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Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives.

1) Where are (you) ________friends now? 2) Here is a postcard from (I) ___________friend Peggy. 3) She lives in Australia now with (she) __________family. 4) (She) __________husband works in Newcastle. 5) (He) __________company builds ships. 6) (They) __________children go to school in Newcastle. 7) (I) __________husband and I want to go to Australia, too. 8) We want to see Peggy and (she) __________family next winter. 9) (We) _________winter! 10) Because it is (they) _________summer 11) He's from Spain _________ name's Alberto. 12) They're married ___________children's names are Lauren and Daniel. We're brothers ___________ parents are French.

13) She's eight __________ brother's nine. 14) I'm British: ___________name's Peter. 15) You're students. ___________books are in the classroom.

Possessive adjectives:
1. The pen belongs to Mr. Grant. It's ________pen. 2. The book belongs to Mary. It's ________ book. 3. The suits belong to the boys. They're _________suits. 4. The house belongs to us. It's _______house. 5. The eraser belongs to Fred. It's ______eraser. 6. Those shoes belong to the children. They're _______shoes. 7. The hat belongs to you. It's ______hat. 8. The hats belong to you. They're ______hats.

9. The notebook belongs to me. It's ________ notebook. 10. This pen belongs to Mrs. Williams. It's ________ pen.


1. My friend John has a new dog._________ old dog died last week. 2. Mary hates when somebody touches __________car. 3. The students must bring __________certificates tomorrow. 4. Harry Potter has learned how to use _________wand. 5. Be careful, your cat is annoying ___________neighbours. 6. Don't use Martin's cup! Its _________! 7. Sharon has three sisters. __________ youngest sister lives in Spain. 8. The house where they live is not _________. They are renting it. 9. Can I use your chair? My chair is smaller than __________. 10. Susan will visit ___________friends when she goes to England.

Put in the possessive pronouns:

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Is the seat Simons? Yes its his Is this toothbrush Sandras? _______________ Nicola and Lisa, are these your things? ______________ John, is this your bike? _______________ Is this my money? ____________ Is this your parents car? ______________ Are these Sharons shoes? ______________ Is this jacket Peters? _____________ Is this your room? ______________ Are these our suitcases? _____________ Are these the actors flowers? ______________

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