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No:1 Date : OBJECTIVES (i) (ii) To procure sufficient knowledge in MATLAB to solve the power system Problems. To write MATLAB progr m.



MATLAB is high perform nce l ngu ge for technic l computing. !t integr tes comput tion" visu li# tion nd progr mming in n e sy$to$use environment where problems nd solutions re e%pressed in f mili r m them tic l not tion. MATLAB is numeric comput tion softw re for engineering nd scientific c lcul tions. MATLAB is prim ry tool for m tri% comput tions. MATLAB is being used to simul te r ndom process" power system" control system nd communic tion theory. MATLAB comprising lot of option l tool bo%es nd block set like control system" optimi# tion" nd power system nd so on. 1.1. TYPICAL USES INCLUDE M th nd comput tion. Algorithm development. Modeling" simul tion nd prototype. & t n lysis" e%plor tion nd 'isu li# tion.

(cientific nd engineering gr phics. Applic tion development" including gr phic l user interf ce building. MATLAB is widely used tool in electric l engineering community. !t c n be used for simple m them tic l m nipul tion with m trices for underst nding nd te ching b sic m them tic l nd engineering concepts nd even for studying nd simul ting ctu l power system )

nd electric l system in gener l. The origin l concept of sm ll nd h ndy tool h s evolved to become n engineering work house. !t is now ccepted th t MATLAB nd its numerous tool bo%es repl ce nd*or enh nce the us ge of tr dition l simul tion tool for dv nced engineering pplic tions. +ngineering personnel responsible for studies of electric l power system" control system nd power electronics circuits will benefit from the MATLAB. To e%pertise in +lectric l (ystem (imul tion one should h ve b sic underst nding of electric circuits" power system nd power electronics. 1. . !ETTIN! STARTED WIT" MATLAB

To open the MATLAB pplic tions double click the M tl b icon on the desktop. This will open the MATLAB window sp ce with M tl b prompt s shown in the fig.).

,ig$)- MATLAB window sp ce To .uit from MATLAB type/ 00 .uit (1r) 00e%it To select the (def ult) current directory click 12 the icon 3/4 nd browse for the folder n med 5&-6(!M7LAB6%%%8" where %%% represents roll number of the individu l c ndid te in which folder should be cre ted lre dy. 9hen you st rt MATLAB you re presented with window from which you c n enter comm nds inter ctively. Altern tively" you c n put your comm nds in n M$ file nd e%ecute it t the MATLAB prompt. !n pr ctice you will prob bly do little of both. 1ne good ppro ch is to increment lly cre te your file of comm nds by first e%ecuting them. M$files c n be cl ssified into following : c tegories" i) ii) (cript M$files ; M in file cont ins comm nds nd from which functions c n lso be c lled. ,unction M$files ; ,unction file th t cont ins function comm nd t the first line of the M$file.

M$files to be cre ted by you should be pl ced in your def ult directory. The M$files developed c n be lo ded into the work sp ce by <ust typing the M$file n me. To lo d nd run M$file n med 5ybus.m8 in the worksp ce. 00ybus These M$files of comm nds must be given the file e%tension of 5 .#8. =owever M$files re not limited to being series of comm nds th t you don>t w nt to type t the MATLAB window" they c n lso be used to cre te user defined function. !t turns out th t MATLAB tool bo% is usu lly nothing more th n grouping of M$files th t someone cre ted to perform speci l type of n lysis like control system design nd power system n lysis. Any of the m tl b comm nds (eg- s.rt) is re lly n M$file. 1ne of the more gener lly useful m tl b tool bo%es is simulink ; dr g nd$drop dyn mic system simul tion environment. This will be used e%tensively in l bor tory" forming the he rt of the computer ided control system design (?A?(&) methodology th t is used. 00simulink At the m tl b prompt type simulink nd brings up the 5(imulink Libr ry Browser8. + ch of the items in the (imulink Libr ry Browser re the top level of hier rchy of p lette of elements th t you c n dd to simulink model of your own cre tion. At this time e%p nd the 5simulink8 p llete s it cont ins the m <ority of the elements you will use in this course. (imulink h s built into it v riety of integr tion lgorithm for integr ting the dyn mic e.u tions. @ou c n pl ce the dyn mic e.u tions of your system into simulink in four w ys. ) 7sing integr tors :. 7sing tr nsfer functions. A. 7sing st te sp ce e.u tions. B. 7sing ($ functions (the most vers tile ppro ch) 1nce you h ve the dyn mics in pl ce you c n pply inputs from the 5sources8 p lettes nd look t the results in the 5sinks8 p lette. ,in lly the most import nt MATLAB fe tures re its help. At the MATLAB Prompt simply typing helpdesk gives you ccess to se rch ble help s well s ll the MATLAB m nu ls. 00helpdesk To get the det ils bout the comm nd n me s.rt" <ust type/ 00help s.rt 9here s.rt is the comm nd n me nd you will get pretty good description in the MATLAB window s follows. *(CDT (.u re root. (CDT(E) is the s.u re root of the elements of E. ?omple% A

results re produced if E is not positive. (ee lso (CDTM. 1verlo ded methods help sym*s.rt.m 1.$ MATLAB WOR%SPACE The worksp ce is the window where you e%ecute MATLAB comm nds (Def. figure$)). The best w y to probe the worksp ce is to type whos. This comm nd shows you ll the v ri bles th t re currently in worksp ce. @ou should lw ys ch nge working directory to n ppropri te loc tion under your user n me. Another useful worksp ce$like comm nd is 00cle r ll !t elimin tes ll the v ri bles in your worksp ce. ,or e% mple st rt MATLAB nd e%ecute the following se.uence of comm nds 00 F:G 00bFHG 00whos 00cle r ll The first two comm nds lo ded the two v ri bles nd b to the worksp ce nd ssigned v lue of : nd H respectively. The cle r ll comm nd cle r the v ri bles v il ble in the work sp ce. The rrow keys re re l h ndy in MATLAB. 9hen typing in long e%pression t the comm nd line" the up rrow scrolls through previous comm nds nd down rrow dv nces the other direction. !nste d of retyping previously entered comm nd <ust hit the up rrow until you find it. !f you need to ch nge it slightly the other rrows let you position the cursor nywhere. ,in lly ny &1( comm nd c n be entered in MATLAB s long s it is preceded by ny e%cl min tion m rk. 00Idir 1.& MATLAB Data T'pe( The most distinguishing spect of MATLAB is th t it llows the user to m nipul te vectors (like HJ<K) nd m trices with the s me e se s m nipul ting sc l rs (likeH"K). Before diving into the ctu l comm nds everybody must spend few moments reviewing the m in MATLAB d t types. The three most common d t types you m y see re" )) rr ys :) strings A) structures. As for s MATLAB is concerned sc l r is lso worksp ce nd e%ecute the comm nds.

) % ) rr y. ,or e% mple cle r your

00 FB.:00AF3) BGL A4G 00whos Two things should be evident. ,irst MATLAB distinguishes the c se of v ri ble n me nd th t both nd A re considered rr ys. 2ow let>s look t the content of A nd . 00 00A Ag in two things re import nt from this e% mple. ,irst nybody c n e% mine the contents of ny v ri bles simply by typing its n me t the MATLAB prompt. (econd" when typing in m tri% sp ce between elements sep r te columns" where s semicolon sep r te rows. ,or pr ctice cre te the m tri% in your worksp ce by typing it in ll the MATLAB prompt. 00BF 3A M $)G B B :GN : ))4G (use semicolon(G) to represent the end of row) 00B Arr ys c n be constructed utom tic lly. ,or inst nce to cre te time vector where the time points st rt t M seconds nd go up to H seconds by increments of M.MM) 00mytime FM-M.MM)-HG Autom tic construction of rr ys of ll ones c n lso be cre ted s follows" 00myoneFones (A":) Note: Any MATLAB comm nd c n be termin ted by semicolon" which suppressed ny echo inform tion to the screen. 1.) S*a+a, -e,(.( A,,a' Mat/e#at0*a+ Ope,at0o1 (ince MATLAB tre ts everything s n rr y" you c n dd m trices s e sily s sc l rs. Example: 00cle r ll 00 FBG 00 AFNG 00 lph F JAG 00bF 3) :G A B4G 00BF 3L HG A )4G 00bet FbJB 1f course c nnot viol te the rules of m tri% lgebr which c n be understood from the following e% mple. 00cle r ll 00bF3) :GA B4G H

00BF3L N4G 00bet FbOB !n contr st to m tri% lgebr rules" the need m y rise to divide" multiply" r ise to power one vector by nother" element by element. The typic l sc l r comm nds re used for this 5J"$"*" O" P8 e%cept you put 5 .8 in front of the sc l r comm nd. Th t is" if you need to multiply the elements of 3) : A B4 by 3L N K Q4" <ust type... 003) : A B4.O3L N K Q4 1.2 Co130t0o1a+ State#e1t( v riety of condition l

Like most Progr mming l ngu ges" MATLAB supports st tements nd looping st tements. To e%plore these simply type 00help if 00help for 00help while Example : 00if #FM 00yFM 00else 00yF)*# 00end Looping : 00for nF)-:-)M 00sFsJnP: 00end $ @ields the sum of )P:JAP:JHP:JNP:JQP: PLOTTIN!


MATLAB>s potenti l in visu li#ing d t is pretty m #ing. 1ne of the nice fe tures is th t with the simplest of comm nds you c n h ve .uite bit of c p bility. Rr phs c n be plotted nd c n be s ved in different formul s. 00cle r ll 00tFM-)M-ALMG 00yFsin (pi*)KM O t)G To see plot of y versus t simply type" 00plot(t"y) To dd l bel" legend" grid nd title use L

00%l bel (STime in sec>)G 00yl bel (S'olt ge in volts>) 00title (S(inusoid l 1*P>)G 00legend (S(ign l>)G The comm nds bove provide the most plotting c p bility nd represent sever l shortcuts to the low$level ppro ch to gener ting MATLAB plots" specific lly the use of h ndle gr phics. The helpdesk provides ccess to pdf m nu l on h ndle gr phics for those re lly interested in it. 1.5 F.1*t0o1(

As mentioned e rlier" M$file c n be used to store se.uence of comm nds or user$ defined function. The comm nds nd functions th t comprise the new function must be put in file whose n me defines the n me of the new function" with filen me e%tension of T.mT.A function is gener li#ed input*output device. Th t is you c n give some input.( rguments) nd provides some output. MATLAB functions llow you much c p bility to e%p nd MATLAB>s usefulness. 9e will <ust touch on function here s you m y find them benefici l l ter. 9e will st rt by looking t the help on functions 00help function 9e will cre te our own function th t given n input m tri% returns vector cont ining the dmitt nce m tri%(y) of given imped nce m tri%(#)> #F3H : BG ) B H4

s input" the output would be"

yF3M.: M.H M.:HG ) M.:H M.:4 which is the reciproc l of e ch elements. To perform the s me n me the function 5 dmin8 nd noted th t 5 dmin8 must be stored in function M$file n med 5 dmin.m8. 7sing n editor" type the following comm nds nd s ve s 5 dmin.m8. dmin.m function y F dmin(#) y F ).*# return (imply c ll the function dmin from the worksp ce s follows" 00#F3H : BG ) B H4 00 dmin(#)

The output will be" ns F M.: M.H M.:H ) M.:H M.: 1therwise the s me function c n be c lled for ny times from ny script file provided the function M$file is v il ble in the current directory. 9ith this introduction nybody c n st rt progr mming in MATLAB nd c n be upd ted themselves by using v rious comm nds nd functions v il ble. ?oncerned with the 5Power (ystem (imul tion L bor tory8" initi lly solve the Power (ystem Problems m nu lly" list the e%pressions used in the problem nd then build your own MATLAB progr m or function.

