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LSC 1103 Summary Grading Sheet

Student name: __Waleed Abdulrahman__ Section ___CIT___

ID __H00214382__

Task Completion

score __45___ /50

Number of words within guidelines Total number of words included (excluding title and bibliography) A relevant title is included The correct font style, size, colour and spacing have been used * The main idea/s and supporting evidence have been included No irrelevant information or minor details Written in students own words


Score __35___ /40 Score 15 if the writing band is below 5:00 Score 20 if the writing band is 5.00 Score 25 if the writing band is 5.25 Score 30 if the writing band is 5.5 Score 40 if the writing band is 5.75 +


Score __8___ /10

The student has referenced the source under the heading, Reference The student has included all necessary available information in the reference The student has used correct APA formatting Some errors

Score out of 100 =


* Acceptable fonts are: Times New Roman Calibri Arial Size 14 for headings (Bold) Size 12 for body Spacing: 1.5 Colour: Black


Solar power/ clean energy Cost of importing/ gas Switch/ natvial gas


Europe UAE Shaikh zayed road


Abu dhabi/ march 2013/ masder shams 1 project Dubai/ October 2013/ solar park


Electricity has produced in this country.


Gas/ guaranteed 24 hours Soler power/ cheaper

Solar energy
We thought that solar energy is a myth because we haven't seen any changes around us in the UAE till Europe countries approved that its fact. There is a lot of natural gas and oil in the UAE which makes that country never worry about depending on the sun. Natural gas and diesel was cheap in the old days but now it become expensive unlike the solar photovoltaic which become cheaper. Thats why the government focus on the solar plans and they opened in AbuDhabi the shams 1 project and soon in Dubai they will open the solar park. Words: 99

Fotuhi, V. (2013, jun 04). Solar power in the UAE soon to be more than a mirage. Retrieved sep 29, 2013, from The National:

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