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Company Profiles:

Answer the following questions for the companies whose logo you will redesign Company Name: TOTO Company CEO Name: Teruo Kise (27th, June, 201 ! "to#$ %ar$et Pri#e To&ay: '0(%) "to#$ %ar$et Pri#e "ame Time *ast +ear: ,-(%) ( , /e#em0er, 2012!

10out +our Company

1. How would you describe the company services and/or products? Manufactures a complete line of residential and commercial plumbing products. 2. What are the long term goals of the company? Make conserving water products and these have a low impacts on environment. 3. When the last time the companys logo was was redone? lease cut out and paste in your !esign "oo#s the old logo. 2007. $. What do you want your new logo that you are ma#ing to accomplish? Make it more colorful and use some designs which are related to the water. %. What are the companys main competitors? How are they different from their competitors? INAX. his compan! gives importance to convenience.


Whats the age range of the companys target customer base? "rom adults to old people in the world.

Project-related questions (2or you!

'. What is the companys slogan? Will you use this slogan in the logo?

#es$ I will.


!o you have any specific images in mind for your logo? I want to make it water color and appeal low impacts on environment.


!o you have any color preferences* or e+isting brand colors? %ater color with some gradation.


!o you have any colors that you do not wish to use? &lue$ because this compan! is related to the water.


What ad-ectives should best describe your logo? "resh.


What feeling or message do you want your logo to convey to those who view it?

'lean and user friendl!. 13. How would you li#e the typography to appear? Example: script, bold, light, hand drawn, custom lettering Make customers feel want to buy when they see logo. So it is going to be light and easily viewable. 1$. Where will you logo be used? Example: print, web I want to put it to the website(

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