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Chapter 1 If youre not going to help bring in the boxes, you can at least move your crap into

your room. Autumn decided to assist her mother in unpacking since Ryan was refusing to comply with this sudden move. Ill move it when I can go back to Washington, she couldve at least let me stay for the summer. Ryan was getting heated and slammed the door to his room after his brief conversation with Autumn. It wasnt much he could do in his room since he literally left everything he owned in the car and moving truck. His intentness on moving back home to Abigail kept him busy during the 4 hours he stayed in there. Their new house was bigger than the one back in Washington. It was 2 stories, had a finished basement, and even had a spare room. Autumns room was on the first floor at her request. Her mother took it as a sign that she wanted to be close with the family again, but Autumn just liked that she could easily sneak out if she ever wanted or needed to. Of course this was a silly idea though, because Victoria was very lenient with letting Autumn do as she pleased. She just didnt want her mother knowing what she was doing or where she was going. Her fathers death had also made her secretive. Thank you for helping, its been really stressful the past week, and I feel awful for uprooting you two,

and Victoria was hysterically ranting, but was interrupted by an unexpected hug from Autumn. You havent hugged me in years. Victoria was in shock as she tightly wrapped her arms around her daughter. I know. Ive missed the feeling. The few conversations shes had with her brother and mom have been the most shes talked to them in months. Victoria and Autumn took a break from moving and sat on the couch, plastic wrapping still in tack, not caring to take it off. Their laughter echoed through the house. There was also crying as they reminisced on old memories. Eventually, Ryan was compelled to slowly creep out of his room. He was curious to find out what had been so humoring, and also who could be talking in the living room, surely it wasnt Autumn. To his surprise, thats exactly who he found as the source of the commotion. Ryan walked down the stairs hesitantly, occasionally pondering making his way back to his dark empty room. Thats not who Ryan was; he couldnt stay mad at his mother forever. Hey. Ryan had made it down the stairs and entered the living room.

After some apologies and acceptance, Ryan joined in on the reminiscing presenting his favorite memories. Within a few hours passing, everyone joined in placing all the boxes inside and unpacking. An entire day of labor led to the completion of the Jacobs residence transformation from a house into a home. This may be summer, but both of you are getting jobs. I already talked to one of my new clients here and he owns a pizza shack. Im still looking for something else. The idea of working in a pizza shack was focused towards Autumn. All right. I will go job hunting tomorrow when I check out the city. Ryan offered, letting Autumn take the easy route as he always had. ********* The following day, Autumn and Ryan drove to the inner city. Autumn turns 16 at the end of summer, but Ryan was already making his way towards being legal. They decide to split up and roam around on their own. The city was closer to the shore than their house, so the air was slightly laced with the scent of salt. Autumn decided to spend her time in a book shop that was literally named Book Store. She already disliked the shopping center for its lack of creativity, but she entered anyways. She headed straight into the teen romance section; her favorite genre.

They offered a wonderful lounge area in the section. It was equip with 3 comfy looking chairs and foot rests. After Searching for a book for 5 minutes, she stumbled across John Greens The Fault in Our Stars. Autumn had no doubt read the novel countless times, but it had been a while so the time had come once again. She began reading, but was interrupted when an avalanche of books began to fall on her. Someone was rushing over to assist her. Im so sorry, I was restacking the shelves and the books just fell. Are you okay? A distractingly cute boy had come into her perimeter and Autumn wasnt prepared. She just stood there for a moment, absorbing the moment and the fact that someone actually attractive was talking to her. I didnt give you a concussion or something, did I? Hello? He was beginning to look panicked and worried. Oh. No, no. Im fine, just a bit out of it. Autumn managed to spit the words out without showing too much nervousness. Thank goodness! I wouldnt want to be held accountable for hurting someone as pretty as you. He flashed a smile and looked away shyly.

Hah, I think you may be the one with a concussion. She was surprised and in denial that he would say that to her. Just speaking the truth, I was taught never to lie to a woman. Are you new in town? He was too charming to be real, Autumn was sure that she mustve been dreaming. Oh youre a piece of work now arent you? I just moved in yesterday. Do you live close to here? Autumn seemed slightly overly eager, but masked it well by appearing distracted with her book. I live down the road actually. You can come back in an hour, Ill be off then and I can show you around. There was something in his eyes, he was intrigued by her. Intrigued by the way shed look at the ground, or how she couldnt keep eye contact, how she would stroke the bracelet on her left wrist, and how she had sat down and gotten back up twice during their conversation. Yeah, that sounds great. I think Ill just hang around here and read a bit though. She smiled and sat back down. For someone who hadnt had much human contact in the last three years, Autumn was doing exceptionally well with her interactions. The next hour went by painfully slow for her. Even though she loved

The Fault in Our Stars, she couldnt focus on it because she was excited and impatient. She occasionally watched the guy from the book store never asked for his name as he walked around and cleaned up the store. He was incredibly handsome, fit, tan. He was certainly an athlete, which means he most likely has a girlfriend. These were the thoughts going through Autumns head. Her brain was doing an endless analysis on him until the hour was over and he was suddenly next to her. All right. Im done for the day, ready to go Im sorry I didnt even catch your name? Its Autumn like the season, and yours would be? Beautiful name, mine is Jai, like the, well Im not really sure actually. He flashed that dangerous smile again and nothing was the same. After leaving the book store, Jai and Autumn went walking around town. The salt laced air was beginning to become unnoticeable. He showed her the rest of the shopping plaza and they even passed his house on the way to the Pizza Shack. Its the one with the flag in the yard, right next to the green one. Jai pointed out his house.