COMPUTATION OF TRANSMISSION LINES PARAMETERS Expt.No: Date : AIM To determine the positive se.uence line p r meters L nd ? per ph se per kilometer of three ph se single nd double circuit tr nsmission lines for different conductor rr ngements . SOFTWARE REQUIRED: MATLAB N.L T"EORY Tr nsmission line h s four p r meters n mely resist nce" induct nce" c p cit nce nd conduct nce. The induct nce nd c p cit nce re due to the effect of m gnetic nd electric fields round the conductor. The resist nce of the conductor is best determined from the m nuf ctures d t " the induct nces nd c p cit nces c n be ev lu ted using the formul . FORMULAS: I13.*ta1*e: The gener l formul L F M.: ln (&m * &s) m= * UM Q

9here" &m F geometric me n dist nce (RM&) &s F geometric me n r dius (RMD) S016+e p/a(e 70,e ('(te# RM& F & RMD F re$)*B F rT F M.NNKK r 9here" r F r dius of conductor T/,ee p/a(e 8 ('##et,0*a+ (pa*016 RM& F & RMD F re$)*B F rT 9here" r F r dius of conductor V RMD F re$)*B F rT F M.NNKK r Capa*0ta1*e: A gener l formul for ev lu ting c p cit nce per ph se in micro f r d per km of tr nsmission line is given by ? F M.MHHL* ln (&e. * r) W,*km 9here" RM& is the 5Reometric me n dist nce8 which is s me s th t defined for induct nce under v rious c ses. AL!ORIT"M: (tep )- (t rt the Progr m. (tep :- Ret the input v lues for dist nce between the conductors nd bundle sp cing of &):" &:A nd &)A. (tep A- ,rom the formul given c lcul te RM&. RM&F (&):" &:A" &)A))*A (tep B- ? lcul te the ' lue of !mped nce nd ? p cit nce of the line. (tep H- +nd the Progr m. FLOW C"ART:


PROCEDURE: ). +nter the comm nd window of the MATLAB. :. ?re te new M ; file by selecting ,ile $ 2ew ; M ; ,ile A. Type nd s ve the progr m in the editor window. B. +%ecute the progr m by either pressing Tools ; Dun. H. 'iew the results E9ERCISE: 1 A three ph se tr nsposed line h s its conductors pl ced t dist nce of ))M" )) M V :: M. The conductors h ve di meter of A.L:Hcm ? lcul te the induct nce nd c p cit nce of the tr nsposed conductors. ( ) &etermine the induct nce nd c p cit nce per ph se per kilometer of the bove three lines. (b) 'erify the results using the MATLAB progr m. PRO!RAM: XA ph se single circuit &):Finput(Tenter the dist nce between &):in cm- T)G &:AFinput(Tenter the dist nce between &:Ain cm- T)G &A)Finput(Tenter the dist nce between &A)in cm- T)G dFinput(Tenter the v lue of d- T)G ))

rFd*:G &sFM.NNKKOrG %F&):O&:AO&A)G &e.Fnthroot(%"A)G @Flog(&e.*&s)G induct nceFM.:O@ c p cit nceFM.MHHL*(log(&e.*r)) fprintf(T6n The induct nce per ph se per km is Xf m=*ph*km 6nT"induct nce)G fprintf(T6n The c p cit nce per ph se per km is Xf mf*ph*km 6nT"c p cit nce)G o: t/e p,o6,a# The induct nce per ph se per km is ).ANNKK: m=*ph*km The c p cit nce per ph se per km is M.MMKANB mf*ph*km E9ERCISE: A ABH$k' double$circuit three$ph se tr nsposed line is composed of two A? (D" )"BA)"MMM$ cmil" BH*N Bobolink conductors per ph se with vertic l conductor configur tion s show in figure. The conductors h ve di meter of ).B:N inch nd RMD of M.HLB inch. The bundle sp cing in )K inch. ,ind the induct nce nd c p cit nce per ph se per Uilometer of the Line. The ,ollowing comm nds PRO!RAM: XA ph se double circuit XA ph se single circuit &):Finput(Tenter the dist nce between &):in cm- T)G &:AFinput(Tenter the dist nce between &:Ain cm- T)G &A)Finput(Tenter the dist nce between &A)in cm- T)G dFinput(Tenter the v lue of d- T)G rFd*:G &sFM.NNKKOrG %F&):O&:AO&A)G &e.Fnthroot(%"A)G @Flog(&e.*&s)G induct nceFM.:O@ c p cit nceFM.MHHL*(log(&e.*r)) fprintf(T6n The induct nce per ph se per km is Xf m=*ph*km 6nT"induct nce)G fprintf(T6n The c p cit nce per ph se per km is Xf mf*ph*km 6nT"c p cit nce)G o: t/e p,o6,a# The induct nce per ph se per km is ).ANNKK: m=*ph*km The c p cit nce per ph se per km is M.MMKANB mf*ph*km RESULT: ):

Thus the positive se.uence line p r meters L nd c per ph se per kilometer of three ph se single nd double circuit tr nsmission lines for different conductor rr ngement were determined nd verified with MATLAB softw re.

MODELLIN! OF TRANSMISSION LINES PARAMETER Expt.No:$ Date : AIM: To underst nd the modeling nd perform nce of medium lines SOFTWARE REQUIRED: MATLAB N.L T"EORY: Tr nsmission line h s four p r meters n mely resist nce" induct nce" c p cit nce nd conduct nce. The induct nce nd c p cit nce re due to the effect of m gnetic nd electric fields round the conductor. The resist nce of the conductor is best determined from the m nuf ctures d t " the induct nces nd c p cit nces c n be ev lu ted using the formul . FORMULAS: I13.*ta1*e: The gener l formul L F M.: ln (&m * &s) m= * UM 9here" &m F geometric me n dist nce (RM&) &s F geometric me n r dius (RMD) S016+e p/a(e 70,e ('(te# )A

RM& F & RMD F re$)*B F rT F M.NNKK r 9here" r F r dius of conductor T/,ee p/a(e 8 ('##et,0*a+ (pa*016 RM& F & RMD F re$)*B F rT 9here" r F r dius of conductor V RMD F re$)*B F rT F M.NNKK r Capa*0ta1*e: A gener l formul for ev lu ting c p cit nce per ph se in micro f r d per km of tr nsmission line is given by ? F M.MHHL* ln (&e. * r) W,*km 9here" RM& is the 5Reometric me n dist nce8 which is s me s th t defined for induct nce under v rious c ses. AL!ORIT"M: (tep )- (t rt the Progr m. (tep :- Ret the input v lues for conductors. (tep A- To find the dmitt nce (y) nd imped nce (#). (tep B- To find Deceiving end 'olt ge nd Deceiving end Power. (tep H- To find Deceiving end ?urrent nd (ending end 'olt ge nd ?urrent. (tep L- To find the Power f ctor nd sending ending power nd Degul tion. FLOW C"ART:


PROCEDURE: ). +nter the comm nd window of the MATLAB. :. ?re te new M ; file by selecting ,ile $ 2ew ; M ; ,ile A. Type nd s ve the progr m in the editor window. B. +%ecute the progr m by either pressing Tools ; Dun. H. 'iew the results PRO!RAM: XA ph se double circuit ( F input(T+nter row vector 3())" (::" (AA4 F T)G = F input(T+nter row vector 3=):" =:A4 F T)G d F input(TBundle sp cing in inch F T)G di F input(T?onductor di meter in inch F T)G rFdi *:G &s F input(TReometric Me n D dius in inch F T)G ()) F (())G (:: F ((:)G (AA F ((A)G =): F =())G =:A F =(:)G ) F $())*: J <O=):G b) F $(::*: J <OMG c) F $(AA*: $ <O=:AG : F ())*: J <O=):G b: F (::*: J <OMG c: F (AA*: $ <O=:AG & )b) F bs( ) $ b))G & )b: F bs( ) $ b:)G & )c) F bs( ) $ c))G & )c: F bs( ) $ c:)G &b)c) F bs(b) $ c))G &b)c: F bs(b) $ c:)G & :b) F bs( : $ b))G & :b: F bs( : $ b:)G )H

& :c) F bs( : $ c))G & :c: F bs( : $ c:)G &b:c) F bs(b: $ c))G &b:c: F bs(b: $ c:)G & ) : F bs( ) $ :)G &b)b: F bs(b) $ b:)G &c)c: F bs(c) $ c:)G &ABF(& )b)O& )b:O & :b)O& :b:)PM.:HG &B?F(&b)c)O&b)c:O&b:c)O&b:c:)P.:HG &?AF(& )c)O& )c:O& :c)O& :c:)P.:HG RM&F(&ABO&B?O&?A)P()*A) &s F :.HBO&s*)MMG r F :.HBOr*)MMG d F :.HBOd*)MMG &sb F (dO&s)P()*:)G rb F (dOr)P()*:)G &(AFs.rt(&sbO& ) :)G rA F s.rt(rbO& ) :)G &(BFs.rt(&sbO&b)b:)G rB F s.rt(rbO&b)b:)G &(?Fs.rt(&sbO&c)c:)G r? F s.rt(rbO&c)c:)G RMDLF(&(AO&(BO&(?)P()*A) RMD? F (rAOrBOr?)P()*A) LFM.:Olog(RM&*RMDL) X m=*km ? F M.MHHL*log(RM&*RMD?) X micro ,*km RESULT: Thus the modeling of tr nsmission line w s done nd the sending end p r meter" regul tionV efficiency were determined nd verified using MATLAB softw re. FORMATION OF BUS ADMITTANCE AND IMPEDANCE MATRICES Expt.No:& Date : AIM: To determine the bus dmitt nce nd imped nce m trices for the given power system network. SOFTWARE REQUIRED: MATLAB N.L T"EORY: FORMATION OF Y BUS MATRI9 Bus dmitt nce is often used in power system studies. !n most of the power system studies it is re.uired to form y$ bus m tri% of the system by considering cert in power system p r meters depending upon the type of n lysis. @$bus m y be formed by inspection method only if there is no mutu l coupling between the lines. +very tr nsmission line should be represented by $ e.uiv lent. (hunt imped nces re dded to di gon l element corresponding to the buses t which these re connected. The off di gon l elements re un ffected. The e.uiv lent circuit of T p ch nging tr nsformers is included while forming @$bus m tri%. Rener li#ed @$bus F yii ///.. yid ydi /// ydd )L

