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This essay examines the integral relationship of Theological Anthropology and Rest in the writings of Ps-Macarius.

He often connects both the imago Dei and intended human telos with Rest. In examining Theological Anthropology in Macarius with a view to understand how Rest relates, we will discuss four key movements or states. First, we will examine the experience of Rest in the Garden of Eden for Adam and Eve. Secondly, the chief problem of the Fall of humanity and its lingering aftereffects deserve our attention. For Macarius, this necessitates discussions of a mixed state in which grace and evil coexist within human beings even after they have experienced grace, turned to Christ, attached themselves to the Holy Spirit, after having renounced evil and its dominion. Following our discussion of the Problem of the Fall, we will take up Macarius solution. He often writes of the need for cleansing, for rooting out the hidden indwelling evil. This leads to the spiritual struggle which Macarius insists on as essential to attaining freedom, cleansing, and Rest. Within this struggle, Macarius makes clear that while separate roles exist for God and human beings in the struggle, a certain cooperation or synergy is also required. We will conclude with an examination of the Goal or telos. For Macarius, the ultimate aim and deeply desired goal is the attainment of completeness and perfection. This involves the restoration of the divine image which was profoundly marred in the Fall. In addition, the goal of mutual indwelling connects with Macarius vision of becoming complete. This mutual indwelling means that God finds his Rest in us and we find our Rest in God.

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