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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

stands its 7th house is much favorable WHAT IS HEPENING THERE THIS IS TO DOWNLOAD MY DESIERED BOOKS ONLY ! SORRY SIR ! ASTROLOGY IS PERFECT. GOOD KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED FOR PREDICTIONS ONLY ONE METHOD OF ASTROLOGY IS NOT SUFFICIENT FOR PREDICTIONS. YOU SHOULD READ MORE AND MORE BOOKS ON THE SUBJECT. . Mercury and Venus are not as we see in panchangas. They are only like this, means in the sign and stars as we can see from point view of earth only so we says that sun merc and ven are always vary close because there path are so near that from earth we assumes that they are running jointly. Each planet should also judge from its position to 7th also. sun in libra is dengeruious for Aquarius sign like wise moon in Scorpio is for Capricorns . fourth is both for mother and father . mother is to judge from moon and father from sun. fifth house is for parental properties. Mars Saturn and Jupiter are working for four houses. 7th of the sun is earth and where sun

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