where" @ii F (elf dmitt nce @di F Tr nsfer dmitt nce FORMATION OF ; BUS MATRI9: !n bus imped nce m tri% the elements on the m in di gon l re c lled driving point imped nce nd the off$di gon l elements re c lled the tr nsfer imped nce of the buses or nodes. The bus imped nce m tri% is very useful in f ult n lysis. The bus imped nce m tri% c n be determined by two methods. !n one method we c n form the bus dmitt nce m tri% nd th n t king its inverse to get the bus imped nce m tri%. !n nother method the bus imped nce m tri% c n be directly formed from the re ct nce di gr m nd this method re.uires the knowledge of the modific tions of e%isting bus imped nce m tri% due to ddition of new bus or ddition of new line (or imped nce) between e%isting buses. AL!ORIT"M: (tep )- (t rt the Progr m. (tep :- +nter the busd t M tri% in comm nd window. (tep A- ? lcul te the ,ormul e @Fybus(busd t ) @F ybus(#) Ybus F inv(@) (tep B- ,orm t the Admitt nce @ bus M tri%. (tep H- ,orm t the !mped nce Y bus M tri%. (tep L- +nd the Progr m. FLOW C"ART:


PROCEDURE: ). :. A. B. H. +nter the comm nd window of the MATLAB. ?re te new M ; file by selecting ,ile $ 2ew ; M ; ,ile Type nd s ve the progr m in the editor window. +%ecute the progr m by pressing Tools ; Dun. 'iew the results.

E9ERCISE: (i) &etermine the @ bus m tri% for the power system network shown in fig. (ii) ?heck the results obt ined in using MATLAB.


:. (i) &etermine Y bus m tri% for the power system network shown in fig. (ii) ?heck the results obt ined using MATLAB.

Line d t ,rom Bus ) ) ) : : : : A A B H To Bus : B H A B H L H L H L D M.)M M.MH M.MK M.MH M.MH M.)M M.MN M.): M.M: M.:M M.)M E M.:M M.:M M.AM M.:H M.)M M.AM M.:M M.:L M.)M M.BM M.AM )Q B*: M.M: M.M: M.MA M.MA M.M) M.M: M.M:H M.M:H M.M) M.MB M.MA

FORMATION OF BUS ADMITTANCE AND IMPEDANCE MATRI9 X Progr m to form Admitt nce And !mped nce Bus ,orm tion.... clc fprintf(T,1DMAT!12 1, B7( A&M!TTA2?+ A2& !MP+&A2?+ MATD!E6n6nT) fprintf(T+nter lined t in order of from bus"to bus"r"%"b6n6nT) lined t F input(T+nter line d t - T)G fb F lined t (-"))G X ,rom bus number... tb F lined t (-":)G X To bus number... r F lined t (-"A)G X Desist nce" D... % F lined t (-"B)G X De ct nce" E... b F lined t (-"H)G X Rround Admitt nce" B*:... # F r J iO%G X Y m tri%... y F ).*#G X To get inverse of e ch element... b F iObG X M ke B im gin ry... nbus F m %(m %(fb)"m %(tb))G X no. of buses... nbr nch F length(fb)G X no. of br nches... ybus F #eros(nbus"nbus)G X !niti lise @Bus... X ,orm tion of the 1ff &i gon l +lements... for kF)-nbr nch ybus(fb(k)"tb(k)) F $y(k)G ybus(tb(k)"fb(k)) F ybus(fb(k)"tb(k))G end X ,orm tion of &i gon l +lements.... for mF)-nbus for nF)-nbr nch if fb(n) FF m Z tb(n) FF m ybus(m"m) F ybus(m"m) J y(n) J b(n)G end end end ybus F ybus X Bus Admitt nce M tri% #bus F inv(ybus)G X Bus !mped nce M tri% #bus



RESULT: Thus the bus !mped nce nd dmitt nce m tri% for the given system were determined nd verified using MATLAB. LOAD 8 FREQUENCY DYNAMICS OF SIN!LE AREA POWER SYSTEMS Expt.No:) Date AIM: To become f mili r with modeling nd n lysis of the fre.uency nd tie$line flow dyn mics of power system without nd with lo d fre.uency controllers (L,?) nd to design better controllers for getting better responses. T"EORY: :


Active power control is one of the import nt control ctions to be perform to be norm l oper tion of the system to m tch the system gener tion with the continuously ch nging system lo d in order to m int in the const ncy of system fre.uency to fine toler nce level. This is one of the foremost re.uirements in proving .u lity power supply. A ch nge in system lo d c ses ch nge in the speed of ll rot ting m sses (Turbine ; gener tor rotor systems) of the system le ding to ch nge in system fre.uency. The speed ch nge form synchronous speed initi tes the governor control (prim ry control) ction result in the entire p rticip ting gener tor ; turbine units t king up the ch nge in lo d" st bili#ing system fre.uency. Destor tion of fre.uency to nomin l v lue re.uires second ry control ction which d<usts the lo d $ reference set points of selected (regul ting) gener tor ; turbine units. The prim ry ob<ectives of utom tic gener tion control (AR?) re to regul te system fre.uency to the set nomin l v lue nd lso to regul te the net interch nge of e ch re to the scheduled v lue by d<usting the outputs of the regul ting units. This function is referred to s lo d ; fre.uency control (L,?). PROCEDURE: ). +nter the comm nd window of the MATLAB. :. ?re te new Model by selecting ,ile $ 2ew ; Model. A. Pick up the blocks from the simulink libr ry browser nd form block di gr m. B. After forming the block di gr m" s ve the block di gr m. H. &ouble click the scope nd view the result. E9ERCISE ). An isol ted power st tion h s the following p r meters Turbine time const nt" T F M.Hsec" Rovernor time const nt" g F M.:sec

Rener tor inerti const nt" = F Hsec" Rovernor speed regul tion F D per unit The lo d v ries by M.K percent for ) percent ch nge in fre.uency" i.e" & F M.K ( ) 7se the Douth ; =urwit# rr y to find the r nge of D for control system st bility. (b) 7se MATLAB to obt in the root locus plot. (c) The governor speed regul tion is set to D F M.MH per unit.The turbine r ted output is :HMM9 t nomin l fre.uency of LM=#. A sudden lo d ch nge of HM M9 ([PL F M.: per unit) occurs. (i) ,ind the ste dy st te fre.uency devi tion in =#. (ii)7se MATLAB to obt in the time dom in perform nce specific tions nd the fre.uency devi tion step response. ::



E9ERCISE: 1 ). An isol ted power system h s the following p r meter Turbine r ted output AMM M9" 2omin l fre.uency HM =#" Roverner speed regul tion :.H =Y per unit M9" & mping co efficient M.M)L P7 M9 * =#" !nerti const nt H sec" Turbine time const nt M.H sec" Roverner time const nt M.: sec" Lo d ch nge LM M9" The lo d v ries by M.K percent for ) percent ch nge in fre.uency" &etermine the ste dy st te fre.uency devi tion in =# (i) ,ind the ste dy st te fre.uency devi tion in =#. (ii) 7se MATLAB to obt in the time dom in perform nce specific tions nd the fre.uency devi tion step response. E9ERCISE: :A

:. An isol ted power system h s the following p r meter Turbine r ted output AMM M9" 2omin l fre.uency HM =#" Roverner speed regul tion :.H =Y per unit M9" & mping co efficient M.M)L P7 M9 * =#" !nerti const nt H sec" Turbine time const nt M.H sec" Roverner time const nt M.: sec" Lo d ch nge LM M9" The system is e.uipped with second ry integr l control loop nd the integr l controller g in is Uf F ). 1bt in the fre.uency devi tion for step response RESULT: Modeling nd n lysis of the fre.uency nd tie$line flow dyn mics of single re power system without nd with lo d fre.uency controllers (L,?) w s studied nd responses re simul ted using simul tion softw re.

LOAD 8 FREQUENCY DYNAMICS OF TWO AREA POWER SYSTEMS Expt.No:2 Date AIM: To become f mili r with modelling nd n lysis of the fre.uency nd tie$line flow dyn mics of two re power system without nd with lo d fre.uency controllers (L,?) nd to design better controllers for getting better responses. T"EORY: :


Active power control is one of the import nt control ctions to be perform to be norm l oper tion of the system to m tch the system gener tion with the continuously ch nging system lo d in order to m int in the const ncy of system fre.uency to fine toler nce level. This is one of the foremost re.uirements in proving .u lity power supply. A ch nge in system lo d c ses ch nge in the speed of ll rot ting m sses (Turbine ; gener tor rotor systems) of the system le ding to ch nge in system fre.uency. The speed ch nge form synchronous speed initi tes the governor control (prim ry control) ction result in the entire p rticip ting gener tor ; turbine units t king up the ch nge in lo d" st bili#ing system fre.uency. Destor tion of fre.uency to nomin l v lue re.uires second ry control ction which d<usts the lo d $ reference set points of selected (regul ting) gener tor ; turbine units. The prim ry ob<ectives of utom tic gener tion control (AR?) re to regul te system fre.uency to the set nomin l v lue nd lso to regul te the net interch nge of e ch re to the scheduled v lue by d<usting the outputs of the regul ting units. This function is referred to s lo d ; fre.uency control (L,?). PROCEDURE: ). +nter the comm nd window of the MATLAB. :. ?re te new Model by selecting ,ile $ 2ew ; Model. A. Pick up the blocks from the simulink libr ry browser nd form block di gr m. B. After forming the block di gr m" s ve the block di gr m. H. &ouble click the scope nd view the result. E9ERCISE: ). A Two$ re system connected by common b se. Are (peed Degul tion ,re.uency ;sens .lo d coeff. !nerti ?onst nt B se Power Rovernor Time ?onst nt Turbine Time ?onst nt tie line h s the following p r meters on ) D)FM.MH &)FM.L =)FH )MMMM'A g) F M.:sec T) FM.Hsec : D:FM.ML:H &:FM.Q =:FB )MMMM'A g) F M.Asec T) FM.Lsec )MMM M'A

The units re oper ting in p r llel t the nomin l fre.uency of LM=#. The synchroni#ing power coefficient is computed from the initi l oper ting condition nd is given to be Ps F : p.u. A lo d ch nge of )KN.H M9 occurs in re ). ( ) &etermine the new ste dy st te fre.uency nd the ch nge in the tie$line flow. :H

(b) ?onstruct the (!M7L!2U block di gr m nd obt in the fre.uency devi tion response for the condition in p rt ( ). SIMULIN% BLOC% DIA!RAM:

RESULT: Modeling nd n lysis of the fre.uency nd tie$line flow dyn mics of two re power system without nd with lo d fre.uency controllers (L,?) w s studied nd responses re simul ted using simul tion softw re.


