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Written by Kimberlyn Beebe

30961 Sandy Ridge Drive Lewes, DE 19958 302-430-4551

EXT. GATED COMMUNITY - DAY A black BMW cruises down the street passing large houses with perfectly manicured lawns. The car pulls into the driveway of a two story white house with columns in front. KELSEY TURNER, 22, 55, long blonde hair, dressed conservatively and polished, steps out of the car, with her purse on her shoulder and an envelope in her hand. She takes a deep breath and walks up to the house. INT. TURNER HOUSE - DAY Kelsey opens the door and walks into the foyer with a double stair case. She stops and listens for signs of life. There is CHATTER coming from another room further in the house. She heads towards it. She pushes a door open and peers into the kitchen where her mother, CATHERINE, 44, 54, brown hair immaculately done up, elegantly dressed, is giving directions to the CHEF, 50, chef coat and hat. CATHERINE Make sure to time it perfectly. I dont want our guests eating cold food. CHEF Yes, Mrs. Turner. INT. KITCHEN - DAY Catherine sees Kelsey and moves towards her daughter. She is holding table linens, so she leans in to give air kisses. CATHERINE Hi, darling. You are early. Dinner isnt till seven. Hi, Mom. KELSEY

Catherine leaves the kitchen and doesnt look to see if Kelsey is following. Kelsey gives a shy smile to the chef and exits behind her mother. EXT. PATIO - DAY. Kelsey follows her mother outside to a large table is set up for eleven people. Catherine starts to put the white linens on the table.

2. CATHERINE I hope you brought something else to wear. Kelsey looks down at her sweater and slacks. KELSEY Uh, no. I thought it was a dinner with some friends. Catherine lines the cloths up perfectly. CATHERINE Theyre board members who work with your father. Soon to be your bosses. Ill look in a moment for something to make you presentable. Is there something you needed? Kelsey grips the envelope in her hand. KELSEY Is my father home? CATHERINE He is in his study. Catherine keeps her attention on the table and doesnt acknowledge Kelsey as she leaves. INT. STUDY - DAY. Kelsey pauses. She KNOCKS timidly on the door. Come in! MANS VOICE (O.S.)

She opens the door just wide enough to stick her head in. JAMES TURNER, 45, 510, dark and handsome, sits behind a large oak desk in an office lined with book shelves. KELSEY Am I interrupting you? JAMES Im going over some case files. Sit. Kelsey sits in a leather chair in front of her fathers desk. She waits as he flips through two files. He sets his glasses on top of a pile of papers and looks at her.

3. JAMES (CONTD) What can I do for you? Kelsey plays with the envelope in her hand. KELSEY I wanted to show you something. She gives the envelope to her father. His face lights up as he reads it. KELSEY (CONTD) I got into Johns Hopkins grad program for cellular and molecular medicine. JAMES Ha! I cant wait to tell Ted Johnson. His son is getting ready to go to school for interior decorating. He picks up the phone and starts to dial. Kelsey smiles at her father, but he doesnt look up. Kelseys gaze drops to the floor. After a moment, she gets up to leave. KELSEY I need to get ready for dinner. Hey Ted-INT. BEDROOM - DAY Kelsey looks around her old bedroom. Its clean and tidy and void of any flare. She stares at the dress laid on the bed and sighs. A female SCREECH comes from behind her. Kelsey turns to see LESLIE, 22, tall, blonde, model thin, coming at her with arms spread wide. KELSEY Little Sis! She embraces her sister. LESLIE Im so excited to see you! KELSEY Youre even more gorgeous than I remember. Hows New York? They let go and sit on a love seat by a window. JAMES

4. LESLIE Everything I thought it could be and more. Hows school? KELSEY I got excepted to Johns. Kelsey gives a little smile. Leslie leans in and puts her hands on Kelseys shoulders. LESLIE Its not fair you have to be the son Dad always wanted and Im running around New York pursuing my dream. Kelsey grabs Leslies chin and stares her in the eyes. KELSEY You let me worry about our father. Im proud of your designs. Did you make this dress? Leslie gets up and twirls around. Her dress sparkles in the sunlight and fits her body perfectly. Of course. LESLIE

The girls laugh and embrace again. EXT. PATIO - NIGHT Seven GUESTS sit around the table. James, at the head of the table, stands up and taps his fork against his wine glass. Everyone turns to him. JAMES Id like to make an announcement. My eldest, Kelsey, has been excepted into the PhD program for medicine at Johns Hopkins University. Everyone CLAPS while turning to Kelsey. JAMES (CONTD) She is following in my footsteps and hopefully succeeds in continuing my legacy at the hospital.

