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Hannah Gosnell Dr.

Burke Childrens Literature 24 September 2013 Poetry LSW: A Kick In The Head Triolet: The Cows Complaint by Alice Schertle I chose this poem because I really liked the repetition of the lines and the flow of the words. Not only is just one line repeated but line 1 repeats as lines 4 and 7 while line 2 repeats as line 8. The repetition emphasizes what is important in the poem. I think the repetition is good for children so they can really grasp the concept of the poem. I also really like rhyming poems and even with the repetition the lines still rhyme. Rhyming also makes the poem an easy read for children and its entertaining.

The poem never says what the speaker is so if a teacher were to read this to a class without reading the title you could have the class guess what type of animal could be the speaker. A teacher could have multiple types of animal poems in this format and give the students a set of animals to match the poems with.

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