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CHRONICLES OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THEIR LIFESTYLE The United States of America, simply known as America (as

if it is the only country in the continent); a free country, where poor people go in search of jobs only to have their kids sent to prison, where people are arrested for speaking freely, where you are unnecessarily searched at airports. Their motto: Kick their ass, take their gas. The America people think that theirs is the number one country in the world in all respects (and few people around the world disagree). Now, lets take a closer look at America 1. A country which is proud of its people, their freedom, and also the genocide of their native population. 2. The language is taken from the British, against whom they fought for independence, and who eventually are their forefathers. 3. The national phrase, Life. Liberty. Possessions. 4. Every American receives a gun at birth. 5. Every American loves a good lawsuit. 6. Every American loses his/her virginity by the age of 13. 7. They are obsessed to the words shit and fuck. They use it everyday, even in their sleep. 8. They cant live without a gaming console. 9. They prefer to have AIDS rather than education. 10. They are the self-proclaimed owners of all reserves of mineral oil. 11. Believe that anyone outside America is weird. 12. Believe that everyone in Europe still lives in the 19th century. 13. The way America responds to everything. You dont want to mess with the Americans, unless you want to live in a radioactive crater. Just a few of the uncountable factors for which everyone in the world seems to desire a American lifestyle. And if these are not enough, theres the ultimate reason: Its America man!

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