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Jacob Lyman 4B 10/31/13 Section 2 (Part 1) In my opinion Chillingsworth committed the worst sin(s) out of all of the characters

in the book. Chillingsworth not only lied about his identity to everyone in the town, but he also tortured Dimmesdale about his sin. Chillingsworth lied about his identity because he is really Hesters husband, who everyone thinks is dead, but he tells everyone he is a Physician. As a result of this lie Chillingsworth told, it allowed him to torture Dimmesdale because of the sin he committed and Dimmesdale wouldnt be able to defend himself because he did not know Chillingsworths real identity. On top of all of that in the book the captain of the ship says to Pearl, I spake again with the black-a-visaged, hump-shouldered old doctor, and he engages to bring his friend, the gentleman she wots of, aboard with him. So let thy mother take no thought, save for herself and thee. This message is stating that Chillingsworth said not to worry about Dimmesdale because he wouldnt be joining them on the ship to Europe. By saying this Chillingsworth is essentially saying he is going to murder Dimmesdale. That is why I believe that Chillingsworth committed the worst sin out of all of the characters in the book.

Section 2 (Part 2)

I believe that Dimmesdale died because he was finally able to reveal all of his secrets and let out everything he was keeping in. Although he was very ill and not in good condition I still believe that he was not able to die until he said what he had been keeping in for years. In the book Dimmesdale had been sick for years and years; most people would have died after a couple of months. I dont think it was a coincidence that he died right after confessing his sins even after being sick for a long period of time. If Dimmesdale was going to die from his illness he would have kicked the bucket a long time ago, but he didnt he stayed alive until just after he was done confessing everything. Thats why I dont believe that Dimmesdale was able to die until he confessed his sins.

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