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FATIGUE SYMPTOMS AND FORMULAS of Chinese herbs ----------------------------------------------

Fatigue Summer Heat Often associated with damp, because the heat weakens the Spleen, leading to prod uction of damp. Clinical manifestations: Symptoms follow excessive sweating, sun stroke, always involved a climatological exposure to heat. Fatigue and weakness in extremities Dehydration, shortness of breath Fever Weak voice, thirst Dusky face color if damp is involved Possible loose stool T: Possible greasy coat P: Weak and rapid, may be soft Formula Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang --------------------------------Accumulation of Damp Could be associated with a Spleen deficiency if the symptoms stress it. Clinical manifestations: Sluggish and heavy sensations. Cloudy, foggy head Spleen Qi Def. Indigestion, loose stool, bloating, low appetite T: Greasy coat P: Soft and slippery

Treatment principle Dry damp, stimulate digestion Formula Ping Wei San Then later, tonify spleen ---------------------------------Qi and Blood deficiency Clinical manifestations: Fatigue and Pale color Pale skin, face, lips, nails... etc. Dizziness, palpitations T: Pale P: Deep thready, weak Formula Ba Zhen Tang

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