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Name: David Gutirrez de Arcos Dear Sir,

Level 8: Set Writing A

Firstly I would to introduce myself: I am a consultant of the committee of Black Knight Medieval Society which, in the previous days has organised a Medieval Fair. I am aware of the article you posted on your latest printing on Saturday, and would like to make clear some points which, from my humble point of view, the newspaper has totally disregarded. In the first lines of the article, it is said that the Medieval Fair failed to acquire the same interest created in previous years but this was mainly because of the fact that there was a very remote chance of finding somewhere to park. Secondly, there is no likelihood that the archery display was tedious since we received huge amounts of emails regarding this matter and explaining that kids really enjoyed it. Moreover, I was actually upset as you wrote that visitors were not impressed by our dancing display because, as our visitors letters say, it was a resounding success. As regards to the tiny number of performances (cookery, craft stills and so on) one cannot rule out the fact that we had to tackle the potential and unexpected problem of the lack of space and I do believe you shall have taken that into consideration. Finally I would gently like to ask you for another version of the article in which you withdraw some of the assertions published in Saturdays article.

Yours faithfully, David Gutirrez

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