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Share expected mcq's about ypip test.

1) one or two mcq related currency and types of money like last year they asked about soft money and hard money. 2) 2nd is related inflation and Gdp like current Gdp,agriculture,services,and deficit. 3) they asked about Noble prize winner in 2013. 4) Uno and its organizations,2 mcq must ask related this like Imf,wto,world bank etc. 5) one is related abbreviation of economic and finance terms 6) one is related depreciation,amortization and companies act 7) 2 mcq related computer softwares and computer parts and latest technology like 3g. 8) one mcq about sports like tennis and cricket 9) one mcq about newly elected Pm's and presidents of different countries like iran, 10) 2 or 3 mcq about Every day science,units,abbrevations,branches of science.

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