It looks really nice, do you know someone serving? The change of her attitude was clear. Maybe you could come by sometime? My older brother is in his third tour right now. Do you? From the look on Autumns face, Jai was already regretting asking. No. Not anymore at least. My dads platoon got hit three years ago, no survivors. Im sorry, he felt terrible as he embraced her tightly. Autumn wasnt expecting this, but she was definitely not complaining. His body was warm, she could feel his muscles flexed against her, and she didnt know what to do. They were in the middle of the street so the delicate, but intense encounter soon came to an end when a car honked at them. The sun was already beginning to set so they continued walking as they watched. Eventually Jai reached down for Autumns hand, but her first instinct was to pull away. He placed his hand in his pocket and apologized. "So, are you going to come to BHS? How old are you?" "I guess I'll have to, since school is the law and all or something. I'm turning 16 soon, you?" Autumn was no longer really in the mood to talk, she began kicking a rock in front of her.

The thought of a similar moment had reemerged. It was a rainy day walking home from school with the boy next door. She had received a bracelet in the mail from her father that morning. It was also the day she had been notified of the loss of her father. The boy tried to hold her hand, but she rejected it and went on to lock herself in her bedroom. She literally didn't come out for 2 days. That was the last time she had really touched someone outside of her family. "I'm turning 16 in a few weeks. Maybe I can take you on a tour of the school sometime?" Jai was desperately searching for a way to mend his mistake filled actions. "I don't know, maybe. Its getting late, I should get going..." Autumn was trying to climb back into her shell, but thankfully Jai wasn't going to let her. "Theres one last place that Id like to show you, and then I promise you can leave. Do we have a deal?" He had brought out a deadly weapon, the puppy dog eyes combined with his irresistible smile. "I don't know..." Jai had somehow made him-self look even more sad pleading. "Fine, one more place." They were walking for about twenty minutes and Autumn was beginning to worry. As they got closer he got behind her and covered her eyes as he guided her to the mystery destination.

"You're not some serial killer are you?" Autumn joked as she was blind to her surroundings. "Don't you think it's a little late to be asking that? This place would be perfect if I was, but I'm not that interesting. Sorry to disappoint." Jai was joking but managed to almost keep a serious tone. He was taking her to this isolated lake about a mile from the main road. It was beautiful. The water smelt like concentrated nature, but at the same time was fresh. The sky was so clear that night. Autumn had never really gotten the chance to experience the consolation of stars since Washington was always cloudy. "Here we are; my secret hideout." He removed his hands from over her eyes and revealed the final destination. "What is this place?" Autumn was completely amazed by what she was witnessing. "Its a small piece of paradise. I come here when I need to escape or just relax. I found it a couple of years ago, what do you think?" Jai was admiring the way Autumn was admiring his sanctuary. "Its...Its beautiful, I wish I could live somewhere where everything was like this." She was looking around with big eyes and a smile on her face before approaching the log by the water.

Well I guess wishes come true, because now you do. Jai was smiling again, and Autumn was too. She even built up the courage to place her fingers in between his as every single star began to reveal itself. Before Jai knew it, Autumn had fallen asleep in his arms as they watched the stars. It wasnt such a bad first day of summer after all. Her phone began to vibrate interrupting the settle encounter under the stars. Jai answered the phone. Autumns phone, Jai speaking. How may I help you? Um Well you could start by telling me where my sister is? Right next to me, shes sleeping at the moment. I can bring her to your house if youd like? Ryan almost unwillingly gave him the address and waited for his sister to arrive. Jai had carried her on his shoulder for almost 2 miles to his house before asking his mom to drive her home. Autumn was a very heavy sleeper because she didnt wake up until the next morning. Good morning. Ryan was sitting at the end of Autumns bed.

Why are you in my room? When did I even get into my room? How did I get home? Autumn was oblivious to what had happened. Some guy brought you home. I think he said his name was Jai. Jai, so hes real? I wasnt dreaming? Autumn was uncontrollably smiling and Ryan was getting a disgusted look on his face. Oh gosh, dont tell me youre falling for that kids crap. He was obnoxiously good looking and charming; I dont like him. What do you mean? Autumn was confused; shouldnt her brother want her to have a nice guy? He carried you from wherever you two were, doing God knows what, and then brought you all the way here. Who does that? Really, he did all that for me? Autumn looked down realizing she was wrapped in the jacket Jai was wearing yesterday. It was slightly wet; it mustve been raining yesterday. Yeah he insisted on leaving that thing here for you. Im serious Autumn, something is wrong with him. Ryan realized what she was looking at. I cant have someone be sweet to me, is that so impossible Ryan? Get out! Ryan left without saying anything and shut the door behind him.

A few minutes later Autumn walked down the stairs for breakfast. She still hadnt taken the jacket off. Her mom was waiting in the kitchen. I heard someone had themselves quite the night yesterday. Victoria was giving Autumn the most embarrassing smile. She began blushing as her mother was staring at her. Ignoring the comment that had been made, she made herself a bowl of cheerios then went to shower.

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