanic oriented but there are a few others including myself who arent. The age group is typically young adults considering the age restrictions 18+ but there are a few older experienced dancers who help others improve their own skills. Attire in this particular club is more conservative than that of others because of the type of dance. A girl still wears dresses and heels just a special type. Men dress sophisticated to impress the women. When going to a club the specific activity you are planning to do would be to dance but others include socializing/mingling, drinking at the bar, or watching sport games with the large flat screens that they provide. The environment during the night time is energetic and encourages positive communication forming respected relationships between dance partners. Loud noise is expected but while socializing it is hard to communicate with others, the loud music gives the surrounding its extra excitement. Inappropriate behavior would be acting sloppy, stealing, or fighting with someone (I have not seen any of these any time I have been there). I look forward to observing this figured world and hope to spot things I havent before. Interview (Waiter- Employee of Cosmos) 1. Whats the significance of the layout of this club? I wasnt involved in creating the setting but I feel like it is sufficient for both times of the day. It brings in a lot of business so I guess they did something right. 2. How is the atmosphere different from the day/night time? During the day, especially lunch, we are busy but it is less chaotic than it would be at night. Customers are usually people on lunch break during the day and younger adults at night. 3. How were you introduced to dance? I have always danced; it is something that I enjoy. 4. Explain what specifically kept you coming back to this club? Well, I work here (he laughed) but I enjoy the people and the place is nice. 5. What is your favorite dish the restaurant provides during the day? What about it makes it your favorite? 6. If you were to approach someone to dance how would you go about it in the right way?

Comment [K8]: Summary was good, it covered the topic and was to the point.

Comment [K9]: Engaged well with person interviewed. Good questions

Comment [K10]: Forgot to put waiters comment in; add that

I have a dance partner so I dont have to worry about that but most who show up are all willing to dance so it is very easy. 7. What qualities are required for this position? You have to be outgoing and fun. No one wants to tip the waiter who just does his job, they give sympathy to the ones who show interest. 8. If a rude customer were to enter or make a scene how would you approach that? We are supposed to let the shift leader handle those situations but we try to speak politely to them and handle it ourselves if we can. 9. How does the location affect the business? We are in downtown so more people more business.

Comment [K11]: Add pictures and a video to show what downtown looks like

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