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Adi Mohammed

Screen Test with Notes

For my AS level film studies portfolio I have done a textual analysis on how the main protagonists in Quantum of Solace (2008) and The Expendables 2 (2012) are represented. I have looked at how the director uses microelements to present their protagonists. I will also develop my portfolio by planning a creative artefact based on the main ideas that I gathered from my textual analysis on both action films. I intend to make a short piece of film containing a chase and include ideas gathered from my analysis of two action films. The main theme I intend to portray is conflict. For my planning and research I have done as screen test on the main protagonist of the film. I judged the actors based on their performance and how well they were able to act in front of the camera. I did this by making the actors perform a short scene from the film. I judged each actor based on how well they were able to execute the monologue and if they created a verisimilitude environment/scene. In order to do this, I had to do auditions for my main protagonist as they play the most important role on camera. A bad actor can easily result in a bad film, especially when it comes to action films as the main actor must always be convincing and not comical. I was mainly looking for actors who come across well on screen. A series of screen test was taken place to find the most compatible actor for the main role of the film. The actors had to perform two scenes in which I judged them on. The first scene is a small c hase where the actor has to act like he just saw his subject and has to chase him and the second scene is a small monologue of the Agent Matthews arresting a wanted criminal. In both of the films I have analysed there are numerous scenes where the protagon ists over powers the antagonist. For instance they are presented as more powerful and highly skilled. I believe that I can do this if I follow the pattern of how high action protagonists are represented. Firstly I intend to use an actor who fits the role of a high action protagonist. From my textual analysis I know that they must be tall, look physically fit and be the stereotypical good-looking protagonist. Secondly the cameras are usually placed at a low angle to represent the protagonists dominance. Bas ed on these ideas I will present a protagonist who can overpower the antagonist during the chase.

Brief outline of Agent Mathews:

Agent Matthews is a secret agent who works for the government and assists them in taking out the countrys most violent men. As a result Agent Matthews has been hired to take out the antagonist, who is a very well known terrorist. Agent Matthews should be played by a tall, smart looking actor who can pull off the correct body language and facial expressions t o show how professional Agent Matthews is. The actor will wear a well-tailored suit and must look like he has years of acquired skills. For instance he cannot be overweight, or too skinny. Instead he must have the typically broad shoulders and masculine body. The actor I am looking for must be able to portray the values of sophistication, intelligence and present the character as intimidating. Its highly important that I choose the correct actor in order for the mise -en-scene of the film to work.

Adi Mohammed

The auditions consisted of 2 dark haired, slim males and 1 dark haired, average male for the role of Agent Matthews. The script I wanted them to perform is as follows:

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Film Name: The Intelligence - Scene 1: An introduction to Agent Matthews as he is arresting a violent criminal who is well known to the secret service. The scene is two-shot shot of Agent Matthews arresting the criminal. Matthews I am arresting you for the assassination of the Archbishop of York. You will be taken in for questioning you do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do/say may be given as evidence Affirmative, the subject has been caught, we are on the way to the station now.


Adi Mohammed

Screen Test on Agent Mathews Actor 1: Actor Profile:

Name: Dominic Benjamin
This actor is a young black 17 year old male with brown eyes originally from Dominica, He is 5ft 6 and weighs 139 pounds with a small frame. The actor has no previous experience in film making or acting however he did play the main role for a radio drama 1 year ago.

1st Scene analysis:

At first glance to this actor running towards the camera he seemed to be too fragile and powerless due to his small frame. This made him seem weak and not overpowering compared to James Bond and Barney from my textual analysis. He also wasnt very confident in front of camera and didnt look how I portrayed the character to look like. As well as this he has got a child-like face, which makes him unsuitable for the role of an Agent who is meant to be portrayed as a lot older. As well as this when this charact er was asked to shout Oi stop there! his voice did not project much authority and power. This is due to the fact that his voice sounded shy, timid and high pitched.

2nd Scene analysis:

When I ordered this actor to perform the script he was quite hesitant and stuttered a lot at the beginning, which didnt project any authority or power towards the character he was trying to play. His voice seemed too timid and innocent for a highly experienced agent. The scene in which this actor played lacked verisimilitude due to his powerless frame incapability to present the character correctly. He lacked the confidence to project his voice loud enough and again h is posture was powerless, which is very problematic. However as he continues to perform the small speech he gains more confidence in his role but generally lacks the capability and generic conventions of a high action agent.

Adi Mohammed

Screen Test on Agent Mathews Actor 2: Actor Profile:

Name: Danny Deller. This actor is a young white 16 year old male originally from England. He has blue eyes and is 5ft 10 and weighs 145 pounds. The actor has an athletic build and looks suitable for the role. In terms of experience this actor has plenty and has also done work for the BBC. He is an aspiring actor and is currently building up his confidence by doing small projects.

1st scene analysis:

Actor two is tall, physically fit and looks like the correct actor for the movie. When actor 2 started to perform he seemed confident in what hes doing. This actor can project his voice on camera very easily and looks really good on camera i.e. he was able to run really fast with a convincing facial expression; he made it look like the antagonist has done something really bad and had to be caught. His posture was good as he stood tall and straight which made him look powerful when he ran towards the camera. The actor can also pull off facial expressions, which make him seem serious and confident on camera. When instructed to play out the first scene this actor instantly got into character and made it very easy to believe that he is an agent and does show profession. Furthermore this actor has previous experience in acting and clearly shows it; he was able to do the scene very easily without hesitation and wonder as to what he has to do. As a result I believe this actor can pull off the role of the protagonist and follow my instructions very easily as he was eager to please me.

2nd Scene analysis

When ordered to act the scene this actor instantly jumped in to character was very impressive from the start. His posture was dominating and powerful as well as this authority he projected from his voice. The actor was able to perform the monologue really well and knew exactly how a high action spy hero is presented. This actor created a verisimilitude environment when he was arresting his subject, he was also able to present really serious and mortifying facial expressions, which as a whole created what I wanted in my mind. I was also really impressed when he added his own body expressions, for instance when he was rigorously arresting the subject he just caught. He managed to create a really convincing scene in front of camera confidently. Additionally this actor is what I am looking for and truly can perform to a high standard

Adi Mohammed

Screen Test on Agent Mathews Actor 3:

Actor Profile:
Name: Nikunj Mandalia

This actor is a young 16 year old male originally from India. He is 5ft 7 and weighs 142 pounds and has brown eyes the actor has a skinny child-like frame. He has no previous experience in acting.

1st Scene analysis:

Actor three was able to perform the run and look good enough for the role. His posture was good however he was unable to project his voice loud enough and lacked the confidence to make the character seem powerful and dominant. He was slightly shy on camera and did not seem convincing when he shouted Stop Running. His voice wasnt on point and didnt so und right for the role. As well as this Agent Matthews is supposed to be presented as mature and sophisticated, when put on camera this actor lacks these values and can easily destroy the mise-en-scene of the scene.

2nd Scene analysis: At the beginning of the performance, this actor was quite shy and intimidated by the camera. His performance lacked much confidence and he struggled to deliver his lines fluently. He didnt have a mature enough voice for a serious and masculine agent. When delivering his lines this actor did stutter quite a bit and didnt make the scene of the arrest very convincing; it was almost comical. Additionally, throughout this scene he didnt look good in front of camera. For instance, his posture whilst making the arrest made his seem weak and incapable to control the antagonist. He made the arrest look very easy to get out of and therefore makes the scene lack verisimilitude as he is meant to be arresting a very dangerous and powerful antagonist. As well as this while this character was making the arrest he had no facial expression whatsoever which made the scene look quite awkward and annoying to watch.

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