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CiTE Online Teaching Award for Dr.

Carla Piper Professor of Education Chapman University College If you asked any faculty member at any of our 26 campuses to name an outstanding online instructor at Chapman University College Carla Piper would be the immediate reply. The most vocal and supportive person of online education system wide Dr. Piper has single-handedly brought our Education Programs into the online world. One of only two instructors we had at the beginning of our program she has created nearly every one of our 23 education courses, including the launch of our Early Childhood Education and Instructional Technology Masters programs. Truly she has had a hand in every one of the 23 online courses now offered in our education programs because the 3 she did not personally developed she mentored and collaborated with the course designer. She is a valued instructor at every level of our institution. Her eagerness to lead Chapman into online has made quality education more accessible for students. As an instructor and guide to our students she changes them from college students into amazing teachers. Any educator from one of her courses will have a firm grasp of the technological world, the importance of including computers from kindergarten through university education and teaching with technology tools. The entire online department is convinced Carla never sleeps. The notices eCollege sends out when they schedule a systems upgrade for 1 a.m., which most of us disregard, actually interrupt Carla as she is regularly online and emailing at

midnight, 1, 2 and even 3 am! The word dedication does not do justice to the level of commitment Carla gives to her courses and students. Her devotion to quality education can be seen in every aspect of her courses. From the thoughtful creation of engaging and challenging content to the data driven refinement of her courses, student feedback and assessment are highly valued by Carla. You never see the exact same course from one session to the next as she always makes some small adjustment to improve the experience students have in her courses. Carla Piper is a cornerstone of online education at Chapman University and we are beyond gratefully for her excellence in teaching both our students and our faculty. Carlas innovative course development work and her leadership spirit are truly the cornerstone upon which Chapman Universitys online program is built.

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