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quiz no. 5 1. neither of them, ab cannot avail maternity leave because it is already her 5th delivery.

Maternity leave benefits only covers the first 4 deliveries or miscarriages. As to the employer, marriage is not a requirement to avail maternity leave benefits. 2. a. Wetos contention is correct because the law provides that paternity leave can be availed for the 1st 4 deliveries or miscarriages of legitimate spouse in cohabition. This is the first delivery of jovy who is his legitimate spouse. suggested answer ni mam! The law is silent, the law provides that all doubt in the interpretation and implemention of the provisions of the labor code, including its irr, shall be resolved in favor of the labor. b. yes, jovy is entitled because it is her 1st delivery, maternity leave is personal to the woman and even unmarried woman can avail such benefit, provided that her employer has paid at least 3 monthly contributions within the 12month period immediately preceeding the semester of childbirth or miscarriage.

d ko sure kung na repeal naba, mac2x wagew subject to attacment? why? hehehe art 1709 The laborers wages shall not be subject to execution or attachment, except for debts incurred for food, shelter, clothing, and medical attendance. art 1706. withholding of the wages, except for debt due shall not be made by the employer. mam answer, can wages be deducted as payment of debt? mao ni aho notes sa libro,, murag gsulti cguro ni mam, yes. wages can be deducted under the express authority of the concerned employee, however notwithstanding the authority given by the employee, the employer is not obliged to deduct and the employer must not receive any pecuniary benefit with the transaction.

piece rate worker, quiz no,n6 1. Janet will receive 400 for that day regardless of time spent at work, janet is entitled to premium pay overtime pay for special working on the scheduled rest day if the output rate pay prescribed by the employer is approved by dole. 2. no janet will receive holiday pay aside from the output pay for that day. The basis for the holiday pay is the average daily earnings for the last 7 actual working days preceeding the regular holiday. Holiday pay should not be less than the statutory minimum wage rate. she is entitled for overtime pay provided that the output rate pay prescribed by the employer is not approved by dole.

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