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Zochitl Juan-Perez

Los Angeles, CA.90062 E-Mail:

Activities and Organizations

NAI Program
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6 through 12 grade; everyday program dedicated to help students get ready for college and get them prepared for their future college experience Foshay Marching Band
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6 through 12 grade; played the violin for an year, and alto saxophone the following years, learned skills such as good communication, team work, and different leadership qualities Catechism Classes Participated in catechism classes for communion at St. Cecilias Church; two hours per week FSEM/NAI Mentorship Program 2013 2008-2009

A combination of USC freshmen and NAI seniors where we learn the (W)rites of Passage from high school to college, and get our mentors that help us with the college application; every Thursday for two hours, ten weeks NAI Senior Week Attended a senior week event to get started on the college process in the summer NAI Summer SAT Prep Attended summer program for SAT improvement in scores, study skills, about 20 hours a week for about a month 2013 2013

Honors and Awards

Catechism: Communion Received a certificate for completing the requirements for my communion Dental Camp Received a certificate for completing a dental camp at USC, participated in learning about careers in dentistry Honor Roll Was on the Honor roll list for a GPA that was 3.0 and above Certificate for CSTs In recognition for proficient in English and Math on the California Standards Test for 2012 AP Credit Received AP credit for getting a 5 on the AP Spanish Language Test. CPR/First Aid Certified Received CPR training and received certification 2013 2013 2013 2011 2010 2009

Work Experience
Family Clinic 2013

Volunteer work for Guzman Family Clinic, worked as a translator for the non-English speaking individuals, filed important documentation, made appointments, became informed on different diseases of the body; about 15 hours a week for about 6 weeks

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