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CASP: Introduction to Critical Appraisal & Train the Trainer Event

27th 29th November 2013 Kellogg College, Oxford

A 3 day training programme designed for people who want to be more confident in critically appraising research evidence & teaching critical appraisal skills to others
Why critical appraisal?
How can you tell whether a piece of research has been done properly and that the information it reports is reliable and trustworthy? How can you decide what to believe when making a health care decision, when research on the same topic comes to different conclusions? This is where critical appraisal skills help. Critical appraisal is the process of carefully and systematically examining research to judge its trustworthiness, and its value and relevance in a particular context.
Workshop price includes: Workshop materials, refreshments & daily 2 course hot lunch (Accommodation is not included) Workshop Price 3 Day Workshop Full Price 825


Enhance understanding of evidence-based practice in health & social care Develop skills in appraising research literature Develop delegates facilitation and teaching skills to run their own critical appraisal workshops Share tools to support the dissemination (cascading) of local training

CASPs style of teaching is summarised as being: multidisciplinary, problem based, enjoyable, friendly & interactive
Who should attend these workshops? Anyone that has an interest in using research evidence in their work and/or teaching. If you want to help others learn how to appraise research evidence in your organisation then this is the course for you Venue: Kellogg College 60-62 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6PN

Discounted Price* 660


*This reduced price applies for NHS/Public Sector Workers/Charity & Voluntary Sector and includes a 20% discount

If you would like any more information or would like to book please contact: Limited places are available

CASP UK, Summertown Pavilion, Middle Way, Oxford OX2 7LG

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