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Scientific Method 1. Topic: Falling bodies Cada de los cuerpos 2. Question: If two ob ects dropped at the sa!e height.

"hich of the ob ects hit the ground first# the hea$iest or the lightest% Si se de a caer dos ob etos a la !is!a altura. &Cual de los ob etos llega al suelo pri!ero# el !'s pesado o !'s li$iano% (. )*pothesis: The bod* which will hit the ground first is the hea$iest. +l cuerpo ,ue llegar' al suelo pri!ero es el !'s pesado. -. +.peri!ent: Two ob ects are placed at the sa!e height under controlled conditions and finall* drop. Se colocan dos ob etos a la !is!a altura en condiciones controladas * final!ente se de ar caer.

/. 0bser$ation: It was obser$ed that both ob ects hit the ground si!ultaneousl*. Se obser$o ,ue los ob etos llegaron al suelo si!ult'nea!ente. 1. Conclusion: The fall of bodies is independent of its weight. 2a cada de los cuerpos es independiente de su peso.

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