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AutoInvoice in Oracle Apps R12

AutoInvoice in Oracle Apps R12 AutoInvoice is a powerful, flexible tool you can use to import and validate transaction data from other financial systems and create invoices, debit memos, credit memos, and on account credits in Oracle Receivables. You use a custom feeder program to transfers transaction data from an external system into the AutoInvoice interface [] RA_INTERFACE_LINES

This table contains information relating to all transactions to be processed by AutoInvoice. Transactions include invoices, debit memos, credit memos, and on-account credits. Each record contains line, tax, freight, or finance charges information. The Line_Type field identifies the type of information contained in the record. A record can be a parent record: Line, Header Freight, or Charges; or a child record: Tax or linelevel Freight. A child record is linked to the parent record using the Link-To Transaction flexfield.

BEGIN INSERT INTO RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL (Amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate, conversion_type, created_by, creation_date, last_updated_by, last_update_date, last_update_login, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id, description, gl_date, trx_number, trx_date, line_number, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2, interface_line_attribute3, interface_line_context,

line_type, org_id, quantity, unit_selling_price, ship_date_actual, sales_order, sales_order_date, purchase_order, inventory_item_id, uom_code, orig_system_bill_customer_id, orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_ship_customer_id, orig_system_ship_address_id, primary_salesrep_id, set_of_books_id, term_id, tax_code, header_attribute11,territory_id ) VALUES ((crec_inv_lines.quantity*crec_inv_lines.net_rate), g_batch_source_name1, l_xxemig_distinvs_tbl(j).inv_conversion_rate, 'User', FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID, SYSDATE, FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID, SYSDATE, FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID, l_currency_code, l_trx_type_id, l_item_description, SYSDATE, g_prefix2l_xxemig_distinvs_tbl(j).inv_reference_number, l_xxemig_distinvs_tbl(j).inv_date, l_tot_line_count_rev, l_sales_order_no, g_prefix2l_xxemig_distinvs_tbl(j).inv_reference_number, l_tot_line_count_rev, g_interface_line_context, 'LINE', g_org_id, crec_inv_lines.quantity, crec_inv_lines.net_rate, l_ship_date_actual, l_sales_order_no, l_sales_order_date, l_xxemig_distinvs_tbl(j).inv_po_number,

g_inventory_item_id, g_uom_code, l_cust_account_id,----org bill to customer---l_orig_bill_address_id,---customer bill to address----, l_cust_account_id,----org ship to customer---l_orig_ship_address_id,---customer ship to address---l_primary_salesrep_id, g_set_of_books_id, l_term_id, g_tax_code, 'S/P' ,l_territory_id );

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