5. Everyone takes a sip from their glasses. They CLAP again. Kelsey looks across to Leslie who rolls her eyes. Kelsey smiles and shakes her head. A WOMAN, 45, elegantly polished, turns to her. WOMAN Wow, a PhD. Like your father. It must be hard work for you. KELSEY Yes, it is. WOMAN Will you be working at the hospital your father runs? KELSEY Thats what my father wants. Kelsey give a half smile. The woman looks at her a few moments more then turns to talk to another. SERIES OF SHOTS -- Kelsey is overworked. A) Kelsey sits in class and takes notes while listening to a droning lecture. B) She sits in front of a microscope, looking from the scope to her notes and back again. She makes a notation. C) She sits on the couch with her laptop fervently typing away, while a plate of untouched food rests on the coffee table. INT. APARTMENT LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Kelsey sits at a counter with an open book and types on her laptop. She abruptly shuts the laptop and puts her head down on it. There is a KNOCK at the door and she gets up to answer it. GINA, 24, short dark hair, fashionably dressed, steps into the apartment and gives Kelsey a big hug. GINA Hey, girl! Its been forever since Ive seen you! Kelsey laughs softly and embraces her friend. KELSEY Its only been a couple of months.

6. Gina puts an arm around Kelsey leads her to the couch. They plop down on the couch together. GINA I know, but it seems like it been years! KELSEY Studying is a full time job. Its taking all Ive got to keep my grades up. I cant let my father down. What ya up to? Gina puts on a sly smile. Kelsey rolls her eyes. GINA I came here to get you. Were going out tonight. She hops up off the couch and walks into Kelseys bedroom. Kelsey follows. INT. APARTMENT BEDROOM - NIGHT Kelsey finds Gina in the closet throwing clothes onto the bed. KELSEY Ive got to finish studying. GINA How long has it been since you started this grad school thing? Two years. KELSEY

Gina stares her down. Kelsey glances at the floor and crosses her arms. GINA And you need a break. We havent really gone out since then. Please? Gina makes a pouty face. Kelsey cracks a smile. KELSEY How could I say no to that face? Okay, maybe for a little while. Gina throws some clothes at her. Kelsey holds them out to see.

7. GINA Woo hoo! Put those on. Were going to a new place tonight. Gina goes into the adjacent bathroom. Kelsey starts to change into the clothes. GINA (O.S.) (CONTD) A bar called Backstage. Kelsey frowns. KELSEY What kind of a bar is that? Gina appears in the doorway and smiles. GINA A bar theater. They put on a show every night. KELSEY (O.S.) Okay... Sounds like a bad combination. INT. APARTMENT LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Kelsey enters in a short black skirt and a white sequin one shoulder top. KELSEY I dont ever remember buying these. Gina plays with makeup. GINA Thats because I bought them for you... three years ago. Hmm. KELSEY

Gina grabs Kelseys arm and drags her to the door. KELSEY (CONTD) We dont have to stay through the whole thing, do we? Ginas LAUGH ECHOS through the hallway as the door shuts behind them.

8. EXT. BACKSTAGE - NIGHT The light flickers on the bars sign as Gina and Kelsey step up to the door. Kelsey nervously glances around at the downtown atmosphere. KELSEY Are you sure its safe here? GINA How many thugs you know watch theater? Kelsey shakes her head and follows Gina inside. INT. BACKSTAGE - NIGHT They enter into a theater with tables set up throughout the whole audience. A bar lines the back wall with lights running along its base. Waitresses make rounds through the tables. KELSEY This is cool. GINA I know. Right? Lets find an open table. Kelsey follows Gina to a table close to the bar. A WAITRESS, 20s, good looking, immediately approaches. WAITRESS What can I get you? GINA Two long island iced teas. WAITRESS Comin right up. The waitress turns to walk away. KELSEY Wait, um... Can I get a water? The waitress turns back with a fake smile. WAITRESS (Clipped) Anything else? The waitress taps her pen rapidly.

9. KELSEY No. Thank you. Kelsey puts her head down as the waitress leaves. GINA You should've told her to watch her attitude. KELSEY Im sure shes just busy. Riiiight. GINA

The waitress delivers the drinks right before the lights dim. The show starts and Kelsey angles towards it. During the show, Kelsey leans closer to the stage. Her water sits untouched. Kelsey gives s standing ovation during the curtain call. GINA (CONTD) You liked it that much? KELSEY It was great. Ive never seen a live show before. GINA Neither have I, but Im not jumping out of my seat. Kelsey fiddles with the drink menu. GINA (CONTD) Im not trying to rain on your parade. Im not your dad. You like it, thats cool. Kelsey peeks at her and smiles. KELSEY I know. Its a hard habit to break. GINA Im gonna to run to the bathroom, be back in a sec. Gina leaves as the cast comes out from backstage. JASON, 25, 58, dark brown hair, deep brown eyes, the lead actor sits at the bar behind Kelsey. She cant help but stare.