TRANSIENT AND SMALL SI!NAL STABILITY ANALYSIS 8 SIN!LE MAC"INE INFINITE BUS SYSTEM Expt.No:4 Date : AIM To become f mili r with v rious spects of the tr nsient nd sm ll sign l st bility n lysis of (ingle$M chine$!nfinite Bus ((M!B) system PRO!RAM REQUIRED: MATLAB N.L T"EORY Sta<0+0t': (t bility problem is concerned with the beh vior of power system when it is sub<ected to disturb nce nd is cl ssified into sm ll sign l st bility problem if the disturb nces re sm ll nd tr nsient st bility problem when the disturb nces re l rge. :N

T,a1(0e1t (ta<0+0t': 9hen power system is under ste dy st te" the lo d plus tr nsmission loss e.u ls to the gener tion in the system. The gener ting units run t synchronous speed nd system fre.uency" volt ge" current nd power flows re ste dy. 9hen l rge disturb nce such s three ph se f ult" loss of lo d" loss of gener tion etc." occurs the power b l nce is upset nd the gener ting units rotors e%perience either cceler tion or deceler tion. The system m y come b ck to ste dy st te condition m int ining synchronism or it m y bre k into subsystems or one or more m chines m y pull out of synchronism. !n the former c se the system is s id to be st ble nd in the l ter c se it is s id to be unst ble. S#a++ (061a+ (ta<0+0t': 9hen power system is under ste dy st te" norm l oper ting condition" the system m y be sub<ected to sm ll disturb nces such s v ri tion in lo d nd gener tion" ch nge in field volt ge" ch nge in mech nic l to.ue etc." the n ture of system response to sm ll disturb nce depends on the oper ting conditions" the tr nsmission system strength" types of controllers etc. !nst bility th t m y result from sm ll disturb nce m y be of two forms" ( ) (te dy incre se in rotor ngle due to l ck of synchroni#ing tor.ue. (b) Dotor oscill tions of incre sing m gnitude due to l ck of sufficient d mping tor.ue. FORMULA De ctive power Ce F sin(cos$)(p.f)) (O (t tor ?urrent !t F +tO Pe $ <Ce F +tO 'olt ge behind tr nsient condition +) F +t J < Ed)!t 'olt ge of infinite bus +B F +t $ <( EA J Etr )!t E) E: where" EA F E) J E: Angul r sep r tion between +) nd +B o F +) $ +B Pref ult 1per tionE) E: E F < Ed)J <Etr J Power Pe F E) J E: +) % +B sino :K

E o F sin$) Pe O E +) O +B D.,016 Fa.+t Co130t0o1: Pe F P+ii F M ,ind out E from the e.uiv lent circuit during f ult condition Po(t :a.+t Co130t0o1: ,ind out E from the e.uiv lent circuit during post f ult condition +) % +B Power Pe F E m % F $ o Pm Pe F sinm % sino

C,0t0*a+ C+ea,016 A16+e Pm( #ax = o ) J PAm %cos #ax = P:m %cos o ?oscr F P$#ax = P #ax C,0t0*a+ C+ea,016 T0#e := (cr $ o) tcr F fo P m (ecs

PROCEDURE ). +nter the comm nd window of the MATLAB. :. ?re te new M ; file by selecting ,ile $ 2ew ; M ; ,ile A. Type nd s ve the progr m. B. +%ecute the progr m by pressing Tools ; Dun :Q

H. 'iew the results. E9ERCISE ). A LM=# synchronous gener tor h ving inerti const nt = F H M\*M'A nd direct %is tr nsient re ct nce Ed) F M.A per unit is connected to n infinite bus through purely re ctive circuit s shown in figure. De ct nces re m rked on the di gr m on common system b se. The gener tor is delivering re l power Pe F M.K per unit nd C F M.MNB per unit to the infinite bus t volt ge of ' F ) per unit.

)A tempor ry three$ph se f ult occurs t the sending end of the line t point ,.9hen the f ult is cle red" both lines re int ct. &etermine the critic l cle ring ngle nd the critic l f ult cle ring time. . b)'erify the result using MATLAB progr m.


RESULT Tr nsient nd sm ll sign l st bility n lysis of (ingle$M chine$!nfinite Bus ((M!B) system w s studied nd simul ted using simul tion softw re.

ECONOMIC DISPATC" IN POWER SYSTEMS USIN! MATLAB Expt.No:5 Date AIM: To underst nd the fund ment ls of economic disp tch nd solve the problem using cl ssic l method with nd without line losses. SOFTWARE REQUIRED: MATLAB N.L T"EORY Mat/e#at0*a+ Mo3e+ :o, E*o1o#0* D0(pat*/ o: T/e,#a+ U10t( W0t/o.t T,a1(#0((0o1 Lo(( State#e1t o: E*o1o#0* D0(pat*/ P,o<+e#: :



power system" with negligible tr nsmission loss nd with 2 number of spinning p rticul r interv l c n be met by different

therm l gener ting units the tot l system lo d P& t sets of gener tion schedules ]PR)(k) " PR:(k) " //////PR2(U) ^G

k F )":"//..2(

1ut of these 2( set of gener tion schedules" the system oper tor h s to choose the set of schedules" which minimi#e the system oper ting cost" which is essenti lly the sum of the production cost of ll the gener ting units. This economic disp tch problem is m them tic lly st ted s n optimi# tion problem. !0-e1 : The number of v il ble gener ting units 2" their production cost functions" their oper ting limits nd the system lo d P&" To 3ete,#01e : The set of gener tion schedules" PRi G i F )":///2 9hich minimi#e the tot l production cost" Min G ,T F ,i (PRi )
iF) 2

(1> ( >

nd s tisfies the power b l nce constr int


F PRi ;P& F M


nd the oper ting limits PRi"min PRi PRi" "m % The units production cost function is usu lly ppro%im ted by .u dr tic function ,i (PRi) F where
i i


PR:i J bi PRi J ci G

i F )":"//.2


" bi nd ci re const nts

Ne*e((a,' *o130t0o1( :o, t/e ex0(te1*e o: (o+.t0o1 to ED p,o<+e#: The +& problem given by the e.u tions ()) to (B). By omitting the ine.u lity constr ints (B) tent tively" the reduce +& problem ())"(:) nd (A) m y be rest ted s n unconstr ined optimi# tion problem by ugmenting the ob<ective function ()) with the constr int multiplied by L Rr nge multiplier" to obt ined the L Rr nge function" L s
2 iF) 2

Min - L (PR) //..PR2 " ) F ,i(PRi) $ 3 PRi ; P&4




The necess ry conditions for the e%istence of solution to (L) re given by L * PRi F M F d,i (PRi) * dPRi $ G

i F )" :"//..2

(4> (5>

L * F M F PRi ; P&

The solution to +& problem c n be obt ined by solving simult neously the necess ry conditions (N) nd (K) which st te th t the economic gener tion schedules not only s tisfy the system power b l nce e.u tion (K) but lso dem nd th t the increment l cost r tes of ll the units be e.u l be e.u l to which c n be interpreted s 5increment l cost of received power8. 9hen the ine.u lity constr ints (B) re included in the +& problem the necess ry condition (N) gets modified s d,i (PRi) * dPRi F +conomic (chedule PRi F ( $bi)* : i G !ncrement l fuel cost
2 iF) 2

for for for

PRi"min PRi PRi" "m % PRi F PRi" "m % PRi F PRi" "mi ____(Q) ()M)


F P& J ( bi*: i ) * ()*: i)



AL!ORIT"M: (tep )- (t rt the Progr m. (tep :- Ret the !nput ' lues of Alph " B t nd R mm . (tep A- 7se the !ntermedi te ' ri ble s L mmd . (tep B- !ter te the ' ri bles up to ,e sible (olution. (tep H- To find Tot l ?ost nd +conomic ?ost of Rener tor. (tep L- +nd the Progr m. PROCEDURE: ). +nter the comm nd window of the MATLAB. :. ?re te new M ; file by selecting ,ile $ 2ew ; M ; ,ile A. Type nd s ve the progr m. AA

B. +%ecute the progr m by either pressing Tools ; Dun. H. 'iew the results. E9ERCISE: ). The fuel cost functions for three therm l pl nts in `*h re given by ?) F HMM J H.A P) J M.MMB P):G ?: F BMM J H.H P: J M.MML P::G ?A F :MM JH.K PA J M.MMQ PA:G P) in M9 P: in M9 PA in M9

The tot l lo d " P& is KMMM9.2eglecting line losses nd gener tor limits" find the optim l disp tch nd the tot l cost in `*h by n lytic l method. 'erify the result using MATLAB progr m. PRO!RAM: clcG cle r llG w rning offG F3.MMBG .MMLG .MMQ4G bF3H.AG H.HG H.K4G cF3HMMG BMMG :MM4G PdFKMMG delpF)MG l mbd Finput(T+nter estim ted v lue of l mbd FT)G fprintf(T6nT) disp(3Tl mbd P) P) PA delt p delt l mbd T4) iterFMG while bs(delp)0FM.MM) iterFiterJ)G pF(l mbd $b).*(:O )G delpFPd$sum(p)G \Fsum(ones(length( )")).*(:O ))G dell mbd Fdelp*\G disp(3l mbd "p())"p(:)"p(A)"delp"dell mbd 4) l mbd Fl mbd Jdell mbd G end l mbd p tot lcostFsum(cJb.OpJ .Op.P:) OUTPUT +nter estim ted v lue of l mbd F )M l mbd P) P) PA delt p delt l mbd AB

)M.MMMM HKN.HMMM ANH.MMMM :AA.AAAA $AQH.KAAA $).HMMM K.HMMM BMM.MMMM :HM.MMMM )HM.MMMM l mbd F K.HMMM pF BMM.MMMM :HM.MMMM )HM.MMMM tot lcost F L.LK:HeJMMA E9ERCISE: :. The fuel cost functions for three therm l pl nts in `*h re given by ?) F HMM J H.A P) J M.MMB P):G P) in M9 ?: F BMM J H.H P: J M.MML P:: G P: in M9 ?A F :MM J H.K PA J M.MMQ PA:G PA in M9 The tot l lo d " P& is QNHM9. Rener tion limits :MM P) BHM M9 )HM P: AHM M9 )MM PA ::H M9 ,ind the optim l disp tch nd the tot l cost in `*h by n lytic l method. 'erify the result using MATLAB progr m. M M

PRO!RAM cle r clc nFAG dem ndFQ:HG F3.MMHL .MMBH .MMNQ4G bF3B.H H.: H.K4G cF3LBM HKM K:M4G PminF3:MM :HM ):H4G Pm %F3AHM BHM ::H4G %FMG yFMG for iF)-n AH

%F%J(b(i)*(:O (i)))G yFyJ()*(:O (i)))G l mbd F(dem ndJ%)*y Pgtot lFMG for iF)-n Pg(i)F(l mbd $b(i))*(:O (i))G Pgtot lFsum(Pg)G end Pg for iF)-n if(Pmin(i)aFPg(i)VVPg(i)aFPm %(i))G Pg(i)G else if(Pg(i)aFPmin(i)) Pg(i)FPmin(i)G else Pg(i)FPm %(i)G end end Pgtot lFsum(Pg)G end Pg if Pgtot lbFdem nd dem ndnewFdem nd$Pg()) %)FMG y)FMG for iF:-n %)F%)J(b(i)*(:O (i)))G y)Fy)J()*(:O (i)))G end l mbd newF(dem ndnewJ%))*y) for iF:-n Pg(i)F(l mbd new$b(i))*(:O (i))G end end end Pg OUTPUT l mbd F K.L)BQ Pg F ALN.BMBM ANQ.BAL) )NK.)HQK


Pg F AHM.MMMM ANQ.BAL) )NK.)HQK dem ndnew F HNH l mbd new F K.N)BN Pg F AHM.MMMM AQM.H:B: )KB.BNHK

RESULT: +conomic lo d disp tch for the given problem w s solved using cl ssic l method with nd without line losses nd verified using MATLAB softw re.

