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CURE International transforms the lives of disabled children and

their families in the developing world through medical and spiritual
healing, serving all by establishing specialty teaching hospitals, building
partnerships and advocating for these children.
Maboshe was born with extra digits on his hands. His
parents knew that their Zambian sons deformity would be
a cause of great shame because Maboshe would be viewed
as an outcast in their community.
But they were unsure of what to do. Friends urged them to
tie Maboshes extra digits and cut them off. Others suggested
visiting a witch doctor.
Despite their distress, his parents knew there had to be better
options. So, they waited and prayed that God would reveal other
opportunities for Maboshes healing.
When Maboshe was 6, the parents heard about CURE
International and its hospital in Lusaka on a local radio program.
They sensed this might be the answer to their prayers.
The parents immediately began preparations to go to the
hospital, but it wouldnt be an easy journey. Lusaka was
far away, and there was no public transportation near their
small rural village. The family had to walk nearly 20 miles to
the nearest road and wait five hours for a bus.
The hospital was a welcome sight to the weary family when
they finally arrived in Lusaka. Hospital officials soon
delivered good news: Maboshe would have an operation to
remove his extra digits.
A short time later, the family set off for the long journey home. Only now, instead of being tired and
desperate, they had radiant smiles.
My child is no longer an outcast, and my faith has deepened, said Maboshes father. The way I look
at disabled children has changed! My experience has been so good and encouraging.
l og on to
www. hel pcurenow. org
You can help a child
like Maboshe today!

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