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Target audiences of crime films


Due to age restrictions and such id say the target audiences of these films are young adults around the age of 18, also attracting people as young as 15 who crave a feeling of maturity. Revenue is also a large part of the aimed target audience where younger people may visit the cinema more often then older people such as 45+ who may even prefer older fashioned films and cult classics.


The crime genre is typically stereotyped to be aimed at men due to the main themes of violence, justice systems and action. Commonly the lead protagonist in crime films is usually a dominant male as in films such as Brian De Palmas (Scarface) where Al Pacino played the iconic role of Tony Montana. Its is recognised that most women enjoy lighter hearted films such as romantic comedies, in recent films such as Lara croft and kill bill women are shown to be strong and even more capable over male characters, attracting a market of women giving a sense of gender equality as well. In conclusion, Id say that crime films are geared towards a male audience with the attraction of action and violence however a side effect of this is that its starting to appeal to more and more women due to the rebellious rule breaking vibe of crime films, especially y

with the more common introduction of strong, inspiring female characters.

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