TRANSIENT STABILITY ANALYSIS 8 MULTI MAC"INE INFINITE BUS SYSTEM Expt.No:? Date : AIM To become f mili r with v rious spects of the tr nsient st bility n lysis of Multi $M chine$!nfinite Bus ((M!B) system PRO!RAM REQUIRED: MATLAB N.L T"EORY AN

Sta<0+0t' : (t bility problem is concerned with the beh vior of power system when it is sub<ected to disturb nce nd is cl ssified into sm ll sign l st bility problem if the disturb nces re sm ll nd tr nsient st bility problem when the disturb nces re l rge. T,a1(0e1t (ta<0+0t': 9hen power system is under ste dy st te" the lo d plus tr nsmission loss e.u ls to the gener tion in the system. The gener ting units run t synchronous speed nd system fre.uency" volt ge" current nd power flows re ste dy. 9hen l rge disturb nce such s three ph se f ult" loss of lo d" loss of gener tion etc." occurs the power b l nce is upset nd the gener ting units rotors e%perience either cceler tion or deceler tion. The system m y come b ck to ste dy st te condition m int ining synchronism or it m y bre k into subsystems or one or more m chines m y pull out of synchronism. !n the former c se the system is s id to be st ble nd in the l ter c se it is s id to be unst ble. S#a++ (061a+ (ta<0+0t': 9hen power system is under ste dy st te" norm l oper ting condition" the system m y be sub<ected to sm ll disturb nces such s v ri tion in lo d nd gener tion" ch nge in field volt ge" ch nge in mech nic l to.ue etc." the n ture of system response to sm ll disturb nce depends on the oper ting conditions" the tr nsmission system strength" types of controllers etc. !nst bility th t m y result from sm ll disturb nce m y be of two forms" ). (te dy incre se in rotor ngle due to l ck of synchroni#ing tor.ue. :. Dotor oscill tions of incre sing m gnitude due to l ck of sufficient d mping tor.ue. FORMULA De ctive power Ce F sin(cos$)(p.f)) (O (t tor ?urrent !t F +tO Pe $ <Ce F +tO 'olt ge behind tr nsient condition +) F +t J < Ed)!t 'olt ge of infinite bus +B F +t $ <( EA J Etr )!t E) E: where" EA F E) J E: Angul r sep r tion between +) nd +B o F +) $ +B P ref ult 1per tionE) E: AK

E F < Ed)J <Etr J Power Pe F E) J E: + % +B sino E


Pe O E o F sin

+) O +B D.,016 Fa.+t Co130t0o1: Pe F P+ii F M ,ind out E from the e.uiv lent circuit during f ult condition Po(t :a.+t Co130t0o1 ,ind out E from the e.uiv lent circuit during post f ult condition +) % +B Power Pe F E m % F $ o Pm Pe F sinm %


C,0t0*a+ C+ea,016 A16+e ?oscr F Pm( #ax = o ) J PAm %cos #ax = P:m %cos o P$#ax = P #ax C,0t0*a+ C+ea,016 T0#e := (cr $ o) tcr F fo P m (ecs


). +nter the comm nd window of the MATLAB. :. ?re te new M ; file by selecting ,ile $ 2ew ; M ; ,ile A. Type nd s ve the progr m. B. +%ecute the progr m by pressing Tools ; Dun H. 'iew the results. E9ERCISE: ). Tr nsient st bility n lysis of Q$bus" A$m chine" LM =# power system with the following system modelling re.uirements!. ?l ssic l model for ll synchronous m chines" models for e%cit tion nd speed governing systems not included. ( ) (imul te three$ph se f ult t the end of the line from bus H to bus N ne r bus N t time F M.M sec. Assume th t the f ult is cle red successfully by opening the line H$N fter H cycles ( M.MKA sec) . 1bserve the system for :.M seconds (b) 1bt in the following time dom in plots$ Del tive ngles of m chines : nd A with respect to m chine ) $ Angul r speed devi tions of m chines )" : nd A from synchronous speed $ Active power v ri tion of m chines )" : nd A. (c) &etermine the critic l cle ring time by progressively incre sing the f ult cle ring time.

PRO!RAM : ,or ( ) Pm F M.KG + F ).)NG ' F ).MG E) F M.LHG E: F infG EA F M.LHG e cf ult (Pm" +" '" E)" E:" EA) ,or( b) Pm F M.KG + F ).)NG ' F ).MG E) F M.LHG E: F ).KG EA F M.KG BM

e cf ult (Pm" +" '" E)" E:" EA)

RESULT Tr nsient st bility n lysis of Multi$M chine$!nfinite Bus ((M!B) system w s studied nd simul ted using simul tion softw re. SOLUTION OF POWER FLOW USIN! !AUSS=SEIDEL MET"OD Expt.No:1@ Date : AIM: To underst nd" in p rticul r" the m them tic l formul tion of power flow model in comple% form nd simple method of solving power flow problems of sm ll si#ed system using R uss$(eidel iter tive lgorithm. SOFTWARE REQUIRED: N.L T"EORY: The RA7(( ; (+!&+L method is n iter tive lgorithm for solving set of non$line r lo d flow e.u tions. The non$line r lo d flow e.u tion is given by ) 'p

F @pp

Pp ; < Cp p$) n kJ) k $ @p. '. $ '. .FpJ) A'pk)O . F )


The re ctive power of bus$p is given by CPkJ) F($)) % !m A'pk)O @p. '.kJ) J @p. '.k
.F) .Fp p$) n

AL!ORIT"M: (tep )- (t rt the Progr m. (tep :- Ret the input ' lue. (tep A- ? lcul te the @ bus imped nce M tri%. (tep B- ? lcul te P nd C by using formul " PF Ren Mw$ Lo d MwG CF Ren M'A ; Lo d M'AG (tep H- ?heck the condition for the loop ,or iF:- bus nd ssume sum @v FM. (tep L- ?heck the ?ondition of for loop if for UFi-n bus nd check if iFk nd c lcul te sum @vF sum @v J @bus (i"k)O'(k) (tep N?heck the condition for type if type(i)FF:" ? lcul te C(i) C(i)F$im g (con<('(i))O(sum @vJ @bus (i"i)O'(i))G (tep K- ?heck the condition for C(i) by using if loop !f C(i)a Cmin(i) C(i)aFCmin(i) +lse C(i)F Cm %(i) (tep Q- ?heck the ?ondition for type '(i)F)*@bus(i"i)O(P(i)$<C(i)*?on<('(i))$sum @v)G (tep )M- !ter tion incremented (tep ))- ,ind the ngle ' lue ngleF)KM*PiO ngle(v) (tep ):- +nd the Progr m. PROCEDURE: ). +nter the comm nd window of the MATLAB. :. ?re te new M ; file by selecting ,ile $ 2ew ; M ; ,ile. A. Type nd s ve the progr m in the editor 9indow. B. +%ecute the progr m by pressing Tools ; Dun. H. 'iew the results. E9ERCISE: The figure shows the single line di gr m of simple A bus power system with gener tor t bus$). The m gnitude t bus ) is d<usted to ).MHpu. The scheduled lo ds t buses : nd A re m rked on the di gr m. Line imped nces re m rked in p.u. The b se v lue is )MMk'A. The line B:

ch rging suscept nces re neglected. &etermine the ph sor v lues of the volt ge t the lo d bus : nd A. )) ,ind the sl ck bus re l nd re ctive power. :) 'erify the result using MATLAB.

PRO!RAM: XRA7(( (+&!AL clc cle r ll sbF3) ) : B A4G Xinput(T+nter the st rting bus F T) ebF3: A B A :4G X input(T+nter the ending bus F T) nlFHG Xinput(T +nter the number of linesF T) nbFBG Xinput(T +nter the number of busesF T) s F3)$H< ).:$B< ).)$:< ).:$A< .H$B<4G Xinput(T+nter the v lue of series imped nce FT) @busF#eros(nb"nb)G for iF)-nl k)Fsb(i)G k:Feb(i) G y(i)Fs (i)G @bus(k)"k))F@bus(k)"k))Jy(i)GXJh(i)G @bus(k:"k:)F@bus(k:"k:)Jy(i)GXJh(i)G @bus(k)"k:)F$y(i)G @bus(k:"k))F@bus(k)"k:)G end @bus PRF3M .H .B .:4G CRF3M M .A< .)<4G 'F3).ML ).MB ) )4G BA

CminF.MHG Cm %F.):G for iF)-nb PgFPR(i)G CgFCR(i)G if(PgFFMVVCgFFM)Xfor sl ckbus pF)G 't(p)F'(p) G end if(PgbFMVVCgFFM)Xfor Rener tor bus for .F)-p$) AF@bus(p".)O'(.)G end BFMG for .Fp-nb BFBJ@bus(p".)O'(.)G end cF'(p)O(AJB)G CF$im g(c) if(CminaFCVVCaFCm %)Xcheck for C limt CgFCO<G 't(p)F'(p)G else if(CaFCmin) CFCminG else CFCm %G end 't(p)F)G disp(Tit is lo d busT) CgFCO< end CR(p)FCgG for .F)-p$) A)F@bus(p".)O'(.)G end B)FMG for .FpJ)-nb B)FB)$(((@bus(p".))O'(.)))G end ?)F((PR(p)$(CR(p)))*'t(p))G 't(p)F((?)$A)JB))*@bus(p"p))G elseif(PgbFMVVCgbFM)Xfor lo d bus A:FMG for .F)-p$) A:FA:$@bus(p".)O't(.)G end B:FMG BB

for .FpJ)-nb B:FB:$(((@bus(p".))O'(.)))G end ?:F($PR(p)J(CR(p))*'(p))G 't(p)F((?:JA:JB:)*@bus(p"p)) end pFpJ)G end


