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Natilua put an auveitisement in the papei to sell hei Samsung home theatie
system (2 months olu anu still in waiianty) foi $Suuu. She gave a post office box
numbei as hei contact uetails. }assi saw the auveitisement anu wiote to Natilua
saying she woulu take the home theatie system at the piice auveitiseu.

Natilua ieceiveu a numbei of letteis expiessing inteiest. 0n 8 Naich she wiote
to }assi anu tolu hei that she now wanteu $SSuu foi the home theatie system anu
woulu keep hei offei open foi one week.

}assi ieceiveu the lettei on 9 Naich anu wiote back to Natilua saying she woulu
accept the offei. She posteu the lettei on 1u Naich. 0nfoitunately Natilua uiu
not ieceive the lettei until 16 Naich.

0n 1u Naich Natilua met hei cousin Neika anu uiscusseu the sounu system.
Neika tolu Natilua she woulu ieally like the sounu system but coulu not affoiu
the full piice. Natilua tolu Neika she coulu have the sounu system foi $2Suu if
she woulu look aftei Natilua's chiluien on Satuiuay nights.

1. Inuicate the following by finuinghighlighting the appiopiiate woius in
the case stuuy:
a. invitation to tieat
b. intention to cieate legal ielations
c. offei
u. countei offei
e. consiueiation
f. acceptance
g. bieach of contiact
h. vagueness of teims

2. Was }assi's fiist lettei to Natilua an offei oi an acceptance. uive ieasons.
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S. Was }assi's seconu lettei an acceptance. Was Natilua bounu by this
acceptance. Explain. Iuentify a case that illustiates this point.
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4. Bas Natilua bieacheu hei contiact to }assi. Explain.
(Biu Natilua anu }assi have a valiu contiact on the 1u Naich when Natilua
uiscusseu selling the sounu system with hei cousin Neika.)

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