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Rebirthing Breathwork is a conscious, connected body/breath technique which acti vates an inner non-mundane experience.

This results in a number of internal expe riences. One is where thoughts, pains, memories or feelings or energies that hav e been held down with the breath, are able to surface to be released, cleared or resolved. The process is freeing of limitations from previous decisions, belief s or conditioning. This also can include the psycho-emotional aspects of your physical birth, in-ut ero experience and early infancy and their psycho-spiritual implications. The op portunity is to decondition and reprogramme self. In the non mundane experience of a Rebirthing Breathwork Mastery session, a new perspective to life issues eme rges. The continued process brings a point of choice or free-to-be-in-action ins tead of reaction to events and people. In a breath cycle of approximately 90 min utes duration, the full and connected breathing accelerates detoxification in th e body. This cleanse extends from the physical into an emotional, mental and/or spiritual experience. The total time frame of a breath session is approx two and a half hours. Rebirth ing Breathwork Mastery (RBM) is the name given to define specific use of intenti on + body awareness + conscious breath over time. Rebirthing Breathwork is known for effective release of tension, physical, emotional or psychological. Mastery comes from yoking conscious breathing to body sensations, which are the cellula r memory being activated by setting an intention. RBM is most powerful for using conscious breath and cellular memory to resolve w hatever is not yet resolved in the conscious mind. Breath is the link between th e conscious mind and the sub/unconscious mind. The other main emphasis is on int egration of the session. The use of the conscious and effortless, relaxed breath , allows the intensity of the breath session to be in accord with whatever can b e integrated by the breather. This is now a process that has proved its worth ov er time!

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