(TADT !2P7T 2o. of buses" n Fc Line p r meters" F c

,1DM7LAT+ @bus using relev nt rules

!2P7T A) (l ck bus 'olt ge '()) F c B) De l power specified" P(i) F c (for PC nd P' buses) H) De ctive Power specified" C(i) F c (for PC buses only) L) 'olt ge m gnitude" 'mspec(i) F c (for P' buses only) where" i F :"A"/n !2P7T N) De ctive Power minimum limits" Cmin(i) F c K) De ctive Power m %imum limits" Cm %(i) F c for P' buses only

!2P7T Q) Toler nce Limit" e Fc )M) Acceler tion f ctor" Fc


!2!T!AL R7+(( '(i")) F )J<M.M P.7 for i

F :"A"..n

!ter tion ?ount" k F )G del'm % F )

&1 9=!L+
del'm % aF e

i F : to n (Bus count)

!( P' Bus 21

@+ (

k F kJ)

?1MP7T+ '(!"kJ)) F c Def. - +.un.F0 C

A??+L+DAT+ '(i"kJ)) F0 '(!"kJ)) J ('(i"kJ))$'(!"k))

' ?1MP7T+ del'(i) F '(i"kJ))$'(i"k)

21 @+ (



,!2& del'm % F m %(del')


del'm % aFe

@+( ?1MP7T+ (l ck bus Power" P()) F c Def. +.un. F0 A ?1MP7T+ D+AL P19+D L1(( F c D+A?T!'+ P19+D L1(( F c Def. +.un. F0 2B4




CF M.)BHL" it is lo d bus

Cg F M J M.):MMi

't F ).MLMM ).MBNL J M.MAQNi ).MML) $ M.M)BKi M.QKQQ $ M.M)LHi

RESULT Lo d flow solution for the given problem w s solved using R uss$(eid l method nd verified using MATLAB softw re.


SOLUTION OF POWER FLOW USIN! NEWTON=RAP"SON MET"OD Expt.No:11 Date : AIM: To determine the power flow n lysis using 2ewton ; D phson method SOFTWARE REQUIRED: MATLAB N.L T"EORY: The 2ewton D phson method of lo d flow n lysis is n iter tive method which ppro%im tes the set of non$line r simult neous e.u tions to set of line r simult neous e.u tions using T ylor>s series e%p nsion nd the terms re limited to first order ppro%im tion. The lo d flow e.u tions for 2ewton D phson method re non$line r e.u tions in terms of re l nd im gin ry p rt of bus volt ges. PP F
.F) n n

ep(e. Rp. J f. Bp.) J fp (f. Rp. $ e. Bp.) fp (e. Rp. J f. Bp.) $ ep (f. Rp. $ e. Bp.)


'p: F ep: J fp: where" ep F De l p rt of 'p fp F !m gin ry p rt of 'p Rp." Bp. F ?onduct nce nd (uscept nce of dmitt nce @p. respectively. AL!ORIT"M: (tep )- (t rt the Progr m. (tep :- &ecl re the ' ri ble gbusFL" ybusFL. (tep A- De d the ' ri ble for bus" type " '" de" Pg" Cg" Pl" Cl" Cmin" Cm %. (tep B- To c lcul te P nd C (tep H- (et for loop for iF)-nbus" for kF)-nbus then c lcul te P(i) V C(i) +nd the Loop (tep L- To check the C limit 'iol tion (i) (et if iteraFN VV iter0: (ii) (et for nF:- nbus

? lcul te C(R)" '(n) for Cmin or Cm % . (iii) +nd the Loop. (tep N- ?h nge from specified ' lue (i) &ecl re dP F Psp$P


(ii) (iii)

dC F Csp$ C dCF Yeros(np.")) (et if type(i)FFA +nd the Loop.

(tep K- ,ind &eriv tive of De l power in<ections with ngles for \ cobi n \). (tep Q- ,ind &eriv tive of De ctive power in<ections with ngles for \A. (tep )M- ,ind &eriv tive of De ctive power in<ections with volt ge for \B V De l power in<ections with ngles for \:. (tep ))- ,orm \ cobi n M tri% \F 3\) \:G\A \B4 (tep ):- ,ind line current flow V line Losses. (tep )A- &ispl y the output. (tep )B- +nd the Progr m. E9ERCISE:

).?onsider the A e ch of the A series M.M: J <M.MK p.u nd given below. Bus De l lo d dem nd" P& De ctive Lo d dem nd" C& De l power Rener tion" PR $ M.H M De ctive Power

bus line

system bus of

imped nce

tot l shunt dmitt nce of <M.M: p.u. The specified .u ntities t the bus re

'olt ge (pecified ')F).MB 7nspecified 'A F ).MB

) : ) : M M A ).H M.L :. 'erify the result using MATLAB

Rener tion" CR $ ) CRA F ?


PRO!RAM: X2+9T12 DAP=(12 M+T=1& clc cle r ll sbF3) ) :4G Xinput(T+nter the st rting bus F T) ebF3: A A4G X input(T+nter the ending bus F T) nlFAG Xinput(T +nter the number of linesF T) nbFAG Xinput(T +nter the number of busesF T) s F3).:H$A.NH< H$)H< ).LLN$H<4G Xinput(T+nter the v lue of series imped nce FT) @busF#eros(nb"nb)G for iF)-nl k)Fsb(i)G k:Feb(i)G y(i)F(s (i))G @bus(k)"k))F@bus(k)"k))Jy(i)G @bus(k:"k:)F@bus(k:"k:)Jy(i)G @bus(k)"k:)F$y(i)G @bus(k:"k))F@bus(k)"k:)G end @bus @busm gF bs(@bus)G @bus ngF ngle(@bus)O()KM*pi)G X ? lcul tion of P nd C vF3).ML ) )4G PF3M M M4G CF3M M M4G delF3M M M4G PgF3M M.: M4G PdF3M M M.L4G CgF3M M M4G CdF3M M M.:H4G for pF:-nb for .F)-nb P(p)FP(p)J(v(p)Ov(.)O@busm g(p".)Ocos(del(p)J ngle(@bus(p".))$del(.)))G C(p)F(C(p)J(v(p)Ov(.)O@busm g(p".)Osin(del(p)$ ngle(@bus(p".))$del(.))))G Pspe(p)FPg(p)$Pd(p)G Cspe(p)FCg(p)$Cd(p)G delP(p)FPspe(p)$P(p)G delC(p)FCspe(p)$C(p)G end end PG CG PspeG CspeG delPG H:

delCG X? lcul tion of \) P:F3M M M4G for pF:-nb for .F:-nb if(pFF.) P)F:Ov(p)O@busm g(p".)Ocos( ngle(@bus(p".)))G for <F)-nb if (<bFp) P:(.)FP:(.)Jv(<)O@busm g(."<)Ocos(del(.)J ngle(@bus(."<))$del(<))G P'(p".)FP)JP:(.)G end end else P'(p".)Fv(p)O@busm g(p".)Ocos(del(p)J ngle(@bus(p".))$del(.))G end end end P'G X ? lcul tion of \: PdelF3M M MGM M MGM M M4G for pF:-nb for .F:-nb if(pFF.) for <F)-nb if(<bFp) Pdel(p".)FPdel(p".)$v(<)Ov(.)O@busm g(."<)Osin(del(.)$ ngle(@bus(p"<))$del(<))G end end else Pdel(p".)F$v(p)Ov(.)O@busm g(p".)Osin(del(p)J ngle(@bus(p".))$del(.))G end end end PdelG X? lcul tion of \A C:F3M M M4G for pF:-nb for .F:-nb if(pFF.) C)F:Ov(p)O@busm g(p".)Osin($ ngle(@bus(p".)))G for <F)-nb if (<bFp) C:(.)FC:(.)Jv(<)O@busm g(."<)Osin(del(.)$ ngle(@bus(."<))$del(<))G C'(p".)FC)JC:(.)G end end else C'(p".)Fv(p)O@busm g(p".)Osin(del(p)$ ngle(@bus(p".))$del(.))G HA

end end end C'G X? lcul tion of \B CdelF3M M MGM M MGM M M4G for pF:-nb for .F:-nb if(pFF.) for <F)-nb if(<bFp) Cdel(p".)FCdel(p".)Jv(<)Ov(.)O@busm g(."<)Ocos(del(.)J ngle(@bus(p"<))$del(<))G end end else Cdel(p".)F$v(p)Ov(.)O@busm g(p".)Ocos(del(p)J ngle(@bus(p".))$del(.))G end end end CdelG X\ cobi n m tri% P'()"-)F3 4G P'(-"))F3 4G Pdel()"-)F3 4G Pdel(-"))F3 4G C'()"-)F3 4G C'(-"))F3 4G Cdel()"-)F3 4G Cdel(-"))F3 4G \F3P' PdelGC' Cdel4 X,ind the ch nge in vVdel delP()-))F34G delC()-))F34G delp.F3delPTGdelCT4 vdelFinv(\)Odelp. X,ind new vVdel for iF)-nb$) for <F:-nb vnew(i)Fv(<)Jvdel(i)G delnew(i)Fdel(<)Jvdel(iJ:)G end end '2+9F3v()) vnew4 &+L2+9F3del()) delnew4





&+L2+9 F M M.MMKK $M.M:M)


Thus the power flow for the given problem w s solved using 2ewton D phson method nd verified using MATLAB softw re.

