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Useful Linking Words and Phrases For Essays To indicate a contrast: however on the other hand instead conversley

rather in comparison another possibility but despite this in spite of for all that yet To provide an illustration for example that is in other words namely typical of this/such including cheifly on such especially mainly alternatively on the contary better/worst still nevertheless although that is to say such as a typical/particular/key example not least most importantly in contrast infact notwithstanding all the same

To extend a point simirlarly equally furthermore Indeed besides above all

likewise in the same way as well

also in addition thus resulting from accepting/assuming this this implies in all in the first/second place first after then lastly

To show cause and effect/conclusion: so therefore then as result/consequence in this/that case consequently for this reason owing to/due to the fact it follows that this suggests that in conclusion it might be concluded from this in short to conclude To show the next step: first(ly) second(ly) first and foremost another next finally to begin/start with first and most importantly then afterwards ultimately

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