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Requirements for a Shaoli n Fighter: To be as graceful as a cat

Requirements for a Shaolin

The requirements for a Shaol in Fighter are expressed
i n a form of sayi ngs:
To be as graceful as a cat
This rul e says that in a fight one should make light,
easy and graceful movements l ike the cat does.
To be as aggressive as the tiger
The ti ger personi fies courage and aggressiveness.
The meaning of this saying is that in the face of your
enemy you shoul d overrun his courage. Advance
harshl y, retreat without any confusion, estimate the real
situation and than heavily punch with a sharp rush to
the enemy.
To step like a dragon
The dragon i n China is a symbol of strength and
power, so steps should be strong, powerful and
Requirements for a Shaoli n Fighter: To act li ke a lightning stroke
If steps are not resolute, something wrong wil l be with
fists. A non-confident step means a sl ipshod fist.
Thus, steps must be strong and confident. The step
fol lows the movement of the body. When one step is
over, the movement of the body is over, too.
To act like a lightning stroke
One must be qui ck as a lightni ng stroke and instantly
response to any changes. Punch i n the fight should
l ook like flash of lightning. You should punch so quickly
as not to feel the striki ng moment. If your punch went
home, you should not feel i t.
To shout like thunder
In the fight the most powerful stri kes are deli vered
wi th a shout to help more powerful "effort-ji n" emission.
To move like a gust of wind
One must move vehemently li ke a violent gust of
wi nd. If you started fighting with a frontal attack, use
your force on the left and on the right to follow the
pri nciple The fist is visible, the strike is invisible
and If you do not see your hand striking the enemy,
you will never see this enemy.
Requirements for a Shaoli n Fighter: To stay like a nail
To stay like a nail
One must stay on a foot li ke a driven nail.
To be as heavy as a mountain
One should maintain stances li ke a mountain that can
not be moved off. One should train i n mabu (rider)
stance and pole standi ng stance. Those two exerci ses
are the most important methods to train strong feet and
to regulate your breathi ng.
To be as light as goose down
However, at the same time you must move around
quickly and lightly and instantly response to enemy's
actions like goose down moves with the lightest whi ff of
the wi nd.
To be soft as cotton wool
Before full exposure of rigidity and its reali zation at a
striki ng moment one must rear internal sl ackness and
vivifying void.
Requirements for a Shaoli n Fighter: As hard as iron
As hard as iron
With the help of some methods of physi cal condi-
tioning body, arms and legs of the fighter must become
as hard as iron and in the contact with the enemy affect
him like metal objects.
Final Comments
The Shaoli n writings presented here originated from
Master Lam Sai Wi ng (1860-1943) in his canonical

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