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OCTOBER 23, 2013 Deans Convention Meeting

Introductions Jeff Plunk: Honor Council and reporting, etc.:: Student led honor council with faculty sponsorsfollows a process. System seemed to be leaning more towards the punitive side instead of the educating side. Juniors or seniors = suspensions immediately. Had a situation where a student didnt get into college simply because of the suspension, and this was a first time offense, and really was a student who hadnt necessarily had trouble before. Comments from the folks: BT does not have an honor council. Parents come with a student, etc. Plagiarism issue does not carry a suspension at the first time. 9th grade has extensive documentation and the junior and senior year, if this comes up again, there are suspensions. There is a punishment with 9th and 10th grade levels, but suspensions with 11th and 12th. They tell the students that they must be the ones to report it and that they must be honest with all of their discipline situations in reporting. This does all go on their record. Siblings have also gone and changed names and resubmitted papers and turn it in has found things at 100% == make sure they know about this! Marist: tries to keep suspension out of it, but they report major violations whatever those are. Marist teachers allow them to see the Turn It In reports, but not all schools do. Lovett: has a rubric that they use in the process. Rubric to determine guilt vs. not guilty. Have you ever been found guilty and if youve been found guilty it doesnt matter the punishment. Whitefield Academy: there is some sort of level they go by to suspend, etc. may have been in school vs out of school, zero on assignment, they do not send the MS students to honor council and use it as a teaching moment. Telling someone what was on the quiz you should know this this this is considered cheating. Honor Council chapel where they educate the students first. The chapel is somber and serious, and they also do a bit of a skit at the beginning. The serious note gets their attention, for sure. Students sign the honor code. Teachers can handle as they wish === if its a minor offense they can deal with it in the classroom. Students make the recommendation for the punishment. They do use Turn It In, peer tutoring, etc. They do have to put it on their applications as well. Sometimes the strongest students are the ones who are found to be plagiarizing/cheating they feel like they have no option but to do it because they are struggling so much to be the best. Cottage School: some violations are better managed by going to Admin, etc. beginning of the semester the English teachers spend 2 days with a plagiarism assignment and it is a uniform presentation across the board. The encourage rough drafts to mitigate some of the plagiarism problems. Cottage School uses TurnItIn and they make them rewrite their report based on the percentage shown and they make them rewrite the noted areas.

SPX: this is a student led group, and we have cases that get turned over to discipline committee

Paideia: so many variables in determining what, when, where, etc. and they finally determined that the headmaster would make the call on the severity. EU Ivan says that they are looking at PhDs and finding plagiarism, etc. and are now firing teachers and rescinding PhDs because of this.

Patrick Boswell worked at a university, and they looked very seriously at the honor council violations more harshly vs. those incidents where drugs, and alcohol where concerned. Also, Lovett has found that Academic Integrity is the most significant for the universities. Lovett MS has the US come to speak to them as well. The MS also has a written option that outlines the penalties, etc.

NHS Marist has a character component with NHS applications. Whitefield has an confidential committee who reviews the apps for NHS and character is a component. Lovett says if you are found guilty in your 9th grade year, they arent held accountable to that. If an 11th grader is applying and has had some event in the last year, or something, that does count against them. Cottage School does take several of our students who are dismissed and/or expelled for Honor Violations, etc. Do we take them back? What would you want to see from Cottage School to reconsider the student? Lovett does reconsider if someone has been dismissed, and there is a counseling component that is required. If we have anything like that where we would reconsider a student that Cottage School takes, please be in touch with Laura and Ivan if a conversation needs to take place. PICTURES ON THE INTERNET/CELL PHONES/ELECTRONIC DEVICE: everyone had differing opinions/situations and required different punishments, etc. based on what happened. Respect your space with your devices and respect everyone when using your device. Lovett just changed their policy yesterday and will see what happens going forward. They may not take a picture or post a picture without explicit approval. It is our responsibility to teach appropriate social behavior in all venues lunch, etc. so therefore DEAN OF STUDENT LIFE role: what sorts of things are you doing to foster some of the issues they might be facing to help in general Whitefield has a girls talk where the upper grades mentor to the younger grades. Lovett is hosting a study skills intramurals after schoolthe ended up with 150 kids who wanted to do it! Its really about helping to plan for exams it was supposed to be 1x a week, but ended up being so much bigger than they expected.

Upper School at Lovett does Prides they try to help them to interact via grade level and gender. They have to do some activities together etc. Lovett has webpages Mary facilitates and looks at the calendar to coordinate resources, etc. They had to tie the club to one of the pillars of the mission statement, and the create and maintain a webpage with calendar, etc. You may sign up to the webpage, etc. to track your members, etc. ABSOLUTELY NO GAMBLING. TRACKING DETENTION: how do we track them? BT makes them do a reflection paper during detention. They also start copying chapter 5 of the handbook. Woodward has created a monster with giving them a window of opportunity to serve, so now theyre having a problems with getting them to serve. Lovett MS has a Google Doc for detention.

Gate Keeper software thing to track attendance, keep records, etc. for sayathletics, etc.

From Laura 10 day attendance letter borrowed from Pius initially. At what point do you deny credit.

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