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Overall Personal Reflection

Danielle Cole

This semester has flown by and its hard to imagine that there is only less than a month left in the classroom. Putting this Folio together wasnt extremely hard because Ive done so many different assignments pertaining to math education. The hardest part was seeing the specific connections to each INTASC standard. I felt as though a couple of these pieces are evidence for more than just one or two INTASC standards. So really, figuring out what folder each piece went was the most challenging part of this project. I really liked learning Weebly. I did a project similar to this in high school and I had to use HTML code and iWeb. But this free application is so much easier to use and compile documents. I am going to be making my math content portfolio on Weebly too since its so much easier to share with professors. I can see myself using Weebly in the future to create a portfolio to share during interviews. I think its a great tool and a good example of how I could create my own teacher website someday. A couple of my pieces of evidence are from the current semester of student assisting. I felt like I really had a great opportunity to get involved in the classroom. My CT was very open to new technology and planning more engaging lessons. Being able to help my CT implement Common Core Standards was great, since Ive been studying these standards in my Math 229 and 329 courses. So a lot of my Folio has elements with Common Core, this will be useful in the future for teaching or job interviews. I think it will help me stand out during an interview if I have lesson plans that are based on Common Core and Ive already had a chance to use them in the classroom.

Overall, this Folio was a very reflective process. Looking through every thing I have done while Ive been at GVSU, I feel very prepared to go into student teaching. Ive really enjoyed this experience and cant wait to get into the classroom full time.

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