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Comparison between Tangible and Intangible Assets

Tangible Assets: Has a Physical Substance Allocation Process via Depreciation Maximum Depreciation: 1. Building !" versus #" $ategories% !. &'cluding Building up to !(" ). *and Not sub+ect to depreciation, $hose any Depreciation 0ethod, 0ight have a 1rade 2n 3alue i.e. Salvage 3alue% At the e'ception o/ $hina. 5lass-are. Silver. *inen 6 7ni/orms. credit Accumulated Depreciation Account All Depreciation &'penses are 1a' Deductible Intangible Assets: Has No Physical Substance Allocation Process via Amortization Maximum Amortization: According to *a-. $ompetition. Agreement. but shall never e'ceed !(" o/ the total historical cost Straight *ine 0ethod No 1rade42n43alue $redit directly the intangible asset account All Amortization &'penses are 1a' Deductible e'cept: a% 5ood 8ill b% $ovenant Not to $ompete c% *i9ueur *icenses

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