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Objective: Introduction to basic image processing operations. Software Used: MATLAB R2010a About the Experiment: In this experiment we will study basic imageprocessing operation like reading and displaying an image, modifying an image, conversion between different formats, image enhancement and image resizing. We will analyze the effects of these operations on image quality. Theory: A digital image is composed of pixels which can be thought of as small dots on the screen. A digital image is an instruction of how to colour each pixel. Image Processing Toolbox: The Image Processing Toolbox provides a comprehensive set of referencestandard algorithms and graphical tools for image processing, analysis, visualization, and algorithm development. You can restore noisy or degraded images, enhance images for improved intelligibility, extract features, analyze shapes and textures, and register two images. Most toolbox functions are written in the open MATLAB language. This means that you can inspect the algorithms, modify the source code, and create your own custom functions. The Image Processing Toolbox supports engineers and scientists in areas such as biometrics, remote sensing, surveillance, gene expression, microscopy, semiconductor testing, image sensor design, colour science, and materials science. It also facilitates the learning and teaching of image processing techniques.

MATLAB Program:

clear all, close all; %READING AND DISPLAYING AN IMAGE i=imread('C:\Users\Anish\Pictures\Leaves.jpg'); subplot(3,2,1); imshow(i); title('original image'); %MODIFYING AN IMAGE background = imopen(i,strel('disk',15)); i2 = i - background; subplot(3,2,2); imshow(i2); title('modified image ');

%CONVERTING A GRAY IMAGE TO INDEXED IMAGE i3= gray2ind(i); subplot(3,2,3); imshow(i3); title('gray2ind image'); %INCREASING THE IMAGE CONTRAST i4 = imadjust(i3); subplot(3,2,4); imshow(i4); title('image after intensity adjustment'); %CREATING BINARY VERSION OF IMAGE level = graythresh(i4); i5 = im2bw(i4,level); subplot(3,2,5);imshow(i5);title('binary image');


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