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Elementary Mathematics Lesson Design TemplateModified Basal Title of Lesson: Problem Solving - Draw a Picture and Write a Number

Sentence Student: Emily Lougheed rade: !st I. Lesson Objective s!" "# - The students will actively $artici$ate in the stations as they learn about number sentences and drawing to model $roblems# - The students will engage and com$rehend number sentences% what they are% what they re$resent% and how to re$resent them using drawings# - Students will draw $ictures to solve addition story $roblems# &# '"#!#(#) )*** +se tools such as ob,ects or drawings to model $roblems# II. Management Time - -ntroduction: . minutes% Stations: !* minutes at each station% /losure: 0 minutes 'aterials: $a$er% $encil% 1 adults 2myself% co-o$ teacher% Taylor +niversity student3% (-( handout that is $rovided% dice% mar4ers% items for antici$atory set &ehavior: - will have each station $laced in a way in which - can see all the students from where - will be seated at my station# This was when time is u$ - can instruct the students to move to the ne5t station and enforce the volume level and $rocedure - e5$ect from my students as they transition to the ne5t station# -"s the students are doing their wor4 within my station and - need to leave or hel$ other students - will get u$ as my students are wor4ing# This way - am not disturbing them while wor4ing and am able to within close $ro5imity of those students who may be misbehaving or need hel$# -- will do a handcla$ attention getter that the students are familiar with if the noise level gets out of control# The students will understand that when - do the cla$% they will need to re$eat it bac4 to me and that means they are too loud and need to go bac4 to a lower volume level# -'y teacher already has in $lace a behavior management techni6ue# -f students are misbehaving and have already received a warning% they have to go move their cli$ down one level% indicating they need to get bac4 on tas4# - will im$lement this during my lesson if needed# S$ace: The students will be seated on the floor in the 7bac4 of the room8 as my teacher calls it for the antici$atory set#

"fter antici$atory set - will e5$lain wor4stations and dismiss them with their grou$ to their designated location around the classroom# Their grou$s will have been $redetermined# - will have the students return to their des4s to do the closure# "da$tations: Students will be wor4ing with a teacher in all wor4stations# Learners that need e5tra or more hel$ will have an adult with them to hel$ when needed# E5tra time can be given to those that need it% along with more one on one hel$ later in the day# The students will be grou$ed with different ability students to hel$ each other as they do their wor4# These 1 grou$s will be $redetermined $rior to lesson 2. students in a grou$#3 Students may use counters at any station they need hel$# III.Lesson #resentation" "# "ntici$atory Set$-ntroduction Loo4 at all the fun things - brought to math today9 We are going to ma4e these ob,ects into number sentences# Let8s see what8s in our first bag# Pull out different ob,ects% having students add them together# 2e5# . goldfish crac4ers and 1 action figures3 - will do this : or 0 times until the whole class is $artici$ating and understanding what -8m doing# Write numbers on the white board 2.;1;!*3 so they see the number sentence# E5$lain that this is what they will be doing in their stations# number are Statement of $ur$ose - Today we are going to learn about sentences and how we can use drawings to show what we adding together#

B. Body$Inp%t$O%tp%t i# "fter antici$atory set% - will e5$lain all three wor4stations to the students% as4ing if they have any 6uestions# - then will tell them their grou$s and dismiss them 6uietly to their stations# Each station will already have what is needed on the table% ready for the students to start right away# - will set the timer that my teacher uses for wor4stations so they 4now when the bu<<er goes off they are done with that station# 'iss# /hang8s station 2Taylor +niversity student3 - Students will wor4 on their (-( handout that is $rovided from their wor4boo4# 'iss# /hang will assist and redirect when needed# Students will finish what they do not get done in class% for homewor4 2$rocedure 'iss# /oo4 uses for math everyday#3 Students that are struggling may use counters to hel$ solve $roblems# Students can verify their answers with 'iss# /hang#

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'iss# /oo48s station 2co-o$ teacher3 - Students will $lay the 7roll and draw8 game# The students will roll a die and then come u$ a story% drawing% and number sentence to go with it# -f students need hel$% 'iss# /oo4 is there to hel$ answer 6uestions along 4ee$ing students on tas4# -f students finish early% they can roll die again and come u$ with another story% drawing% and number sentence to go with it# =or students that need ada$tations% a will be $rovided se6uencing the ste$s they are to do# They in the blan4 >>>;>>>>?>>>>> with the numbers they roll with die# 'iss# /oo4 will model to the students what they are to do before they begin this station# Students can verify their answers with 'iss# /oo4#

'y station - Students will be in $artners# The student that struggles the most will be $aired with me since there will be an uneven amount of students in grou$s 2.3# @ne $artner will tell a story about a fish and the other child draws a $icture to show the story# They each write a number sentence that describes the $icture# - will ma4e sure students are wor4ing correctly and doing their fish stories# /# &oncl%sion$clos%re - Aave students return bac4 to the rug% 6uietly seated# - will as4 7what is additionB8 7how do we use $ictures to re$resent number sentencesB8 - will then as4 some students to share what their number sentences and stories were that they came u$ with# =ormative - - will observe how the students are engaged and interacting at the stations# This will $rovide information on whether the students need to be grou$ed differently ne5t time or what needs to be added or changed at the stations# During the time that - s$end with my own wor4station% - will allow myself to assess the students8 com$rehension on drawing addition number sentences# Summative - - will collect the students wor4 from their wor4stations in order to assess if they have made a connection and mastery to the standard and ob,ective we are wor4ing towards# D# Independent #ractice - Students will ta4e home their (-( $rovided handout to finish at home what they did not com$lete at the wor4station 2this is the normal $rocedure for the student8s math homewor4#3 E# 'eso%rcesC(-( $rovided handout from my teacher8s basil -D# +niversity Student8s "nalysis of Lesson

"# Aow many students achieved the ob,ective for todayB =or those who did not% why notB &# What were my strengths% o$$ortunities for growthB /# Aow would - alter this lessonB D# Aow would - $ace it differentlyB E# Did - have all students actively hel$ing in the learning $rocessB

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