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Technical Overview
This document does not constitute a formal protocol specification or proof of security.

Picture, file and location sharing are fully-protected, even when utilizing external resources ( e. g. , image shari ng) . Radium offers the ability to generate a public key for the purpose of initial authentication. This can later be linked to from a QR code, allowing users to perform key verification from a business card, website or other media source. Radium' s server code will be released, and advanced options within the app( s) will allow an experienced user to create their own network.

Radium will utilize versions of already-trusted protocols such as OTR and ZRTP. A full protocol specification will be released later. All crypto algorithms will come from a trusted implementation. Radium will not voluntarily or knowingly use broken, backdoored or misleading implementations. Encryption is handled end-to-end, and key authentication is handled by the user in two possible ways: " Short Authentication String" functionality or physical verification from a QR code. Both methods give each party a " shared secret" that enables them to establish an authenticated means of secure communication without external functionality. All source code ( app and sever-side) , will be released to the public as soon as any application is released, allowing for independent security audits. Session keys in Radium are ephemeral and are ratcheted, in order to attain Perfect Forward Secrecy.

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