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The 31th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

St. Monicas Parish

November 2-3, 2013


Halloween. All Saints Day. All Souls Day. Remembrance Day. November comes upon us, and we see the signs of death in nature: fallen leaves; wet and windy days; long and chilly nights. It is a time when we naturally ponder our own mortality, finitude, and vulnerability. Our faith takes death seriously. Dead serious, you might say!! But it also tells us that death is not the final answer. Death, where is your victory? Where is your sting? For Christians, death is not the end, but the final transition: it is the movement from time into eternity. Today, we celebrate not a Mass for the dead, but a Mass of the Resurrection. As is our custom, we invite the families and friends of those whose funerals took place here at St. Monicas over the past year to join us as we commemorate their loved ones, the departed members of our faith community. We light candles. We sing songs. We pray. We remember. We celebrate the Eucharist: Christs promise of life triumphant over death: I am the Resurrection and the Life. Those who believe in me, even if they die, will live forever. We believe that Jesus is faithful to his promise. That his Paschal Mystery his own passion, death, and resurrection is the pattern of our own lives as well. In todays Gospel, we learn that Jesus came to seek out and save those who are lost, to bring salvation to all who are open to his gift of eternal life. As we remember our loved ones who have died, as we recall also those whose names are inscribed in our loving memory book family members, mentors, friends, fellow parishioners let us be grateful for the gift of life. Life here on earth, with its joys and struggles; life eternal, where we will enjoy the reward of our labours, resting in the arms of our loving Creator. O Lord, support us all the day long, until the shadows lengthen, and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then in your mercy, grant us a safe lodging, and a holy rest, and peace at last. Amen. (Blessed John Henry Newman)

Thank you all for your support!

The Faith and Justice Committee of St. Monicas parish wishes you a heartfelt thank you to all the wonderful people who worked so hard in making our bazaar such a success. Without the bakers, crafters, knitters, sewers, kitchen staff, and those who manned the tables and those who did the pricing and set-up, the bazaar would have been impossible to hold. We are very happy to announce that we made $4,535.00 of which the proceeds will go towards projects in our twin parish in Zamoran, El Salvador.

WHO ARE YOU? Are you using donation box #360? Or maybe donation box #367? If so, please call the parish office at 514-481-0267 and give us your name and address so that when the time comes, we will be able to issue a tax receipt to you. Thank you.

Adult Faith Enrichment

4:00 8:30 Saturday, Nov. 2 All Faithful Departed Sunday, Nov. 3 All Souls Day 31th Sunday Ordinary Time

Discovering the Bible: A User Friendly Guide

Why do we have a Bible? Do we need it? How did it take shape? Who are the people who wrote it down? Dr. Margaret Million, Ph.D is still with us for 2 more weeks, so please join us on Wednesday evenings, November 6 & 13 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the parish hall. Do you have questions about the Bible? Maybe we can find the answers together! Please register.

In Loving Memory: Elena Casale Zilli, Isa Mazzella, Kent & James Smith, Giuseppe Fiori, Wilfred Martin, Nick Cordo Patri, Dino Grotto, Emilio DAngelo. 11:00 Luigi & Alba Paliotti The Paliotti Family Monday, Nov. 4 St. Charles Borromeo 8:00 Ignazio Ciampini Ernesta Ciampini Tuesday, Nov. 5 Weekday 8:00 Angela & Luigi Cipriani Lina Spinelli 8:00 Wed., Nov. 6 The forgotten souls in Purgatory Thursday, Nov. 7 Angela & Giovanni Belini Friday, Nov. 8 Umberta Fontana Saturday, Nov. 9 Giovanni & Palma Farinelli Sunday, Nov. 10 Colombo & Emma Salvati Weekday Rosa Salvati & Family Weekday Lina Spinelli Weekday Dina, Lorne, Luigi The dedication of the Lateran Basilica Family & Friends 32nd Sunday Ordinary Time The Salvati Family

Video Divina
Fr. Raymond will present Cotton Patch Gospel, the second movie of his Meeting Jesus at the Movies film series, on Friday, November 8 at 7 p.m. in the parish rectory. As we explore different musical takes on the life of Jesus, we will also view clips from the folk-inspired Godspell, and the classic rock opera, Jesus Christ Superstar. Admission and popcorn are free, and stimulating discussion will follow the movie! All are welcome!

8:00 8:00



11:00 In Loving Memory: Giacomo Fiori, Joseph Onesi, Luigi & Rosa Mammone, Anna Maria Fiori, Iole Fantuzi, Santa Mattei, Aiello & Lonardo Family, Jean Pratte. Your Generosity
Thank you for your on-going support of our parish Last weekends collection was $2,541.25

Encountering Jesus in the Poor and the Marginalized

How did Jesus respond to persons on the margins of society? How does His example invite us to reconsider the way we look upon the poor and those living on the edge? What can we do together to follow Jesus example? Brian McDonough will lead us in our exploration of these important questions concerning this privileged meeting-place with the Lord on Thursday, November 21 from 7:15 to 9:00 pm in the parish hall. Please register by November 18. Please refer to our website and the posters at the Church entrances for additional information. If registration is required, kindly use the appropriate sign-up sheets at the main church entrance or contact Anna at the office 514-481-0267.


In your 2013 donation box, you will notice that there is no special yellow envelope marked All Souls Day Remembrance. To compensate for this, we invite you to use the special blue/gray envelopes marked All Souls Day Remembrance which you will find situated at various places around the church. On these envelopes, you will be able to record the names of your deceased family members and friends. You can also do the same in our Loving Memory books that are situated around the church. These books will be placed on the altar and your deceased loved ones will be prayed for at all the masses during the month of November.

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