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Synopsis: Draft 2 A lower middle class on an autumns afternoon.

A boy in his upper teens stands by a sink in a kitchen, finishing washing up several plates. The room is visibly clean and tidy the presence of cleaning products and a broom dotted around the room suggests its recent cleaning. Once he has finished the washing up, he pulls the gloves off, turns away from the sink and addresses a surface opposite, on which a piece of paper containing a list of Jobs to do around the house instructions, signed mum. With a pen placed beside the instructions, he ticks off an instruction low down the page which reads Do with washing up. Then, he takes the piece of paper and pen in his hand and before leaving the room surveys the kitchen with a satisfied look. He turns around, out the door and into a dining room, its centrepiece being a large table. Much like the kitchen it appears recently cleaned. He wades past this room slowly, his meticulously jittering around the room. He soon approaches another door on the other side of the room, which leads to the room containing both the front door and the stairs. As he walks through this door, he finds himself planted face down on the floor. Almost immediately after this, another boy somewhat younger than the one on the floor, bursts from a closed door connected to the room the other boy fell over into. He is laughing, shrilly, hysterically. The older boy gets up off of the floor, looking back at a thick line of sellotape which has been stuck to the lower end of the door. He scrunches his face at the younger boy, saying in a gruff, grievous voice for him to grow up, explaining to him that their mother will be back soon. No comprehensible response is given by his brother. His laughter appears, even for an instance such as this, to be widely overstated. As a consequence, the older brother simply picks up the piece of paper he keeps with him and walks past the brother blankly. The room he attempts to enter into now is the living room, only to find that this rooms is completely caked in cling film. More laughter comes from the younger brother, and this time his older brother reacts harshly. He shouts an insult at him, provoking the still laughing brother to rush up the stairs. Dropping the piece of paper and pen, the older brother runs after him up the stairs. Once up the stairs, the laughing brother makes a sharp turn for a door at the right end of the stairs, before entering doing a little jump into the room. The other boy attempts to run into the room his brother has, only again, he falls over again. This time, his fall is interrupted by a large chest of draws, and instead of hitting it; he uses it to quickly revive his balance. The lower end of the door has again been covered in sellotape. His head flits instantly towards the direction of his brother in the middle of the room, clutching his chest in laughter. The room is a bedroom, medium in size and messy when compared to the rest of the rooms shown. As his brother goes to confront him, he raises himself slightly, with a dumbly mocking smirk on his face. His brother doesnt acknowledge it, and proceeds to push him forcefully onto a bed. The brother moves easily, he flies backwards and the back of his head meets the wall with a hollow thud. There is no laughter now, the younger brother clutches his head, swearing to himself. His older brother stands over him, and in a worried, quivering voice, asks him if hes alright. The boy nods, and to this his brother apologizes for his anger. The younger brother nods again. His older brother tells him that their mother is going to be home soon, so its best that he tidies his room and stops playing pranks on him. The boy nods.

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