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Chapter 22 Reading Quiz 1. Civil service reform was a result of the assassination of President James A. Garfield A. True B.

False 2. President Arthur supported both civil service reform and tariff reform. A. True B. False 3. All of the following are correct about the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, except A. It forbade contracts in restraint of trade B. It was rarely enforced in its early years C. It set up the Interstate Commerce Commission D. It was used against labor unions 4. The only major national issue that clearly and consistently divided Democrats from Republicans was A. Prohibition B. Regulation of business C. Civil Service Reform D. Tariff policy 5. In 1893, Coxeys Army sought support for the subtreasury plan. relief for the unemployed farmers suffering from inflation regulation of trusts.

A. B. C. D.

6. Between 1866 and 1895, the only president assassinated was A. Grover Cleveland B. Chester A. Arthur C. Rutherford B. Hayes D. James A. Garfield 7. Grover Cleveland advocated laws to regulate the railroads A. True B. False 8. Boss Tweed led the Tammany Hall Democratic machine in Chicago in the 1880s A. True B. False

9. You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, said A. Samuel Gompers B. Grover Cleveland C. William Jennings Bryan D. Eugene V. Debs 10. In Wabash Railroad v. Illinois, the United States Supreme Court ruled that A. railroads could not grant rebates to big shippers B. the Interstate Commerce Commission could not regulate railroad rates C. individual states could not regulate railroad rates D. railroads could keep the subsidies granted to them for constructing the transcontinental railroad

Answer Key: 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. C

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