FAULT ANALYSIS IN POWER SYSTEM Expt.No:1 Date : OBJECTIVES ). To become f mili r with modelling nd n lysis of power systems under f ulted condition nd to compute the f ult level" post$f ult volt ges nd currents for different types of f ults" both symmetric nd unsymmetric l. :. To c lcul te the f ult current" post f ult volt ge nd f ult current through the br nches for three ph se to ground f ult in sm ll power system nd lso study the effect of neighboring system. ?heck the results using v il ble softw re. A. To obt in the f ult current" f ult M'A" Post$f ult bus volt ges nd f ult current distribution for single line to ground f ult" line$to$line f ult nd double line to ground f ult for sm ll power system" using the v il ble softw re. Also check the f ult current nd f ult M'A by h nd c lcul tion. B. To ? rryout f ult n lysis for s mple power system for LLLR" LR" LL nd LLR f ults nd prep re the report. SOFTWARE REQUIRED +TAP Power st tion T"EORETICAL BAC%!ROUND INTRODUCTION (hort circuit studies re performed to determine bus volt ges nd currents flowing in different p rts the system when it is sub<ected to f ult. The current flowing immedi tely fter the f ult consists of n .c component which eventu lly re ches ste dy st te nd f st dec ying d.c component which dec ys to #ero. 1nly the .c component is considered in the n lysis. The n lysis is done using ph sor techni.ue ssuming the system to be under .u si$ste dy st te nd is done for v rious types of f ults such s three$ph se$to ground" line$to$ground" line$to$line nd double$line$to$ground. The results of f ult studies re used to select the circuit bre kers" set protective rel ys nd to ssess the volt ge dips during f ult. !t is one of the prim ry studies to be performed whenever system e%p nsion is pl nned. MODELIN! DETAILS APPRO9IMATIONS HN

The following ppro%im tions re usu lly m de in f ult n lysis). Pre$f ult lo d currents re neglected. :. Tr nsformer t ps re ssumed to be nomin l. A. A symmetric three ph se power system is considered. B. Tr nsmission line shunt c p cit nce nd tr nsformer m gneti#ing imped nces re ignored. H. (eries resist nces of tr nsmission lines re neglected. L. The neg tive se.uence imped nce of ltern tors is ssumed to be the s me s their positive se.uence imped nce. !n the c se of symmetric l f ults" it is sufficient to determine the currents nd volt ges in one ph se. =ence the n lysis is c rried out on per ph se b sis (using J ve se.uence !mped nce network). !n the c se of unsymmetric l f ults" the method of symmetric l components is used. SEQUENCE IMPEDANCES OF POWER SYSTEM COMPONENTS The se.uence imped nces of power system components n mely gener tors" tr nsmission lines nd tr nsformers re re.uired for modeling nd n lysis of unsymmetric l f ults. !n the c se of overhe d tr nsmission lines the positive$ nd neg tive$se.uence imped nces re the s me nd the #ero se.uence imped nce depends on ground wire" tower footing resist nce nd grounding dopted. !n the c se of tr nsformers" the positive$ nd neg tive$ se.uence imped nces re the s me nd the #ero se.uence imped nce depends on tr nsformer winding connection" method of neutr l grounding nd tr nsformer type (shell or core). The positive$" neg tive$ nd #ero$se.uence imped nces re different in the c se of rot ting e.uipment like synchronous gener tor" synchronous motor nd induction motors. +stim tion of se.uence imped nces of the components nd ssembling of #ero$" positive$ nd neg tive$se.uence imped nce networks re the m <or steps in 7nsymmetric l f ult n lysis. CIRCUIT PARAMETERS FOR MOMENTARY AND INTERRUPTIN! CURRENT CALCULATIONS The moment ry or first cycle current is used to ev lu te the moment ry current c rrying c p city of the circuit bre ker. S"ORT CIRCUIT COMPUTATIONS SYMMETRICAL FAULTS (ince the f ult is symmetric the n lysis is c rried out on per ph se b sis. A short circuit represents structur l ch nge in the network which is e.uiv lent to the ddition of imped nce (in the c se of symmetric short" three e.u l imped nces) t the loc tion of f ult. The ch nges in volt ges nd currents th t result from this structur l ch nge c n be n ly#ed using Thevenin>s theorem which st tes- The ch nges th t occur in the network volt ges HK

nd currents due to the ddition of n imped nce between two network nodes re identic l with those volt ges nd currents th t would be c used by n emf pl ced in series with the imped nce nd h ving m gnitude nd pol rity e.u l to the pre$f ult volt ge th t e%isted between the nodes in .uestion nd ll other sources being #eroed. The post$f ult volt ges nd currents in the network re obt ined by superposing these ch nges on the pre$f ult volt ges nd currents.

E9AMPLE 1 ,or the two$bus system shown in ,ig .)" determine the f ult current t the f ult point nd in other elements for f ult t bus : with f ult imped nce Y f . Lo d current c n be ssumed to be negligible. The pre$f ult volt ges t ll the buses c n be ssumed to be ).M p.u. The sub tr nsient re ct nce of the gener tors nd positive se.uence re ct nce of other elements re given. Assume th t the resist nces of ll the elements re negligible.

,ig ) (ymmetric l , ult on two bus (ystem$Pre$f ult condition ,irst the 5Thevenin>s e.uiv lent network8 is formed (,ig :. ). The pre$f ult volt ge t bus :" 'o: e.u ls ).M p.u. !n ,ig : the 5Thevenin>s emf8 +thF 'o:F ).M is inserted in series with the short$circuit br nch. The reduced Thevenin>s e.uiv lent circuit is given in ,ig :c. !n which the 5Thevenin>s e.uiv lent imped nce 5Yth is found to be <M.)BBp.u. !t should be noted th t Yth is nothing but the driving point imped nce t bus : which is the s me s the di gon l element Y:: of bus imped nce m tri% of the network. 9ith reference to ,ig :c. The f ult current is given by


,ig : .

,ig : b.


,ig :.c &evelopment of Thevenin>s +.uiv lent ?ircuit ( ll imped nces re in per unit) This current is the tot l f ult current fed by both the gener tors. The contribution from e ch gener tor c n be computed by noting th t the tot l current divides in inverse imped nce r tio. ,or e% mple the contribution of gener tor ) is


INTERCONNECTION WIT" NEI!"BORIN! SYSTEMS !f power system A" is interconnected to neighboring system B" through" s y tie$line T):" then for f ult t ny of the buses in system A ll the gener tors in system B lso will feed the f ult through the tie$line. !nste d of representing the complete network of the system B" the Thevenin>s e.uiv lent circuit of system B c n be connected t the tie bus :" (,ig H.A). The Thevenin>s e.uiv lent re ct nce t bus : is given by ETh" B F )*(??: 9here (??: is the f ult level of Bus:. Thevenin>s source +Th" B m y be ssumed s ).M p.u

,ig A.Thevenin>s +.uiv lent for neighboring system SYSTEMATIC COMPUTATION FOR LAR!E SCALE SYSTEMS The system tic comput tion procedure to be used for f ult n lysis of l rge power systems using computer is e%pl ined below. Let us consider symmetric f ult t bus r of n n$bus system. Let us ssume th t the pre$f ult currents re negligible.


Step 1 &r w the pre$f ult per ph se network of the system (positive se.uence network) (,ig H.B).1bt in the positive se.uence bus imped nce m tri% Y using Building Algorithm. All the m chine re ct nce should be included in the Y bus.

,ig B Pre$f ult per ph se network (with lo ds neglected) The pre$f ult bus volt ge vector is given by

Step 1bt in the f lut current using the Thevenin>s e.uiv lent of the system feeding the foult s e%pl ined below. Assume f ult imped nce s Yf. T=Fhe thevenin>s e.iv lent of the system feeding the f ulf imped nce is given in figure H.H. The f ult current is given by !f F vro*(Yrr J Yf) (H.N) 9here Yrr is the rrth di gon l element of the bus imped nce m tri%

,ig .H Thevenin>s +.uiv lent of the system feeding the f ult LA

The pre$f ult bus volt ge vector is given by Step $



RESULT Thus the f ult n lysis for the given problem w s studied nd solved.


TRANSIENT STABILITY ANALYSIS OF MULTIMAC"INE POWER SYSTEMS Expt.No:1$ Date : AIM To become f mili r with modeling spects of synchronous m chines nd network" st te$ of$the$ rt lgorithm for simplified tr nsient st bility simul tion" system beh viour when sub<ected to l rge disturb nces in the presence of synchronous m chine controllers nd to become proficient in the us ge of the softw re to t ckle re l life problems encountered in the re s of power system pl nning nd oper tion. E9ERCISES ,or typic l multi$m chine power system). :. A. B. H. (imul tion of typic l disturb nce se.uence- f ult pplic tion" f ult cle r nce by opening of line using the softw re v il ble nd ssessing st bility with nd without controllers. &etermin tion of critic l cle ring ngle nd time for the bove f ult se.uence through tri l nd error method using the softw re. &etermin tion of tr nsient st bility m rgins. (imul tion of full lo d re<ection with nd without governor. (imul tion of loss of gener tion with nd without governor.

SOFTWARE REQUIRED MATLAB or A.7 Power l b T"EC"NICAL BAC%!ROUND 1. INTRODUCTION Multi$m chine e.u tions c n be written simil r to the one$m chine system connected to the infinite bus. !n order to reduce the comple%ity of the tr nsient st bility n lysis" simil r simplifying ssumptions re m de s follows. $+ ch synchronous m chine is represented by const nt volt ge source behind the direct %is tr nsient re ct nce. This represent tion neglects the effect of s liency nd ssumes const nt flu% link ges. $The governor>s ction re neglected nd the input powers re ssumed to rem in const nt during the entire period of simul tion. $7sing the pre$f ult bus volt ges" ll lo ds re converted to e.uiv lent dmitt nces to ground nd re ssumed to rem in const nt. $& mping or synchronous powers re ignored. LN

$The mech nic l rotor ngle of e ch m chine coincides with the ngle of the volt ge behind the m chine re ct nce. $M chines belonging to the s me st tion swing together nd re s id to be coherent. A group of coherent m chines is represented by one e.uiv lent m chine. . MAT"EMATICAL MODEL OF MULTIMAC"INE TRANSIENT STABILITY ANALYSIS The first step in the tr nsient st bility n lysis is to solve the initi l lo d flow nd to determine the initi l bus volt ge m gnitudes nd ph se ngles. The m chine currents prior to disturb nce re c lcul ted from"

9here mF is the number of gener tors 'i$ is the termin l volt ge of the ith gener tor Pi nd Ci re the gener tor re l nd re ctive powers. All unknown v lues re determined from the initi l power flow solution. The gener tor rm ture resist nces re usu lly neglected nd the volt ges behind the tr nsient re ct nce re then obt ined"

2e%t" ll lo d re converted to e.uiv lent dmitt nces by using the rel tion

To include volt ges behind tr nsient re ct nce" m buses re dded to the n bus power system network. The e.uiv lent network with ll lo d converted to dmitt nces is shown in ,ig.)"


2odes nJ)" nJ:" . . ." nJm re the intern l m chine buses" i.e." the buses behind the tr nsient re ct nces. The node volt ge e.u tion with node M s reference for this network" is


9here !bus is the vector of the in<ected bus currents 'bus is the vector of bus volt ges me sured from the reference node. The di gon l elements of the bus dmitt nce m tri% re the sum of dmitt nces connected to it" nd the off$di gon l elements re e.u l to the neg tive of the dmitt nce between the nodes. The reference is th t ddition l nodes re dded to include the m chine volt ges behind tr nsient re ct nces. Also" di gon l elements re modified to include the lo d dmitt nces. To simplify the n lysis" ll nodes other th n the gener tor intern l nodes re elimin ted using Uron reduction formul . To elimin te the lo d buses" the bus dmitt nce m tri% in (B) is p rtitioned such th t the n buses to be removed re represented in the upper n rows. (ince no current enters or le ves the lo d buses" currents in the n rows re #ero. The gener tor currents re LQ

denoted by the vector !m nd the gener tor nd lo d volt ges re represented by the vector +> m nd 'n" respectively. Then" +.u tion (B)" in terms of sub m trices" becomes

The volt ge vector 'n m y be elimin ted by substitution s follows.

