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EDA &#$*& E00 Met-ods Course 'ylla5us - & Credit 7ours Instructor Contact Information: Name of Instructor: Nilufer

Guler E-mail Class Meeting Days, Times, Dates and lace: Days: Mondays lace:!" Times: #:$$-%:&$ M Class 'ession Dates: ($)*()*$(&-(()$+)*$(& Course Descri,tion: T-e teac-ing of Englis- to s,ea.ers of ot-er languages. T-e study of curriculum and ,rogram de/elo,ment, teac-ing strategies, assessment ,rocedures and material selection for E00 introduction. 1e/iew of ,ractical as,ects on organi2ing and managing t-e E00 classroom, including t-e w-y and w-en to transition students. Course Materials 3te4t5oo. and ot-er su,,lemental6: it 7a,,en, 8t- ed. 1ic-ard-"mato, atricia I'9N : $-(&-*&#(&;-< Course =5>ecti/es: (. Identify and a,,ly t-e t-eory, researc-, and im,lications of first and second language ac?uisition models and met-ods to indi/idual students@ learning. *. Distinguis- language differences and similarities as t-ey im,act instruction in t-e classroom. &. Atili2e E00 met-ods as t-ey relate to E00 students and content curriculum in an educational en/ironment. 8. De/elo, grade le/el lesson ,lans using E00 teac-ing strategies and assessment.
EDU 36023: E00 Met-ods

B. E4-i5it com,re-ension of 5ot- regular and E'=0 'tandards as t-ey relate to ,u5lic sc-ools and t-e curriculum. Course Met-ods of "ssessment: T-e following standards are ,rimarily addressed in t-is course: !ansas E'=0 'tandard ; T-e teac-er of Englis- for s,ea.ers of ot-er languages understands and uses a 5road range of met-odologies to ,ro/ide academic learning e4,eriences for Englis- language learners, understands and uses strategies t-at encourage full ,artici,ation of Englis- language learners in t-e sc-ool en/ironment. !ansas E'=0 'tandard ($ T-e teac-er of Englis- for t-e s,ea.ers of ot-er languages understands and uses a 5road range of literacy met-odologies, ,rograms, and assessment tools for Englis- language learners and ac.nowledges t-e im,ortant role of family literacy in second language ac?uisition. T-e following assignments are t-e ,rimary assignments for t-is course: (. Candidates will design t-ree s,ecific lessons using distinct E00 5est ,ractices in eac-. 0essons may address eit-er t-e same or different learning o5>ecti/es. 0essons will follow t-e =ttawa Ani/ersity lesson ,lanning design. *. Asing 5est ,ractices met-odologies, candidates will design t-ree additional lessons to 5e deli/ered in a general education classroom setting. 0essons will follow t-e =ttawa Ani/ersity lesson ,lanning design. &. Candidates will select one of t-e si4 lessons t-ey design to ,resent to t-e class. 8. T-eory ,osition ,a,er: T-is acti/ity is de/elo,ed to -el, you to synt-esi2e and e4,ress a ,osition 5ased u,on a ,rom,t ,ro/ided 5y t-e
EDU 36023: E00 Met-ods

instructor in relation to second language ac?uisition and learning t-eories co/ered in t-is course. Cou will 5e graded according to t-e assignment ru5ric. Course =utline: Week 1 C-a,ter* T7E 1=CE'' =D 0E"1NING " 'EC=ND 0"NGA"GE IN T7E C0"''1==M: " C=GNITIEE EIEF C-a,ter 8 EME1GENT "1TICI "T=1C 0"NGA"GE TE"C7ING Week 2 C-a,ter B DEEE0= ING '!I00': IM 0ICIT "ND E< 0ICIT TE"C7ING 'T1"TEGIE' C-a,ter # T7E "DDECTIEE D=M"IN C-a,ter ; 0"NGA"GE "''E''MENT "ND 'T"ND"1D' Week 3 C-a,ter % 7C'IC"0 INE=0EEMENT IN T7E 0"NGA"GE 0E"1NING 1=CE'' Week 4 C-a,ter ($

