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1. On your own words, please explain the difference between state and nation.

(max 100 words) Nation and state are just like day and night, both are very important for country to have state and nation at the same time, without state or nation a country wont be ideal. Even though they are important but they have differences such as state is more to a group of people bound together by politics, but for nation is more to a group of people having common origin, culture, and language. In conclusion state is more about rules but nation if more about togetherness between people. 2. Why a state needs other states recognition? How does it affect that state directly? (max 150 words) State needs other state recognition is because state is a social organization, which means one state cannot exist without another state, every state have their own goal to achieve, thats why people are gathering to rule and control collective problems on behalf of community, not only that but they can make the organization to be useful to rule and organize society. In conclusion state need other states recognition because in this world there is more than one state, for some reason states are teaming to solve the same problem. 3. Explain the characteristics of nationalism (patriotic). (max 100 words) The characteristics of nationalism in patriotic meaning is just like our previous heroes for Indonesia, they stood up for nation of state sake. Their will to fight for independence and sacrifice their life for nation is the characteristic of nationalism, they fought not only in day but also night, they spent time and stamina to make Indonesia to be independence country, thats what you need to have if you want to have characteristic of patriotic. 4. Explain the application of nationalism spirit in daily life. (minimum 100 words) The application of nationalism spirit in daily life is like do what the rules have in society, for example we need to know the door before we come in that room. The other of application of nationalism spirit in daily life is love you own nation or state, love your friends even thought they are have different culture and race, just like what is written on the leg of eagle Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which mean even though we all are different we are one.

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