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Matthew Part 6 Judgment If you could uninvent one thing from the world, so that it didnt exist, what

would it be? If you could have only one piece of furniture in your house, what would you want it to be? Read Matthew 19:16-26 How Rich? VERY Does God ask everyone to sell everything? So how do we make sense of that statement? What is the MESS GE of this story? When!What "oint in time does it refer to? READ Matthew 21:33-41 Who is the landowner? Who are the slaves!sons? Who are the renters? What is the "oint? #$DGME%& What timeframe!when does it refer to? READ Matthew 25:1-13 What time frame is the story talking a'o(t? Who do the characters re"resent? What is the MESS GE? Whole Section) How does this section fit into the 'ook? What do they tell (s a'o(t God? What do these stories contri'(te to o(r (nderstanding of the %&!*i'le? + + of how to live? PRAYER RE !E"#"

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