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By: Kashif Bandali and Samuel Pandi

The crazy, deadly, and destructive storm that rips whole houses out of their foundations and flings them miles from their original location. This is no ordinary storm system, it is a ..HURRICANE!!!!!

Hurricanes are formed when hot air meets a depression of air over the sea and flows down, gets cooled by the sea,rises, and keeps on going and going until it gets colossal.

Where do Hurricanes Form?

Hurricanes are most likely to form when in mild tropical seas that stay around the same temperature the whole year round. A good example of a sea like that would be the Caribbean Sea, often heading into nearby islands or the USA.

What Impact do Hurricanes have?

Due to our habit of building along a water source, many of our biggest cities are along the coast, more specifically, the south coast. Due to this, if a hurricane hits a city, it will cause massive damage to the homes and road system of the city, and will damage the ecosystems of not only wildlife in the city, but wildlife in the ocean too. It will often pick up the wildlife and haul them far away then their natural habitat, interrupting the natural flow of the wildlife life. The population will definitely decrease, as the hurricane destroys whole food chains in the ecosystem.

Effect of Hurricanes (cont.)

The hurricane will tear up the roads and houses, causing chaos at the time that the families will return to their destroyed homes. Not only will it be hard to find a new shelter, but it will be hard going there as well for the roads will be all torn up.

This is the eye of the hurricane, the most peaceful part of the hurricane. The eye is often 10 to 15 miles thick, and only recently have our aircraft have been able to fly into this oasis in the raging storm.


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