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Priyamruti yoga is caused when the 7th lord aspects the 8th lord.

The native will become a widow in the dasa of the 8th lord When the 5th lord attains a kendra, Padmaraga yoga is caused. This makes one annihilate enemies. !asista "ataka When the #$th lord obtains a kendra and aspected by a benefic this yoga called %upra&ata 'oga is caused. The native will en&oy life well and becomes a famous ( !asista "ataka The lords of 5th and )th in con&unction occupying the *rd bhava, confers this yoga called %aradeepa %akti 'oga. These people are insignificant, they suffer many sided agonies, they cannot live in their own houses. These results are severe for persons born in +anya ,agna.

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