10. JASON Hey Rick, can I get a Jack and Coke? RICK Coming right up. Rick, 26, 59, blonde, tight black shirt, toned body, nods his head in Kelseys direction when he sets down the drink. Jason turns to see her quickly turn away. Kelsey sits at the table with her eyes closed and covers her face with her hands. Jason comes over and sits down. JASON Havent seen you here before. Startled, she removes her hands. KELSEY Uh... I loved your show. Jason laughs at her abrupt statement. JASON Glad you liked it. You should come again sometime. Okay. Gina returns. GINA Hey, Im Gina. JASON Jason. Nice to meet you. He stands to shake Ginas hand. Kelsey starts playing with the salt shaker. JASON (CONTD) And you are? Kelsey takes a minute to realize he is talking to her. Gina slaps her back. Kelsey. KELSEY KELSEY

11. JASON Nice to meet you, Kelsey. He shakes Kelseys hand, but doesnt let go till she looks up at him. JASON (CONTD) Hope to see you, again. He finally lets go then waves to them while heading off towards the other actors gathered at a table across the room. GINA Hmm, he was hot. KELSEY We should go. Kelsey gets up and grabs her stuff. Gina follows her out the door. INT. APARTMENT BEDROOM- NIGHT Kelsey lays in bed while Gina cleans up in the bathroom. She stares at the ceiling for a while. KELSEY I wonder what its like to be on stage. GINA (O.S.) You mean like tonight? KELSEY Yeah, just up there being someone else. Gina enters into the bedroom and falls into the bed. GINA I dont know. Ive never had any desire to be on stage. KELSEY I want to know what its like just once. I think I would like to be someone else for a change. Gina turns to Kelsey. GINA You know your father would have a conniption.

12. KELSEY He would say its nonsense and that I need to keep working on my PhD. Kelsey reaches up and turns off the light. The room goes dark. KELSEY (CONTD) Just one time. Thats all I want. INT. CLASSROOM - DAY Kelsey sits with her head propped up on her hand, her eyes closed. Others around her take notes. The class ends and everyone starts to leave. The SCRAPES of the chair wake her up and she gathers her things to leave. INT. APARTMENT LIVING ROOM - DAY Kelsey sits on the couch while on the phone. She stares at a paper in her hand. The paper has a D in red ink. KELSEY Yes, mom. Everything is going fine... School is fine... He heard from who... I... She pulls the phone away from her ear looking dazed. She sets it on the coffee table Love you. KELSEY (CONTD)

INT. BACKSTAGE - NIGHT The stage lights go down and the bar lights intensify. Kelsey sits on a bar stool. Rick makes drinks for one of the waitresses. RICK What can I get you? KELSEY Can I get a rum and Coke? RICK Sure. Isnt this the third time youve been here in the last week. He sets the drink on a coaster and puts a tab in a glass before her. Kelsey holds up four fingers and sips her drink.



KELSEY Well, in two weeks. RICK Glad to see such a dedicated fan. Kelsey blushes. The drink gives her a flush to her cheeks making her even more red. Jason comes up to the bar. RICK (CONTD) Jack and coke? JASON Yeah, thanks man. Kelsey stirs her drink with her straw and the clinking draws Jasons attention. He sits in the stool beside her and places an arm on the back of hers. JASON (CONTD) Kelsey, right? Kelsey nods her head. Thats me. KELSEY

JASON Came back for an encore? She nods again. RICK Actually, this is the fourth time. JASON Thats awesome. KELSEY I really love the show. Youre great in it. Her liquid courage needs a refill. She raises her hand to Rick and he brings her another one. Thank you. JASON

14. KELSEY Do you like it? What? JASON

KELSEY Being on stage. It looks like fun. Stepping into another life. JASON Its a rush. Up there in front of everyone. Its almost like they melt away and you are that character. Kelsey swivels her stool to face him. KELSEY I could do it. JASON Really? Okay, let me see what youve got. Kelsey struggles to get off her stool and giggles a bit. Jason holds out h hand to help her. KELSEY Im okay. Im okay. She closes her eyes for a minute and shakes her head. She leans forward and looks him in the eyes. KELSEY (CONTD) You know what I feel like? I feel all the time like a cat on a hot tin roof. Jason chuckles. Kelsey rolls her eyes. KELSEY (CONTD) And you say? JASON Jump off the roof, Maggie. Jump off it. Cats jump off roofs and land uninjured. Do it. Jump. She throws up her hands. KELSEY Jump where? Into what?

15. She starts to laugh. What? JASON

She puts her hands on her head. KELSEY I feel like that sometimes. JASON Like a cat on a hot tin roof? She shakes her head and reaches for her purse. KELSEY Im sorry. I need to get home. She puts some cash on the bar and moves towards the exit. JASON Wait! You cant drive. She pulls her phone out. KELSEY I was going to call a cab. She concentrates on her phone. JASON Let me drive you home. KELSEY Its not necessary. Plus you were drinking, too. JASON I had two sips. I insist. He puts his hand on hers. She looks up at him and considers this for a moment. Okay. KELSEY

He opens the door for her and gestures for her to exit. She walks through glancing up at him a moment as she passes. He follows her out.

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