C7"NT', MA'IC, "ND =ET1C

Week 5 C-a,ter (( 'T=1CTE00ING, 1=0E 0"C, "ND D1"M" Week 6 C-a,ter (*


EDU 36023: E00 Met-ods


Week 7 C-a,ter (& Week 8 C-a,ter (8



erformance E/aluation: T-e Instructor will: 1e?uire feed5ac. e4,eriences in t-e form of e4ams, lesson ,lans, and reflecti/e ,a,ers associated wit- t-e classroom o5ser/ations, researc- ,a,ers, and)or ot-er forms of learning measurement to demonstrate t-e degree to w-ic- t-e o5>ecti/es of t-e course -a/e 5een learned. Grading 'cale: T-e following grading scale will a,,ly to all graded wor. as well as t-e student@s final grade in t-e course.
oint 'cale B$$-8B$ 88+-&++ &+%-&8% &8;-*+; *+# or under 0etter Grade " 9 C D D

ercentage 9ased

($$G H +$G %+G H %$G ;+G H ;$G #+G H #$G B+G or under

" 9 C D D

0esson lans:(B$G 3*B oints eac-6 resentation: ($$G osition a,er:(&$G

EDU 36023: E00 Met-ods

Iui22es: ($$G "ttendance and artici,ation: *$G Note: "dditional coursewor. and ,oints may5e assigned due to local, state, national, and uni/ersity e/ents occurring during t-e course session. "cademic 7onesty: lagiarism and c-eating will not 5e tolerated at any le/el H on any assignment. T-e reality of cy5ers,ace -as made academic dis-onesty e/en more tem,ting for some, 5ut 5e ad/ised t-at tec-nology can and will 5e used to -el, unco/er t-ose engaging in dece,tion. If you e/er -a/e a ?uestion a5out t-e Ani/ersity "cademic Council a,,ro/ed on May *+, *$$&, JT-e ,enalty for ,lagiarism or any ot-er form of academic dis-onesty will 5e failure in t-e course in w-ict-e academic dis-onesty occurred. 'tudents w-o commit academic dis-onesty can 5e dismissed from t-e uni/ersity 5y t-e ,ro/ost)director.K lease refer to t-e =ttawa Ani/ersity Guidelines for "cademic 7onesty 3 DD6, e4cer,ted from t-e =A 'tudent 7and5oo. 3",,endi4 96 for details and e4am,les. "ttendance olicy: Ani/ersity ,olicy restricts a5sences. Course attendance is credited toward your final grade t-roug- t-e J artici,ationK com,onent. "n e4cused a5sence will 5e dealt wit- on a ,ersonal one-on-one 5asis. Course Fe5sites: =ttawa Ani/ersity Fe5site: -tt,:)) E'0 1esource: -tt,:)) Education 1esources Information Center -tt,:))www.eric.ed.go/ 'tudent 7and5oo.)Catalog: Ani/ersity olicies: 'tudents s-ould refer to t-e =ttawa Ani/ersity 'tudent 7and5oo. and Catalog for all Ani/ersity regulations. Disclaimer:
EDU 36023: E00 Met-ods

Course content and schedule may vary to meet the needs of a particular group of students !he instructor "ill e#plain the rationale for any variance as it occurs

Lesson Plan Rubric E4,lanation 0esson ,lan follows t-e =ttawa Ani/ersity lesson ,lan design. 0earning outcomes and o5>ecti/es are cited clearly in t-e lesson ,lan Dormati/e assessment tec-ni?ues are e4,lained in detail. "cti/ities are e4,lained t-oroug-ly and com,letely. 0esson ,lan is free of grammatical T=T"0
EDU 36023: E00 Met-ods

oints ossi5le ;

oints "warded

B & *B

0esson ,lans are due: Fee.s &,8,B, #, ;,%

Presentation Rubric E4,lanation resentation e4,lains t-e acti/ities t-at will 5e a,,lied in t-e lesson clearly. resentation e4,lains t-e reason and rationale 5e-ind t-e acti/ities. resentation refers at least two classroom readings. resentation is understanda5le and easy to follow.
EDU 36023: E00 Met-ods

oints ossi5le *B

oints "warded


*B *B

Total: Due:Fee.:%


Theory position paper Rubric Criteria for Grading Points possible a,er is free of 30 grammatical and s,elling errors a,er is no more t-an t-ree, dou5le-s,aced ,ages in lengt-.

Points awarded

a,er clearly addresses t-e ,rom,t ,ro/ided. a,er clearly addresses t-e t-eories t-at ,ro/ides answers to t-e ,rom,t.


EDU 36023: E00 Met-ods

a,er incor,orates course readings in an aut-entic and accurate way. a,er gi/es e/idence from readings in t-e form of direct ?uotes to su,,ort t-e ,osition of t-e writer. Total:



EDU 36023: E00 Met-ods

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