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KEDIKE is an African love song by a talented Nigerian musician Chidinma who does not only send her message

through her lyrics but also through her music video which I will be analysing using the key approaches to media studies.

Chidinma(the musician) The Director The Casting Director The Editor The Costume Designer The Make-up Artist The Camera Crew The Production Manager The Cast

The main message the video sends out is that of a womans natural beauty. The absence of artificial make-up and accessories in the looks of the musician makes her viewers understand that a woman is still beautiful without those and will still get what she wants. The setting of the video is in an isolated area with only a hut where the musician and her friends reside, this setting reveals what she feels inside which is loneliness. The music video vastly portrays African tradition in different ways, starting from its setting to their activities. Her lover does not come into the house to visit her as this is wrong in African culture if the couple are not married. The natural setting of the video shows how natural her feelings are towards her lover.


As observed in the music video apart from her lover the rest of the cast are all from the female gender, this gives the impression that shes gender biased. She has a lover who is the only guy in the story which leaves the rest of the cast that are women without partners. This tells the viewers that she cares less about the feelings of her friends but cares most about hers.

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