The reduced bus dmitt nce m tri% h s the dimensions (m x m)" where m is the number of gener tors. The electric l power output of e ch m chine c n now be e%pressed in terms of the m chine>s intern l volt ges

+%pressing volt ges nd dmitt nces in pol r form" i.e." ! nd substituting for !i in ():)" result in


The bove e.u tion is the s me s the power flow e.u tion. Prior to disturb nce" there is e.uilibrium between the mech nic l power input nd the electric l power output" nd we h ve

The cl ssic l tr nsient st bility study is b sed on the pplic tion of three$ph se f ult. A solid three$ph se f ult t bus k in the network results in 'k F M. This is simul ted by removing the kth row nd column from the pref ult bus dmitt nce m tri%. The new bus dmitt nce m tri% is reduced by elimin ting ll nodes e%cept the intern l gener tor nodes. The gener tor e%cit tion volt ges during the f ult nd postf ult modes re ssumed to rem in const nt. The electric l power of the ith gener tor in terms of the new reduced bus dmitt nce m trices re obt ined from ()B). The swing e.u tion with d mping neglected" for m chine i becomes

9here @i< re the elements of the f ulted reduced bus dmitt nce m tri% =i is the inerti const nt of m chine ! e%pressed on the common M'A b se (B. !f =Ri is the inerti const nt of m chine ! e%pressed on the m chine r ted M'A (Ri" then =i is given by

(howing the electric l power of the ith gener tor by Pef nd tr nsforming ()L) into st te v ri ble mode yields

!n tr nsient st bility n lysis problem" we h ve two st te e.u tions for e ch gener tor. 9hen the f ult is cle red" which m y involve the remov l of the f ulty line" the bus dmitt nce m tri% is recomputed to reflect the ch nge in the networks. 2e%t the post$f ult reduced bus dmitt nce m tri% is ev lu ted nd the post$f ult electric l power of the ith gener tor shown by Ppf i is re dily determined from ()B). 7sing the post$f ult power Ppf i" the simul tion is continued to determine the system st bility" until the plots reve l definite trend s to st bility or inst bility. 7su lly the sl ck gener tor is selected s the reference m chines re plotted. 7su lly" the solution is c rried out for two swings to show th t the second swing is not gre ter th n the first one. !f the ngle differences do not incre se" the system is st ble. !f ny of the ngle differences incre se indefinitely" the system is unst ble.


RESULT Thus the Tr nsient st bility n lysis of multi m chine of power system w s studied nd solved.


MODELIN! OF FACTS DEVICES USIN! SIMULIN% Expt.No:1& Date : AIM The dvent of high power electronic devices h s led to the development of ,A?T( Technology. The concept of ,A?T( envis ges the use of power electronics to improve system oper tion by f st V reli ble control. To underst nd bout the ,A?T( including the description" principle of working nd n lysis of v rious ,A?T( controllers" control of ,A?T( nd system inter ctions. To simul te f ct device in order to control the re ctive power flow in line for efficient oper tion of the power system nd tr nsmission network. SOFTWARE REQUIRED MATLAB (!M7L!2U T"EORETICAL BAC% !ROUND Tod y>s power grids re driven closer to their tr nsfer c p cities due to the incre sed consumption nd power tr nsfers" end ngering the security of the system. ,le%ible A? tr nsmission systems (,A?T() h ve g ined gre t interest during the l st few ye rs" due to recent dv nces in power electronics. 1n the other h nd" ,A?T( devices re powerful technology th t c n solve m ny outst nding problems in power systems. ,A?T( devices h ve been m inly used for solving v rious power system ste dy st te control problems such s volt ge regul tion" power flow control" nd tr nsfer c p bility enh ncement. e.g. by improving the volt ge profile or incre sing the tr nsfer c p city of system without the need of new lines Rener lly" it is not cost$effective to inst ll ,A?T( devices for the sole purpose of power system st bility enh ncement. OVERVIEW There re two gener tions for re li# tion of power electronics$b sed ,A?T( controllersthe first gener tion employs convention l thyristor$switched c p citors nd re ctors" nd .u dr ture t p$ch nging tr nsformers" the second gener tion employs g te turn$off (RT1) thyristor$switched converters s volt ge source converters ('(?s). The thyristor$controlled group employs c p citor nd re ctor b nks with f st solid$st te switches in tr dition l shunt or series circuit rr ngements. The thyristor switches control the on nd off periods of the fi%ed c p citor nd re ctor b nks nd thereby re li#e v ri ble re ctive imped nce. +%cept for losses" they c nnot e%ch nge re l power with the system. The volt ge source converter ('(?) type ,A?T( controller group employs self$ commut ted &? to A? converters" using RT1 thyristors" which c n intern lly gener te c p citive NA

nd inductive re ctive power for tr nsmission line compens tion" without the use of c p citor or re ctor b nks. The converter with energy stor ge device c n lso e%ch nge re l power with the system" in ddition to the independently controll ble re ctive power. The '(? c n be used uniformly to control tr nsmission line volt ge" imped nce" nd ngle by providing re ctive shunt compens tion" series compens tion" nd ph se shifting" or to control directly the re l nd re ctive power flow in the line. SERIES COMPENSATION !n series compens tion" the ,A?T( is connected in series with the power system. !t works s controll ble volt ge source. (eries induct nce occurs in long tr nsmission lines" nd when l rge current flow c uses l rge volt ge drop. To compens te" series c p citors re connected.

Se,0e( Co#pe1(at0o1 S"UNT COMPENSATION !n shunt compens tion" power system is connected in shunt (p r llel) with the ,A?T(. !t works s controll ble current source. (hunt compens tion is of two types-

(hunt ?ompens tion


S"UNT CAPACITIVE COMPENSATION T/0( #et/o3 0( .(e3 to 0#p,o-e t/e po7e, :a*to,. W/e1e-e, a1 013.*t0-e +oa3 0( *o11e*te3 to t/e t,a1(#0((0o1 +01eC po7e, :a*to, +a6( <e*a.(e o: +a66016 +oa3 *.,,e1t. To *o#pe1(ateC a (/.1t *apa*0to, 0( *o11e*te3 7/0*/ 3,a7( *.,,e1t +ea3016 t/e (o.,*e -o+ta6e. T/e 1et ,e(.+t 0( 0#p,o-e#e1t 01 po7e, :a*to,. S"UNT INDUCTIVE COMPENSATION T/0( #et/o3 0( .(e3 e0t/e, 7/e1 */a,6016 t/e t,a1(#0((0o1 +01eC o,C 7/e1 t/e,e 0( -e,' +o7 +oa3 at t/e ,e*e0-016 e13. D.e to -e,' +o7C o, 1o +oa3 8 -e,' +o7 *.,,e1t :+o7( t/,o.6/ t/e t,a1(#0((0o1 +01e. S/.1t *apa*0ta1*e 01 t/e t,a1(#0((0o1 +01e *a.(e( -o+ta6e a#p+0:0*at0o1 AFe,,a1t0 E::e*t>. T/e ,e*e0-016 e13 -o+ta6e #a' <e*o#e 3o.<+e t/e (e13016 e13 -o+ta6e A6e1e,a++' 01 *a(e o: -e,' +o16 t,a1(#0((0o1 +01e(>. To *o#pe1(ateC (/.1t 013.*to,( a,e *o11e*te3 a*,o(( t/e t,a1(#0((0o1 +01e. FIRST !ENERATION OF FACTS ). (t tic 'AD ?ompens tor (('?) :. Thyristor$?ontrolled (eries ? p citor (T?(?) A. Thyristor$?ontrolled Ph se (hifter (T?P() SECOND !ENERATION OF FACTS ). (t tic ?ompens tor ((TAT?1M) :. (t tic (ynchronous (eries ?ompens tor ((((?) A. 7nified Power ,low ?ontroller (7P,?) T"EORY !n the c se of no$loss line" volt ge m gnitude t receiving end is the s me s volt ge m gnitude t sending end- 's F 'rF'. Tr nsmission results in ph se l g d th t depends on line re ct nce E.

As it is no$loss line" ctive power P is the s me t ny point of the line-


De ctive power t sending end is the opposite of re ctive power t receiving end-

As d is very sm ll" ctive power m inly depends on d where s re ctive power m inly depends on volt ge m gnitude. SERIES COMPENSATION ,A?T( for series compens tion modify line imped nce- E is decre sed so s to incre se the tr nsmitt ble ctive power. =owever" more re ctive power must be provided.

S"UNT COMPENSATION De ctive current is in<ected into the line to m int in volt ge m gnitude. Tr nsmitt ble ctive power is incre sed but more re ctive power is to be provided.

E9AMPLES OF SERIES COMPENSATION ). (t tic synchronous series compens tor ((((?). :. Thyristor$controlled series c p citor (T?(?)- series c p citor b nk is shunted by thyristor$controlled re ctor. A. Thyristor$controlled series re ctor (T?(D)- series re ctor b nk is shunted by thyristor$controlled re ctor. B. Thyristor$switched series c p citor (T((?)- series c p citor b nk is shunted by thyristor$switched re ctor. H. Thyristor$switched series re ctor (T((D)series re ctor b nk is shunted by thyristor$switched re ctor.


Exa#p+e( o: FACTS :o, (e,0e( *o#pe1(at0o1 A(*/e#at0*> E9AMPLES OF S"UNT COMPENSATION

+% mples of ,A?T( for shunt compens tion (schem tic) (t tic synchronous compens tor ((TAT?1M)G previously known ((TAT?12) (t tic 'AD compens tor (('?). Most common ('?s reThyristor$controlled re ctor (T?D)- re ctor is connected in series with bidirection l thyristor v lve. The thyristor v lve is ph se$controlled. +.uiv lent re ct nce is v ried continuously. Thyristor$switched re ctor (T(D)- ( me s T?D but thyristor is either in #ero$ or full$ conduction. +.uiv lent re ct nce is v ried in stepwise m nner. Thyristor$switched c p citor (T(?)- c p citor is connected in series with bidirection l thyristor v lve. Thyristor is either in #ero$ or full$ conduction. +.uiv lent re ct nce is v ried in stepwise m nner. Mech nic lly$switched c p citor (M(?)- c p citor is switched by circuit$bre ker. !t ims t compens ting ste dy st te re ctive power. !t is switched only few times d y. s st tic condenser





RESULT The dvent of high power electronic devices h s led to the development of ,A?T( Technology. The ,A?T device modeling w s studied nd simul ted using simul tion softw re.


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