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Ballistics Method To evaluate old bullets, ballistics experts rely on the same basic techniques us ed at police labs.

Most clues are found in two types of tiny markings, called cl ass and individual characteristics. Class characteristics By looking for the bullet caliber and rifling marks, experts can identify the type of gun used. Rifling marks are caused by spiral grooves located inside the gun barrel. These spirals cause the bullet to spin, producing a more stable flight p ath. Each type of gun (for example a .38 Smith and Wesson or a Colt .45) is manufactu red with a distinctive rifling pattern, turning to the right or left, at a speci fic rate of twist. Individual characteristics When a gun is fired, small imperfections inside the barrel leave a unique patter n of marks on the bullet. Two bullets fired from the same gun will bear identical individual characteristi cs. If a ballistics examiner has access to the weapon that allegedly fired an ol d bullet, new test bullets can be fired and compared to the old bullet. To look for matching marks, the bullets are examined under a special microscope that allows side-by-side comparison of two objects. (In fact, the comparison mic roscope, now used in many fields of science, was invented in 1923 specifically f or the purpose of comparing bullets.) But not all bullets are easily identified. Small-caliber bullets have fewer iden tifiable characteristics than larger bullets. Bullets fired before the late 18th century can be especially difficult to identi fy. In those days, pistols and muskets had smoothbore barrels, which left no rifli ng marks.

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